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So, I'm going iPhone

Yeah I've never been burned in the few I have had but I worry

Guy just sent me a Fedex Shipping number. I'm starting to feel bad and feel that I kind of scammed the guy. Then again, he knew what he had and told me originally that the phone wouldn't work on T-Mobile's 3G so he's not a noob with no clue what he had. Basically I burned an upgrade on VZW and got a 64 GB iPhone. I wasn't willing to spend more than the price of a 16 GB iPhone so he sent me $200 to pay the difference. His factory unlocked iPhone that he's sending me has no warranty, but, he claims, will work just fine on T-Mo.
Guy just sent me a Fedex Shipping number. I'm starting to feel bad and feel that I kind of scammed the guy. Then again, he knew what he had and told me originally that the phone wouldn't work on T-Mobile's 3G so he's not a noob with no clue what he had. Basically I burned an upgrade on VZW and got a 64 GB iPhone. I wasn't willing to spend more than the price of a 16 GB iPhone so he sent me $200 to pay the difference. His factory unlocked iPhone that he's sending me has no warranty, but, he claims, will work just fine on T-Mo.

As long as both parties are happy with the exchange there is no scam IMO :D
Phone came in today. It is indeed 64 GB. It is indeed white. The serial number does indeed come back to a phone that has been replaced.

I took it down to T-Mobile and they told me that they had no way to test it on their network without selling me something. Ridiculous. Then they referred me to one of those hole in the wall stores that sells phones for every carrier on the planet. Those guys popped a T-Mobile sim in and it worked. Took them like two minutes. No clue why the store is so clueless and useless. The phone is indeed carrier unlocked and does work.
I was struck by how useless the T-Mo people were. My parents are with them and my mom always complays that when she calls them about something she gets someone in India who has no clue. I always tell her to go to the store. She says the people there are worse and can't help her. I literally walked into the store with a phone in hand and asked if I could use that phone on their network. Their response was "We don't know. If you want to buy service though we can test it out." When I asked if we could test it out before buying services they were like, "No. You must buy service before we can find out if your phone works." It was sheer insanity. They are completely useless.
They just wanted commission...they may not have had a clue if it would work but they could have tested it I'm sure
I've had really bad experiences with T-Mobile reps, it seems like they don't have very many knowledgeable people. I had to explain to one of their reps about APN settings, and where to add/edit them.
There have been 1 click roots for many android devices...they may get broken by new versions of Android however. Personally I like more involved root methods since they require some knowledge to get working and if the person later soft bricks the phone (flashing something...taking an OTA) they learn some and will have less issues getting their phone back working ;)

I rooted an Android using Gingerbreak (no PC), and didn't learn anything. I definitely learned a lot more rooting this (S2) using Odin and backing my ROM up using CWM.
Now to the pawn shop to get my PC back out so I can flash my first custom ROM. Just a little nervous, but a little confident as well.:rolleyes:
I rooted an Android using Gingerbreak (no PC), and didn't learn anything. I definitely learned a lot more rooting this (S2) using Odin and backing my ROM up using CWM.
Now to the pawn shop to get my PC back out so I can flash my first custom ROM. Just a little nervous, but a little confident as well.:rolleyes:

Its not to bad,I rooted mine at the weekend and plucked up the courage to flash a new ROM yesterday, its a good feeling when you get it done :-) just make suite the last thing you back up is the titanium back up, so another back up apps ate backed up by titanium.lol
I've had really bad experiences with T-Mobile reps, it seems like they don't have very many knowledgeable people. I had to explain to one of their reps about APN settings, and where to add/edit them.

I wouldn't necessarily expect them to be familiar with the inner workings of their phones. I wouldn't necessarily expect them to know whether some phone that walked in off the street is going to work or not. I would expect them to be willing to toss a SIm in there to find out. It costs them nothing at all to do that. Instead they just blow off a potential customer.
I was struck by how useless the T-Mo people were. My parents are with them and my mom always complays that when she calls them about something she gets someone in India who has no clue. I always tell her to go to the store. She says the people there are worse and can't help her. I literally walked into the store with a phone in hand and asked if I could use that phone on their network. Their response was "We don't know. If you want to buy service though we can test it out." When I asked if we could test it out before buying services they were like, "No. You must buy service before we can find out if your phone works." It was sheer insanity. They are completely useless.

