Android Enthusiast
We should get rid of the military first though. NASA need to be reformed.
As for ninja, I am sorry, but water is one of the most abundant mocules in space. The kepler belt surrounding our solar system contains hundreds of thousand of times more water then the planet earth. Water is avaible everywhere in the universe, there is nebulas that contain trillions of tons of water. As for making it drank about or mining it, I really don't need to tell you how to do that, it would not be unlike how we do it on earth.
None of what you said changes the facts. There is an unimaginably huge, mostly empty space between our solar system and the next. The Kuiper belt (or Kepler belt as you say) is right outside of our solar system. The article Roze quoted mentions someplace 12 BILLION lightyears away! A lot of good that would do. I never said there is no water in the universe except on earth. I only said there would inevitably come a time when we would reach a desert-like expanse, and slowly die of thirst. Sorry if I am ruining some people's dreams.
P.S. The closest nebula is 650 lightyears away.