If it were this simple why would we be $14 TRILLION DOLLARS (reported) in dept with record high unemployment? Why wouldn't they just have fixed all this sooner? The stew they feed people is amazing and even more amazing is that people are eating it up and suggesting it to others.
If only it were that simple...
Because we had three republican presidents that tried trickle down economics and displaced the money from the American people to other countries.
If the last three republican presidents followed the same policies of the last 3 democrat presidents, we would be completely out of debt by now and have a huge economy. But the republicans do anything can to funnel the money to the wealthy.
If we followed Bill Clintons budget, which was completely possible, we would have zero debt right now. But Bush decided that millionaires needed millions of more dollars created 2 un-win-able wars and funneled trillions of dollars and millions of jobs out of the country.
If you want to understand why we are trillions of dollars in debt, understand one concept, the pay back for the government spending money, only works if the money is kept inside of the country. Once it is spent on wars, projects, and trade agreements outside the country, it is completely useless.
Just look at the numbers. Out of your 14 trillion dollars, only 2 trillion dollars was spent by democrat presidents. The 12 trillion dollars was spent by republican presidents funding the military and shipping jobs over seas.
No matter how you cut it, this concept of smaller government does not work, it only makes the united states government spend more money and waste more resources.
On the other hand, the largest job creations of all time have been under democrat presidents.
If you take all the job creation number for each party for 1953 to 2009.
The republicans had 36 years total as president. They created 34.7 million jobs.
The democrats had only 20 years as president. They created 48.8 million jobs and had 1/2 the time to do it in.
Even if you take the latest down turn of -2.4 million jobs and add that to the equation, which is not fair because those where added by bush's policies, you would still get 46.2 million more jobs for the democrats compared to only 34.7 to the republicans.
Which policies have failed America?