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Hi all
just got hold of a xperia play first time of having a phone like this second time of having a android phone couple of questions i have.
1) if i want my own ring / sms tones is it a case of having the 2 folders on a sd card one for notifications and one ringtones ( i have done this in the past on my htc)
2) ive got a 8gb micro sd card its not a sandisk will it matter though (again when i had a lot of music on this card with my htc some of the music wouldnt play the right tracks)
3)where can i get the games from and is it a case of drag and drop on sd card to the xperia play
thanks for reading any advic would be great
many thanks
1. yes.
2. you can use that one. didn't it come with an 8gig card preloaded though.
3. you can get games from google play (the app store) and you can also buy games rom the publishers website for those that have one (gameloft, ea for example). it's been a while but i think they text you a link that will start the download on the phone.
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