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(Sprint) Galaxy Tab...to keep or not to keep?


Well-Known Member
I bought a Galaxy Tab from Sprint less than two weeks ago, and it's been pretty useful for me. I like that I was able to do some serious downsizing from my rather sizable notebook PC, without losing too much functionality.

But, I seem to have a decision to make, while I'm still in my 30-day return period.

Judging from the threads, forums, etc., it seems less likely that the Tab will ever see Android 3.0. When such a significant update is released, I would really hate to be left behind.

Now Sprint has announced the upcoming availability of the HTC Evo View, which seems more likely to be included in a 3.0 update.

So I'm looking for your opinions: Given the choice, would you stay with the Galaxy Tab, and take the chance that an official 3.0 release will come out before 4.0 becomes mainstream; or return the Tab, and wait for the release of the View?

I know the Tab isn't all that old. But I've been a Samsung owner since the Moment, and I know that Samsung often sells the hardware of tomorrow, with the OS of yesterday. I'd hate to be stuck with that again.

Thanks for the advice!
I love my Sprint Tab. And while you never get an official, there is an unofficial port on the way. If you want the newest product right now take it back. But if you want my opinion. I say keep it.Back
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