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Root [Sprint/Cricket] Thinking of rooting...


Okay so I'm thinking of rooting my phone. I've rooted other phones in the past, but in this case I am actually subscribing to the portable hotspot feature from Sprint. So other than using a hotspot and installing roms, what are the other benefits of rooting an S3? The phone is damn near perfect in my eyes, so there's gotta be other good reasons for me to root!

Fire away!
Root only apps, nandroid backups, custom rooms, custom kernels...

The list goes on and on. For me, free tethering is down near the bottom of that list ;)

Take the plunge!
For me, it was being able to tweak the build.prop file to disable the Home button from turning on the phone. Then came all the "root only" apps I've had on all my previous rooted phones. I have to say tethering is at the bottom of my list too.
WiFi Tethering was at the top of my list cuz I didn't get (and don't have pay for) the cellular iPad. And I agree that the phone is damn near perfect. But a pop-up was driving me crazy (repeated notices that wireless charging has started) so I needed to root to mod and get rid of it. Still worried that I was gonna brick it, but there are some really good videos that walk you through.
It's cool. I rooted. ;)

I couldn't resist! And rooting this phone was a billion times easier than the last one I had, the Evo 4g LTE. Now it's all a matter of "where do I start!"
Am I the only one that likes a challenge? ;)

Well no, I like a challenge myself, but when unlocking should be fairly easy and adb gets hung in sending unlock token for a solid week after many re-tries and switching pc's....

This is when I threw 3vo against the wall pretty hard


I love otterbox :)
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