My wife has just popped her head in my office and saw the AF logo on the screen, rolled her eyes and walked out. I get the message loud and clear ...
"You're on that forum AGAIN?!!!"
"Just moderatin', sweetie. Be there to rub your neck/back/feet in a moment."
I think she's just beginning to realize the time I spend here and thinking ... those wifely thoughts.
I'm curious, for those members and staff who might enjoy the forums a little too much, does your Significant Other ...
a.) Celebrate Android Forums as a way for you to increase your knowledge, contribute to a worthy concept and keep you home, safe and out of smokey hotel bars?
b.) Look the other way, because they know you are enjoying yourself, even though they's prefer you be flashing them instead of your phone?
c.) Nag the bejeezus out of you because the trash from November is still sitting in kitchen corner. Which, BTW, contains a box for an Android Tablet, two cell phones and a car dock.
d.) Ask if technological abandonment will get them a large settlement at the hearing?
"You're on that forum AGAIN?!!!"
"Just moderatin', sweetie. Be there to rub your neck/back/feet in a moment."
I think she's just beginning to realize the time I spend here and thinking ... those wifely thoughts.
I'm curious, for those members and staff who might enjoy the forums a little too much, does your Significant Other ...
a.) Celebrate Android Forums as a way for you to increase your knowledge, contribute to a worthy concept and keep you home, safe and out of smokey hotel bars?
b.) Look the other way, because they know you are enjoying yourself, even though they's prefer you be flashing them instead of your phone?
c.) Nag the bejeezus out of you because the trash from November is still sitting in kitchen corner. Which, BTW, contains a box for an Android Tablet, two cell phones and a car dock.
d.) Ask if technological abandonment will get them a large settlement at the hearing?