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Spousal tolerance


Moderati ergo sum
My wife has just popped her head in my office and saw the AF logo on the screen, rolled her eyes and walked out. I get the message loud and clear ...

"You're on that forum AGAIN?!!!"

"Just moderatin', sweetie. Be there to rub your neck/back/feet in a moment."

I think she's just beginning to realize the time I spend here and thinking ... those wifely thoughts.

I'm curious, for those members and staff who might enjoy the forums a little too much, does your Significant Other ...

a.) Celebrate Android Forums as a way for you to increase your knowledge, contribute to a worthy concept and keep you home, safe and out of smokey hotel bars?

b.) Look the other way, because they know you are enjoying yourself, even though they's prefer you be flashing them instead of your phone?

c.) Nag the bejeezus out of you because the trash from November is still sitting in kitchen corner. Which, BTW, contains a box for an Android Tablet, two cell phones and a car dock.

d.) Ask if technological abandonment will get them a large settlement at the hearing?
I doubt if "are you on that forum again" really means "are you on that forum again?" It more likely means "you spend too much time at your computer," especially if you used to do other things that now you do less.

Maybe she's jealous of your dedication here. Or mad because you're a volunteer spending all those hours instead of getting paid for all that time working in the forums.
My wife has just popped her head in my office and saw the AF logo on the screen, rolled her eyes and walked out. I get the message loud and clear ...

"You're on that forum AGAIN?!!!"

"Just moderatin', sweetie. Be there to rub your neck/back/feet in a moment."

I think she's just beginning to realize the time I spend here and thinking ... those wifely thoughts.

I'm curious, for those members and staff who might enjoy the forums a little too much, does your Significant Other ...

a.) Celebrate Android Forums as a way for you to increase your knowledge, contribute to a worthy concept and keep you home, safe and out of smokey hotel bars?

b.) Look the other way, because they know you are enjoying yourself, even though they's prefer you be flashing them instead of your phone?

c.) Nag the bejeezus out of you because the trash from November is still sitting in kitchen corner. Which, BTW, contains a box for an Android Tablet, two cell phones and a car dock.

d.) Ask if technological abandonment will get them a large settlement at the hearing?

Definately not A.:D I tell her I'll give this up if she gives up Facebook:p

Sometimes B

A little of C - Even without the time I spend here, there is some fundamental law of the universe that mandates items are added to the honeydo list faster than they can be removed, so she is nagging me all the time anyway.:eek::D

I'm not worried about D, she couldn't survive two hours without facebook and I'm the one who keeps her laptop, phone, and Kindle Fire running:D
I'm on the verge of losing another girlfriend - not married yet, lucky me..huh? Seriously, even before I was a guide, I would spend long hours on forums (especially AF) doing what I do best - other than tending to my girlfriend needs. :)

What can I do; I'm force to make yet another decision that could change my whole dating/relationship lifestyle. Hmm, she gave me an ultimatum: the forum or me? The choice should be the obvious - right? So, i did the right thing... I choose ?? :)

Maybe she's jealous of your dedication here. Or mad because you're a volunteer spending all those hours instead of getting paid for all that time working in the forums.

I doubt that. I've always been involved in something 110% and don't really focus on gain. One of our favorite movies is The Adventures of Robin Hood (Errol Flynn, of course) and when they get to the scene where Robin has just come out of the forest with Marion and she asks him what his reward is for doing all that, he replies "Reward? You really don't understand." and I give her a little elbow in the ribs.
We don't tell each other what to do with our free time. I did go through some tension with her when she first found out I am a skydiver, back when we were dating. Couldn't talk her into jumping out of airplanes and she couldn't talk me out of it.

Similarly when I found out she likes to go to every single football game of our local university and I'm not from here so have no enthusiasm about it at all. No way I would try to change her about that.

So.. what the heck, remaining friends in the marriage is about letting each other be ourselves instead of trying to make changes. :)
I'm on the verge of losing another girlfriend - not married yet, lucky me..huh? Seriously, even before I was a guide, I would spend long hours on forums (especially AF) doing what I do best - other than tending to my girlfriend needs. :)

What can I do; I'm force to make yet another decision that could change my whole dating/relationship lifestyle. Hmm, she gave me an ultimatum: the forum or me? The choice should be the obvious - right? So, i did the right thing... I choose ?? :)

Gotta make time for the lady, Rush. Nobody needs to prove themselves here. SuperGuide is a highly overrated title. :D

Maybe she's jealous of your dedication here. Or mad because you're a volunteer spending all those hours instead of getting paid for all that time working in the forums.
Wait! What? Are you telling me that I'm not going to get paid for all this time. Darn! Why didn't I get that memo.
B - C - eventually D? I think she's just as jealous , maybe more of my coaching (7yr boys Baseball and 9-13yr old Soccer).
That check is in the mail....it's always in the mail!:p

New avi for Rush Linday..

Well I've not dealt with mine in months so I'm kinda worried about D. I kinda doubt she remembers anything I did online however since she was always more wrapped up with something or someone else

Honestly I'm more worried about my employer finding out how much I'm on AF when I should be doing work :D
Honestly I'm more worried about my employer finding out how much I'm on AF when I should be doing work :D

Actually I was waiting for first mention of that.

I expect a veritable firestorm of posts expressing that. ;)
I gave up fishing and hunting/shooting years ago to become involved with my local U's BBS. Serving as a Sysop for years and moderator on the echoed conferences.
The migration was to IRC and a controlled environment room.. owner and op. Now it's AF. My wife has taken it all in stride. She has saved a fortune through the years with my PC hobbies. No new Pen reels or that have to have Smith & Wesson.
No weekends spent at the lake or in the woods. My hobby is at home so we are together when necessary. ...Real life always comes first! That's the key.
Actually I was waiting for first mention of that.

I expect a veritable firestorm of posts expressing that. ;)

I wondered how people could post for 16 hours a day 7 days a week and not be doing it at work, oops, thats me:p. Thankfully I have a job where its OK if I pop in a few times a day, so long as I don't run afoul of the Social Media policy (don't talk about work, um, thats easy:D).
I think its a bit of B and C with mine. I know she thinks I spend too much time with Android in general but that's why I got her the xoom! :D

Luckily shes tolerant about my internet and gaming addictions, she even gave me a new controller for my birthday!... Unfortunately it was modded so i can't really use it online, gotta love her for trying though :)
My Vulcan sits and plays bass along with Youtube. I really don't care as long as he isn't falling for any junk I have to clean up or fix.

He can't complain about my liking for tech and reading forums. He does complain about how much stuff each hobby generates, though. (I worked to buy the stuff)

I like information and lots of it - he'd rather I just told him.
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