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Steve Jobs Claims Eris Has Antenna Problem Too **LIVE**

Jobs is a tool. I find it pathetic that he is comparing our phone with his iphone. Like others have stated they should not be compared because the iphone should be way better, but if he is comparing it I guess the iPhone is a low end phone like ours?

Idk but I like my Eris and Im not ripping on it, but I think Jobs should try fixing his problems instead of bringing our phone in and comparing it says its ok if the Eris has a problem my iPhone can have a problem.

So I took my case off, made a phone call to a friend and told him to hold on.

I pulled the phone from my face and purposely held my hand over the area in the pic above. I went from FULL BARS down to 2. It hit 1 Bar for a moment but leveled off at 2 bars. I couldn't get it any lower.

As soon as I moved my hand away it jumped back to full.

I tried other parts of the phone and there was no effect on the bars.

So Unless you hold your phone upside down, you shouldn't have any reception problems with your Eris.
So I took my case off, made a phone call to a friend and told him to hold on.

I pulled the phone from my face and purposely held my hand over the area in the pic above. I went from FULL BARS down to 2. It hit 1 Bar for a moment but leveled off at 2 bars. I couldn't get it any lower.

As soon as I moved my hand away it jumped back to full.

I tried other parts of the phone and there was no effect on the bars.

So Unless you hold your phone upside down, you shouldn't have any reception problems with your Eris.

Well im screwed I always hold my phone upside down when I talk :(
I just think it is funny that the almighty Jobs and his vastly superior iPhone 4 stooped to compare themselves to the lowly Eris.

I wonder how many phones they had to buy and mess with to get three that dropped signal enough to show at a press conference. I picture a bunch of Apple interns charging about 80 different smartphones and screwing around with them the night before trying to recreate the same problems. I do like the fact that they represented all of the major OSs too.
mine signal strength flucuates from -60s to -80s and my signal bars from 3 to 1 to 0 constantly no matter how I hold it and just sitting in one place. I can't see any rhyme or reason to it at all.
I too can verify a signal drop when cupping my hands around part of the Eris. As soon as the iPhone 4 story broke a couple of weeks ago, I went into the Network Status menu and watched the decibels. My Eris only ever shows 1 bar at home, no matter how high or low my signal gets, so no use going by that. With no hands on the phone, I can consistently get -85 to -95ish in my home (not the best coverage). Cupping my hands, it will consistently go into the -100's. As soon as I remove my hands from that section or put the phone down, they go back to normal.

So yes, it's possible to do this on the Eris. However, it doesn't seem to be as detrimental because our fingers and hands are directly on the antenna.
This is the best argument against Jobs. The Eris and iPhone aren't in the same class and shouldn't be compared.

Hah. I was thinking along the same lines. I feel a lot better now that Steve Jobs thinks my Droid Eris is worthy enough to be compared to his new magical iPhone 4!

BTW, never had issues with holding my phone and having dropped calls. I did just try testing it, and I definitely got a 1-bar drop when cupped in my right hand. But only a 1-bar drop, and consistently so. Never went to 1 or no bars.
he's just mad cause he made a horrible phone and now wants to say we got it too i dont think so steve and by the way apple sucks..........
WOW! I just saw their ERIS Video and it is so doctored that it's laughable.

I couldn't do that to my Eris even if I tried!
Apple wouldn't dare doctor the videos. HTC, RIM, and Samsung will see these, and if there is any doctoring they can bring lawsuits against Apple.

As I and others have said, this is something that effects the Eris, just not to the degree of the iPhone.

Dude, I just did exactly what they did in the video on the Apple page and my Bars did not drop at all.

Have you tried on yours?

Are you an Apple Fanboy at heart? You seem really protective of them without actually experimenting on your own.

I don't think the Eris is the greatest phone ever, in fact I have several issues with it. One of those issues is NOT my signal however.

EDIT: And thinking that Apple would not doctor the experiment to benefit themselves is laughable.

And for full disclosure, I also own an Ipod Touch which I love.
I just noticed something else. On this page, the two iPhones have 3/5 Bars while the competitor phones show 5/5 bars. What gives? Is that a "shot" at AT&T? Or are they just conditioning AT&T subscribers to having less bars?

