olbriar Moderator VIP Member Oct 10, 2015 #3,478 Did you type something or is that a smudge on my monitor?
Unforgiven ...eschew obfuscation... Administrator Oct 27, 2015 #3,493 psionandy said: Meow meow meow...purrrr? Click to expand... What did you call my mother????
K Kaat72 Guest Oct 27, 2015 #3,494 I don't want to be a grammar nazi, but shouldn't that purrr be with three r's?
Clementine_3 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ VIP Member Dec 9, 2015 #3,496 Apparently it was, no one understood you, can you please repeat what you said?
Unforgiven ...eschew obfuscation... Administrator Dec 9, 2015 #3,497 Why did it take a month and a half to respond?
olbriar Moderator VIP Member Dec 9, 2015 #3,498 Wasn't it a lot like the question "If a tree falls in the forest... ?
olbriar Moderator VIP Member Dec 9, 2015 #3,500 Shouldn't you be asking the bear? Wasn't he in the forest doing something?