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So Now that ACER pulled the update down What..?


Android Enthusiast
Well Acer must be having a S#)$ load of problems with this release.:mad:They pulled the update and will reissue it at a later time.
I have been reading about allot of problems and allot of people saying there Acer is running so much better. So what do you all think after a couple of days. Great or Turd. The upload wouldn't work for me so I'm still on the 3.0 gingerbread version and I'm glad it didn't work for me. I have been happy with how my tablet has been running since Ive rotted it and am in no hurry ti try anything new,
So what do you think. :eek:
I wish they had pulled it before I updated!
My wifi signal is disgustingly low, even though I always had full reception in my house ( I have 3 routers placed around my house, using my main one as an access point).
Before the update, I could stop charging my tab around 8pm, surf the net for a few hours, watch videos for a few hours, and it would still have plenty of charge at 9am the next morning. I unplugged my tab at 9pm last night, watched 30 minutes of video, put it on my bedside cabinet, woke up about 10am this morning and the battery was flat!

A few of my apps don't work now.

Moboplayer frequently freezes and crashes now.

Dolphin HD takes a lot longer to load tabs now.

My screen on issues have been made worse, before the tab would go back into standby after about 10 secs, it's now around 1 minute.
I under the other hand have found it greatly improved my device. My battery is much better, my screen doesn't come on when I leave it on Wifi and it goes to sleep, I can finally access Exchange server, screens are smoother, and I reloaded Dolphine HD and have no issues. Mobo is only thing I have trouble with, which is third party anyway and always takes time for them to get up to speed on new releases. Loaded Vplayer, no more problem. My wifi is about the same.

<mrcaptain>, you may have a rogue program that doesn't like 3.1 and it's causing the majority of your issues. A friend had a similar problem and we found he was using a Task Killer and it was the culprit. Anything also allowed to download in the background or use GPS or similar can cause wake up, battery drain, or slow screens. A previous version of Google Earth was my culprit about a month ago. Would never shut down properly.
It would probably be wise to do a factory reset and start from scratch. I know it is a drag but may fix all these issues.
Well, I did the factory reset, spent half a day getting all my applications back on and widgets all set up on the home pages ( my Backup Pro was set so /mnt/sdcard and not the real external sdcard /mnt/external_sd so the non-cloud backups were wiped too ) .

It worked for another whole day until this morning. I am running into the same problem again. Even with the factory reset it goes to 3.1 not back to 3.01. This is not good!
There is a huge amount of dis-info going on with the A500. I think partly because its the top selling tablet, and or, there is more fear from it in the markets while others play catch up, thus the need to diss it everywhere on the net. Just sayin...
There is a huge amount of dis-info going on with the A500. I think partly because its the top selling tablet, and or, there is more fear from it in the markets while others play catch up, thus the need to diss it everywhere on the net. Just sayin...

If most of the posts were drive-bys by new posters, I might concur. Seems you are being presumptuous.
Well, I did the factory reset, spent half a day getting all my applications back on and widgets all set up on the home pages ( my Backup Pro was set so /mnt/sdcard and not the real external sdcard /mnt/external_sd so the non-cloud backups were wiped too ) .

It worked for another whole day until this morning. I am running into the same problem again. Even with the factory reset it goes to 3.1 not back to 3.01. This is not good!
The factory reset won't change versions it will just reload all the specs and stock programs. The only way to get back to 3.01 is to reflash the rom.
check the xda web site to learn how to roll back.
I believe Acer got rushed and pressured to release too soon.
Kinda like Microsoft. I also think this release is really causing aloft of problems.
If most of the posts were drive-bys by new posters, I might concur. Seems you are being presumptuous.

Post counts have never mattered when it comes to spreading disinfo Rush. You of all people should know that a dedicated disinfo agent posts every few minutes for months at a time to make himself look respectable so he can go about his business of spreading disinfo later on when it counts.

You are not even invested in the Iconia anymore and yet you are still running around all the forums posting your horror stories as if somehow no one has ever read them before and they need to know what you went through. This is a good tablet despite a few hiccups along the way. Your constant dissing of it doesn't do anyone any good but the competition IMHO. :)
I noticed my tablet a bit snapier after updating to 3.1
My Dolphin HD rarely crashed now
But i noticed my sleep button need to be pressed a few times before the welcome screen pop up
Anyone have same problem with mine?
I noticed my tablet a bit snapier after updating to 3.1
My Dolphin HD rarely crashed now
But i noticed my sleep button need to be pressed a few times before the welcome screen pop up
Anyone have same problem with mine?

