Bob Maxey
Android Expert
Been doing a little essential research and I have arrived at a conclusion or two. No flamers need apply. A little information or links-a-plenty will be warmly recieved, however.
From half-baked and sensationalized folderol to well considered and thoughtfull ideas and theories are wanted. OK, flame away, if you must.
The recent DCMA exception we all know and love, specifically refers to wireless phones. The iPad JB community always points to the recent rulings and seems to overlook the simple fact that iPads are not specifically mentioned in the rule changes.
So the query is: would courts say "well, yes . . . the laws also apply to iPads, as well." Or will/would they simply say," no . . . they are not covered by the exemption." Will such assumptions kill you in court?
Half-baked thoughts anyone?
The iPad was released after the EFF petitioned the U.S. Government to allow jailbreaking under the DMCA. The iPad-jailbreak exemption will not be considered until late 2011 when the Office begins accepting petitions for the next round of reviews.
So can anypone point to some further reading material?
The EFF seems to think iPads will be addressed. For now, however, iPads are not specifically mentioned.
From Wired News: Alot and little has transpired following the Electronic Frontier Foundation asking the U.S. Copyright Office for an exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for authorization to jailbreak an iPhone or any
From half-baked and sensationalized folderol to well considered and thoughtfull ideas and theories are wanted. OK, flame away, if you must.
The recent DCMA exception we all know and love, specifically refers to wireless phones. The iPad JB community always points to the recent rulings and seems to overlook the simple fact that iPads are not specifically mentioned in the rule changes.
So the query is: would courts say "well, yes . . . the laws also apply to iPads, as well." Or will/would they simply say," no . . . they are not covered by the exemption." Will such assumptions kill you in court?
Half-baked thoughts anyone?
The iPad was released after the EFF petitioned the U.S. Government to allow jailbreaking under the DMCA. The iPad-jailbreak exemption will not be considered until late 2011 when the Office begins accepting petitions for the next round of reviews.
So can anypone point to some further reading material?
The EFF seems to think iPads will be addressed. For now, however, iPads are not specifically mentioned.
From Wired News: Alot and little has transpired following the Electronic Frontier Foundation asking the U.S. Copyright Office for an exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act for authorization to jailbreak an iPhone or any