Android Expert
When you look at the history of Apple, it's success seems to be tied to Jobs/Woz. When both were running it, it was extremely successful. Then Woz left and Jobs got forced out. The company floundered and flopped and that's being generous. They got propped up by MS just because MS didn't want to deal with regulators saying they had a monopoly on the market.
My understanding of the MS-Apple relationship is that MS used some code developed by Apple. Apple was suing MS for patent infringement. It didn't help MS's case when one tech in MS actually said he used Apple code. MS was on the verge of losing the law suit and decided to settle. MS paid Apple a bunch of money and in the transaction, MS bought a bunch of non-voting Apple shares. They had a big PR announcement to make MS not look like the bad guy. The PR announcement was successful because many people thought that MS basically bailed out Apple to avoid regulators instead.