The sleep button issue to awake has happened to me one or two times since the update, weird :confused:
Post counts have never mattered here..... period. New members's opinions and experiences are just as welcome (and valid) as those of experienced users. AF is an equal-opportunity forum. ;)

If you have an issue with another member's posts, please use the "Report" button and let the forum staff take care of it rather than enter into pointless bickering and name-calling that will probably result in infractions all round.

Agree here but there does seem to be a lot of drive bys from one post wonders.

Personally I have the update and it is just fine for me.

I'm certainly not a drive by one poster, and I'm having Mega issues with the update, even after 2 factory resets.
I was having wifi problems with 3.1. I did 2 resets (with the button) and it worked fine. Almost immediately I got a notice of a new update. Just downloaded and installed 4.010_30_COM_GEN1.

Maybe they have fixed some issues...
I was having wifi problems with 3.1. I did 2 resets (with the button) and it worked fine. Almost immediately I got a notice of a new update. Just downloaded and installed 4.010_30_COM_GEN1.

Maybe they have fixed some issues...

You mean _GEN2 ... right?

My build number is Acer_A500_4.010.08_COM_GEN2

I received, within a day of one another, the 1.41 update, then the 3.1 update.

No others. No hard resets required. No problems or issues (knock on wood). Battery life has been fantastically extended, speed seems the same (but I'm not terribly picky), the shortcut menu in the browser is nicer, I haven't noticed the "wake up" issue ... and I haven't noticed/looked for anything else.

I have finally found good applications so my tablet is now functional for my job site visits and my hobby of sports photography. I'm thrilled with my tablet!!
My build that I got pretty much as soon as it was available is:


and is working perfectly as far as I can tell.

Does seem to be a few different versions out there though.

You mean _GEN2 ... right?

My build number is Acer_A500_4.010.08_COM_GEN2

I received, within a day of one another, the 1.41 update, then the 3.1 update.

No others. No hard resets required. No problems or issues (knock on wood). Battery life has been fantastically extended, speed seems the same (but I'm not terribly picky), the shortcut menu in the browser is nicer, I haven't noticed the "wake up" issue ... and I haven't noticed/looked for anything else.

I have finally found good applications so my tablet is now functional for my job site visits and my hobby of sports photography. I'm thrilled with my tablet!!
Nope... COM_GEN1. Incidentally, I just got update 4.010.38_COM_GEN1.
My A500 updated to 3.1 on 7/9. Worked perfectly until this morning (7/13), then no wifi. Tried the reset button three times. Finally called Acer support and they insisted I had to send the tablet to TX to be repaired. I insisted just as strongly that wasn't acceptable because I'm going on vacation and the main reason I bought this tablet was for my vacation. Finally had to do a factory reset and lost everything. I got my tab the day they came out. I had tons of apps installed. I'm not happy that Acer didn't test this update before rolling it out.

They said it was all OK now, and then I read here that someone else has had the problem re-occur? Dear lord.
I updated to the new version and have only noticed problems in a few areas. It does seem to lag/freeze when the system is using a lot of memory, and during the usage of certain apps. Not all apps are causing problems and nothing happens on a consistant basis thus far with the freezing. I have started restarting it when it begins to lag. Just like a desktop seems to refresh everything for a while at least..

I can say I am very disappointed in Acer for their lack of quality in this update. A certain amount of testing needs to happen before releasing a product to the public like that. Does anyone know what they plan on doing besides releasing another update later? I guess what I am looking for is a link if anyone has it handy. At the very least Acer should give an apology to its customers for dooming us to crashing programs and freezing systems until who knows when.
From what I gather Acer is the worst customer support ever. I probably will not buy from them anymore just because of that. I don't have the update and my Tablet is running just great[sorry] but it is. Do any of you have root on your tablets. If so you could use acer recovery to restore it back to the last version. I haven't used it yet but I have read allot on it and it sounds real easy and there is a video youtube on how to do this.
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