A few comments.
Jobs is not dead. Some people on other lists want a national 'Dress like Steve Jobs Day" to honor him. They act as though he has died. He simply left Apple for medical reasons and has been replaced by Tim Cook. It happens all the time.
Steve is not necessarily leaving Apple. He will likely influence Apple for some time to come. I certainly wish him well, but I suspect he will still be a powerfully influence on Apple, even though he is officially resigned.
I expect until Steve Jobs passes on, he will be an important player at Apple. Tim Cook's Consigliere, if you will.
Now, when Mr. Jobs dies, what happens then? Will Jobs be completely forgotten when it comes to profits and the bottom line? Or is Mr. Jobs the one CEO that will rule Apple from the grave. Like no Flash forever and only one phone model per year Vs. a large corporate mentality that wants to make Apple into just another technology company by releasing a phone a month that runs Flash.