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Soft bricked HTC one M8


Guys and Gurus
Hope you all doing well.

I have a problem which I cant fix at all and looking for SOS asap.

What I did
Followed this http://htconeroot.com/htc-one-root/how-to-root-htc-one-m8/ and rooted my HTC one M8
Installed TWRP using updatesu_v_1.94. But failed with errors
Accidentally took "NO BACKUP"
WIPED off everything on phone including boot partition ( I am not sure).

What I tried ?
1. RUU update from HTC site - tried various versions, but every single one fails with Signature Error (132)
2. Tried to copy files using adb into /sdcard and installed Updates_su_v_2.24 but failed
3. I can get it to fastboot mode, but cant install any ROM and OS
4. SU update says , No OS installed, do you want to still boot ?

Attached are images for reference, please help


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I think you have some of the steps that you have listed under where you say "what I did" a bit confused. Also, you can't just select any RUU and expect for it to work - you are S-ON so the RUU needs to be signed (completely unmodified) and needs to match your phone's CID and model number.

I'll need you to provide some more info first.

Do you have a Win PC/laptop with the adb/fastboot tools installed? You can get it here if not:

ADB Guide (updated 2014/11/11)

along with instructions to install.

Reboot phone to bootloader and plug in to PC (so you see FASTBOOT USB on bootloader screen). Open a command prompt window in the adb/fastboot folder on your PC - if in Explorer hold shift + right click, and pick "Open command window here" from context menu.

Then type:

fastboot devices (this is to check fastboot connects to phone ok, it should also return the phone serial number)

If it does, then type:

fastboot getvar all

and post the info the command returns here but scrub out your IMEI number and serial number.
Hi Saltire

Thanks for your inputs

Here is the information, please advice

C:\Users\hiten\Downloads\Fastboot\Fastboot>fastboot getvar version-main
finished. total time: 0.001s

C:\Users\hiten\Downloads\Fastboot\Fastboot>fastboot getvar all
INFOversion: 0.5
INFOversion-baseband: 1.25.21331147A1.06G
INFOversion-cpld: None
INFOversion-microp: None
INFOversion-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
INFOserialno: HT45EWM07167
INFOimei: 358714053933291
INFOimei2: Not Support
INFOmeid: 00000000000000
INFOproduct: m8_ul
INFOplatform: hTCBmsm8974
INFOmodelid: 0P6B10000
INFOcidnum: H3G__001
INFObattery-status: good
INFObattery-voltage: 0mV
INFOpartition-layout: Generic
INFOsecurity: on
INFObuild-mode: SHIP
INFOcommitno-bootloader: dcdaa6e0
INFOhbootpreupdate: 11
INFOgencheckpt: 0
all: Done!
finished. total time: 0.178s
Hi there
Tried this one, but failed as well , any ideas
C:\Downloads\Fastboot\Fastboot>fastboot flash recovery cm-12.1-20151117-SNAPSHOT-YOG7DAO1K1-m8-recovery.img
sending 'recovery' (17986 KB)... OKAY [ 2.183s]
writing 'recovery'... INFOsignature checking...
FAILED (remote: signature verify fail)
finished. total time: 2.831s

thanks in advance
OK, hang on. I thought you had TWRP recovery installed? In any case we want to stick with TWRP as I know it works. What version of TWRP do you currently have installed?

Also, can you just confirm that your bootloader is still Unlocked?
Hi ya

Yes I have TWRP, but also tried to install Cynogenmod.
Right now the status is Unlocked with S-ON
And have a image flashed into the device through recovery on the boot loader.

Now please tell me one thing.
The phone should be unlocked, s-on to flash a recovery image ?
I have done this --> fastboot flash recovery cm-12.1-20151117-SNAPSHOT-YOG7DAO1K1-m8-recovery.img with s-on
Its pretty confusing, please help.

Ok, can you remember at all what software version you were on before this happened? The version of TWRP installed via the rooting process you followed is I think a 2.7.x.x version and it seems to wipe info on the firmware version installed (why the OS entry in bootloader screen, and the version-main entry from the getvar all command are blank).

Edit: meant to ask, what happened in the first place to put the phone in this state?
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