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HTC fanboys need to take a chill pill its only a phone and some people need their features on for people that had their phone on for 42 hours that's just crazy if its been that long maybe you should consider needing a smartphone then because letting it sit all day is not a battery test but for people who need it and need to use its functins use it and need it to last nothing you say is going to change battery life for that person.... you might use this phone as pleasure where people use this phone for business so stop trying to get into arguments thinking your better because you get great battery life the only thing that proves is that your not an important person and shoukdnt have a smartphone

or maybe the people who are "so important" should have picked a phone that could handle their "importantness". my personal tb lasts just as long as advertised. asking any more from it is filed under unreal expectations, and anyone who had unreal expectations just isn't to bright.

if the tb doesn't last as long as you need it to than return it for something else. people on this forum crying about not getting 10 hours of heavy usage are just idiots
or maybe the people who are "so important" should have picked a phone that could handle their "importantness". My personal tb lasts just as long as advertised. Asking any more from it is filed under unreal expectations, and anyone who had unreal expectations just isn't to bright.

If the tb doesn't last as long as you need it to than return it for something else. People on this forum crying about not getting 10 hours of heavy usage are just idiots

thank you
There is no battery issue.. here is my story

7:15 took off charger
7:15-2:30 Sent text during the day. Download apps watched youtube checked email. All on 4G. At 2:45 right now I still got 60% battery. If you expect any better you dont deserve this phone. Just sayin

I'm not getting anything like that today. I wonder what's different between our configs.
There is no battery issue.. here is my story

7:15 took off charger
7:15-2:30 Sent text during the day. Download apps watched youtube checked email. All on 4G. At 2:45 right now I still got 60% battery. If you expect any better you dont deserve this phone. Just sayin

Ya know, I unplugged my phone at the same time as you actually. And I have done the same as you for the rest too, add three 5 minute phone calls and I'm at 20%. And I charged it for like 30 minutes around 11 before I went out. #justsayin

Good for you and your battery tho.
I bump charge it. I dont have haptic feedback. screen brightness is 2/5 up.. Other than that mostly the same

Hmm, the only difference here is I have haptic on. Just for grins, can you go to Settings->About Phone->Software Information and check to see if this is what you have
Android Version

Baseband Version

Kernel version
htc-kernel@and18-2 #1
Sat Feb 19 01:07:14 CST 2011

Build number
1.12.605.6 CL338893 release-keys

Software number

Browser version

PRI Version
1.41_002, 1.64_002

PRL Version

ERI Version

Edit: also under Hardware Information, see if your Hardware version is 0002.

I just want to see if there's any obvious differences of people that seem to be doing well with the battery and those that aren't.
Ya know, I unplugged my phone at the same time as you actually. And I have done the same as you for the rest too, add three 5 minute phone calls and I'm at 20%. And I charged it for like 30 minutes around 11 before I went out. #justsayin

Good for you and your battery tho.

I guess try to bum charge it or something man.. I just realized I had Wifi on the whole day to.. (it was searching for a connection so that drains battery to)
Ya know, I unplugged my phone at the same time as you actually. And I have done the same as you for the rest too, add three 5 minute phone calls and I'm at 20%. And I charged it for like 30 minutes around 11 before I went out. #justsayin

Good for you and your battery tho.
why don't you see if you can get a battery exchange? if you truly have the same settings than you should be getting the same battery life.

for every job there is a specific tool that will do it well.(obviously the job is what you use your phone for, and the tool is the phone) you don't grab a shovel and then complain about how terrible it is at screwing in a screw, so don't grab a 6 hour rated phone and expect 10 hours out of it.
Hmm, the only difference here is I have haptic on. Just for grins, can you go to Settings->About Phone->Software Information and check to see if this is what you have

Edit: also under Hardware Information, see if your Hardware version is 0002.

I just want to see if there's any obvious differences of people that seem to be doing well with the battery and those that aren't.

Exact same man.
Exact same man.

Hmm, how many bump charges have you given it?

Other than that, I have noticed one thing, and the battery issue might be Verizon's fault. My 4G seems to pop up and down a lot. It seems like my phone isn't staying fully locked to 4G. If it's always searching for a lock, perhaps that's the difference? If that's true, it would either be a SIM provisioning issue or a regional issue with 4G. If it's regional, I'd be interested to see if people in the same areas are having battery problems.
Upon release verizon and htc made an conditional agreement that htc would have at least 2 maintenance updates out by and before the months of april or may. I am hoping for the battery issues to be better afterwards ala Evo. I must admit it is a hell of a device.
With the EVO when I had GPS and 4G on, the battery was horrible (Last week was when I had it). I assume it's the same for the TBolt because I have GPS off, and no 4g here in Austin so my batt life is awesome.

I'm looking at my batt stats right now and it says unplugged for 16 hrs 17 mins and it's at 60%. I've not turned down the brightness or done ANYTHING to optimize the battery other then leaving GPS off and I don't have 4G here. I have Wifi on which I was connected to while at home, but now on 3G. I've made multiple calls, emails, and texts. I've only been on calls about 20 mins total though, but sent probably 6 texts and 6 emails ish. I have 2 gmail accounts synced and auto updating with default settings, I have Fousquare, Facebook, and LinkedIn all updating with default settings.
Hmm, how many bump charges have you given it?