That seems to be the case with most reps no matter which carrier.
Reps in general tend to be fairly useless although there are exceptions. Carriers are all evil and there are no exceptions.
I rooted an Android using Gingerbreak (no PC), and didn't learn anything. I definitely learned a lot more rooting this (S2) using Odin and backing my ROM up using CWM.
Now to the pawn shop to get my PC back out so I can flash my first custom ROM. Just a little nervous, but a little confident as well.:rolleyes:

I'm not familiar with the S2 all the phones I've had you can rom without the use of a computer only CWM
I think vzw makes you wait a certain amount of time before they allow you to unlock it.

It is based on your account not how long you have had the phone
I gave the phone to my brother last night. He absolutely loved it. He didn't have a micro-Sim though to test it out. We were going to take a pair of scissors to his sim card, but our dad wouldn't let us. (Parents are no fun.) He took it down to the store today and got got a micro-SIM and it apparently works beautifully. He was thrilled by the gift.
Just as a heads up - jailbreak for nearly all iDevices (which means anything newer than the 3G) will be available this week. Only stipulation is the iDevice must be on iOS 5.1.1. It is literally a one click of the mouse jailbreak. One of the easiest I have seen since jailbreakme.com

Your brother can have widgets, swipe, whatever he wants. Enjoy. The name of the jailbreak is Absinthe v2.0

I just did this to my mom's iPhone 3GS software version 5.1.1
It was the first time I have ever done something like this to a phone.
It was pretty simple.
I backed up everything to iTunes then factory reset the phone, ran absinthe then after just restored everything. It worked without a hitch. I did this only because I was tired of her asking me if I could make her icons into butterfly's and put a butterfly slider.
I didn't even know what cydia or winterboard was before tonight, or the difference between untethered and tethered jailbreak was, LOL.
I very much dislike iPhone. Now, I just jailbroke one after a couple hours of reading, Lol, my Momma is so happy now with her icons.
I don't even remember where i downloaded absinthe 2.0 from.:D but it worked like a charm.
I just did this to my mom's iPhone 3GS software version 5.1.1
It was the first time I have ever done something like this to a phone.
It was pretty simple.
I backed up everything to iTunes then factory reset the phone, ran absinthe then after just restored everything. It worked without a hitch. I did this only because I was tired of her asking me if I could make her icons into butterfly's and put a butterfly slider.
I didn't even know what cydia or winterboard was before tonight, or the difference between untethered and tethered jailbreak was, LOL.
I very much dislike iPhone. Now, I just jailbroke one after a couple hours of reading, Lol, my Momma is so happy now with her icons.
I don't even remember where i downloaded absinthe 2.0 from.:D but it worked like a charm.

Wait until she gets an update and it breaks her jailbreak.
Wait until she gets an update and it breaks her jailbreak.

Isn't there something to put in place to stop that from happening or don't you have to manually chose to update or not to accept.
I really know nothing about iPhone and iOS.

After all...

If I remember correctly, you have to accept the update, but Apple will nag you over and over and over and over again to accept it.
Plus, if something happens, they'll say you need to update the FW and it'll fix the problem.

Tech: Just update the firmware and it'll fix it.
You: But when I plug it into the charger, puffs of smoke come out of the battery area.
Tech: Yep. We fixed that with the firmware update. Try it and call us back.
Plus, if something happens, they'll say you need to update the FW and it'll fix the problem.

Tech: Just update the firmware and it'll fix it.
You: But when I plug it into the charger, puffs of smoke come out of the battery area.
Tech: Yep. We fixed that with the firmware update. Try it and call us back.

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