Apple changed the algorithm for the bar display in 4.0.1 that just came out. They admitted that up until now, iPhones have been showing more bars than they actually had because they were calculating them to be higher. So, chacnes are, they simply had worse coverage in that location.
Dude, I just did exactly what they did in the video on the Apple page and my Bars did not drop at all.

Have you tried on yours?

Are you an Apple Fanboy at heart? You seem really protective of them without actually experimenting on your own.

I don't think the Eris is the greatest phone ever, in fact I have several issues with it. One of those issues is NOT my signal however.

Twice now, in this very thread, I've stated that I can cause signal drops by holding the phones in certain ways. I can't attest to the bars dropping, because I'm almost always at 1 bar here at home, but I can get a drop of about 20-25db when I wrap my hand around the phone.

There's also a lot of iPhone 4 owners that can't recreate the signal loss. So just because you don't have the issue doesn't mean that others do not.

And no, I'm not a fanboy for anything. I prefer Android phones and own an Eris. That doesn't mean I hate all things Apple, and I'm not going to bash them because I chose an Android phone.

I feel a few people in this thread are jumping at the bit to bash Apple and seem a little overzealous with their accusations.

Edit: And, speaking from someone who actually runs a business, granted not on the same scale as Apple, they would not dare doctor those videos showing competitors products performing poorly. They would be opening themselves up for legal issues if they did that.
When I cuff my hand over the top of my phone my signal drops a bar from 4 to 3, who cares... Jobs needs to just admit his new phone sucks a big one.
If you look at the graphics that folks have posted in this thread, it shows pretty clearly that HTC doesn't want you to contact the ring around the camera.

It's pretty easy to see that Mr. Hand in the Apple video was gripping both sides stronger than most people would and most likely is touching the camera ring with the finger that sits in the back.

Of course that would cause a signal drop, as that seems to be an exposed section by design.

However, there is nobody that holds their phone that way naturally.

It's verging on deceptive, but that's par for the course with the big Apple these days.

On an anecdotal basis I tested it, and where i'm sitting right now i'm getting 1 bar consistently. Testing the "Apple grip" on the Eris gives these results....


My conclusion is that it's certainly possible to drop signal with the Eris if you interfere with the antenna by touching the camera ring and blocking some with your finger(s). However, it's very difficult and not a natural grip. Of course, you can make it appear natural (as Apple did in the video).

That being said, a -5 to -10 dBm difference is a hell of a lot different that what people are seeing with the iPhone4 (usually in the area of -20dBm). I'm gonna say Eris FTW, and Apple is being fairly disingenuous. Of course, without a side shot of their video, who can tell for sure.

[EDIT: I actually popped my back off and realized the ring is part of the plastic cover... *headslap* Anyway, it appears it's all about finger positioning.

[EDIT TAKE TWO: I re-did the test just looking at finger positioning. If I use it the way I always use my phone, I hold it on the lower 2/3rds anyway, so consistently have -90 to -95dBm where i'm at right now. If I slide my hand up to the top 1/3rd, it goes to -103 to -105dBm. Obviously, because i'm covering the antenna. Looking at the Apple video, NOBODY is holding their phone that way.]
I literally just did everything i could think of to mess with my signal, but no matter what i did or how i held it, i had 4 bars and -56dBm.
I really hope this is an awakening for all the iPeople who blindly spend their hard earned money on Apple's products and apps and contribute to their corrupt company. It's sad, really.
I lose between ten and fifteen dbm when I cup my phone on top.doesn't seem like too big of a deal tho considering the iphone just drops calls entirely holding them like you're supposed to lol
As I and others have said, this is something that effects the Eris, just not to the degree of the iPhone.

I took the battery cover off of my Eris, I cupped both hands over that area, front and back (leaving a little to check the signal strength), and NO this did not happen.

This video has to be edited.
I just tested this by cupping the top of my phone and it does lose about 10 to 15 db instantly. I can only say who the hell cares since I would never grip my phone like this during actual use plus I doubt this would make a difference on an actual call.
Is it just me, or is anyone wondering how they got 4 bars on the Eris??? It has to be doctored because that's nearly impossible to do unless your right by a tower. :D
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