Other than that, I have noticed one thing, and the battery issue might be Verizon's fault. My 4G seems to pop up and down a lot. It seems like my phone isn't staying fully locked to 4G. If it's always searching for a lock, perhaps that's the difference? If that's true, it would either be a SIM provisioning issue or a regional issue with 4G. If it's regional, I'd be interested to see if people in the same areas are having battery problems.

I cant bump it anymore it seems like.. I just did it once. But yeah. I never get off of 4g.. Sometimes 1x if im in a building. But not usually
I cant bump it anymore it seems like.. I just did it once. But yeah. I never get off of 4g.. Sometimes 1x if im in a building. But not usually

Hmm, I've bumped it 3 or 4 times now. I heard you were supposed to do it 5-6 times. Hmmm. Maybe I'll stop by VZW tonight and see if everything is proper with the SIM provisioning.

Did you get your phone at BB or VZW?
Battery life seems to be all over the place for everyone. Some people good, some people in the middle, some people terrible. Yesterday, I had my phone off the charger all day. Here was what went down:

I was home almost the whole day, therefore on wifi. Took the phone off the charger around 7:45am. Moderate to Heavy usage all day. Was on one call for 50 mins, at least 30 minutes of watching youtube, lots of downloading new apps and playing with them. Screen set to auto-brightness, push notifications on for email, mail/facebook/news syncing. When I went to bed at 11pm I was at 12% battery...therefore right about 15 hours.

On Saturday, I took the phone out Geocaching. Left the house fully charged at 10am. Was out until 2pm, heavy usage: Screen on a lot, 3G area, GPS on constantly. After those 4 hours I was at 50% battery. I am pleased with that considering how much it was used.

Thought I would share my personal battery usage information since it seems to be the hot topic.

Not to beat a dead horse, but battery life for me is good. I do live in a 4G area, however I work from home so I leave wi-fi on all the time. GPS is off. Text all day, couple 20 min phone calls, streamed 4 hours of iheartradio and as of now I'm at 71%. My screen is set to timeout at 1 minute, All 7 screens are loaded with data pulling widgets (News / Friends Stream / Weather). Phone came off charger at 6:08am this morning after being on charger from 10:30pm prior evening.
Upon release verizon and htc made an conditional agreement that htc would have at least 2 maintenance updates out by and before the months of april or may. I am hoping for the battery issues to be better afterwards ala Evo. I must admit it is a hell of a device.

I'm sure there will be a few updates to get rid of some of the bugs people have within the next few weeks or month. With the X there was I think 2 updates within a few weeks to fix some issues. Once verizon figures out what issues the tb is having they can work to fix those.
battery is awful. that isn't whining and that isn't user error........thats a fact and a major flaw of this phone.

Even the best of users get like 12 hours out of this phone and I'm very skeptical of that myself. And even with 12 hours thats pathetic for a phone.

That battery life is an issue and isn't going away. Stop being fan-boys and face the reality.
battery is awful. that isn't whining and that isn't user error........thats a fact and a major flaw of this phone.

Even the best of users get like 12 hours out of this phone and I'm very skeptical of that myself. And even with 12 hours thats pathetic for a phone.

That battery life is an issue and isn't going away. Stop being fan-boys and face the reality.

Not really pathetic these phones are mobile computers and no laptop gets near 12 hr battery life
let the argueing begin.

HTC is notorious for poor batteries. I had a moto droid and had 0 clue about this issue, why would i even care? this poor battery WILL scare some off and thats the big picture. how many people are going to say to themselves "man i have awful battery life, let me check androidforums to see if others are having this issue". not thaat many. but they will go back to Verizon and get told to get a task killer.
so is it safe to say that some of the phones actually are having the problem. i have all syncs set to 1 time a day or manual, and my battery died in ~4 hours yesterday with just texting, and maybe a couple facebook checks. people have been getting much better battery life with the thunderbolt, constantly on 4G. i'm guessing i have a bad device, but i wouldn't completely shun the idea of a possible firmware update.
Not to beat a dead horse, but battery life for me is good. I do live in a 4G area, however I work from home so I leave wi-fi on all the time. GPS is off. Text all day, couple 20 min phone calls, streamed 4 hours of iheartradio and as of now I'm at 71%. My screen is set to timeout at 1 minute, All 7 screens are loaded with data pulling widgets (News / Friends Stream / Weather). Phone came off charger at 6:08am this morning after being on charger from 10:30pm prior evening.
exactly. do you have facebook synced for sense? what else do you have synced.
Since the battery issues are user error, no I do not.

Sorry the issues are not user error. I work in the cell industry and I am a phoneaholic. I have had almost every high end Android device since Android came out.

I know all the tricks to get good battery i.e. I have everything set to manual updates and such. I also bump charged it and disabled LTE. With no use I was losing 10 to 15% battery life in 20 to 25 minutes just on stand by.

I want to love this phone and I haven't sent it back yet ( I am wrestling with the extended battery idea)

I don't want to be rude but your blanket statement is totally off the mark. :(
Has anyone considered that there is a bad batch of batteries out there? That would make more sense with all the different levels of discharge everyone is having. Just thinking out loud I guess.
I would say take your phone back if it has bad battery life.. I mean why else would peoples be great (mine) and others be bad??

EDIT:I should say I qualify good battery life 7-8 hours moderate use
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