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Story game

We cut to stinky, Rico and the Millie's. Stinky is still powering up, Rico has become "friendly" with several of the Millie's, most the other Millies are taking naps or eating picnics ...
9to5cynic "I like these pjs "

Yeahha " You can have them ."

At the Mod meeting

EarlyMon is running away on a 50 cc scooter .

Ahhh HAH! poor rico was MIA due to a nasty ear infection (literally)... but imagine the humongous infection on an ear that big.... now, hmmmph! I got some catching up to do! Stick MEEEE with the Millies will ya! (ROFL).....

[....We now return to our scheduled broadcast, already in progress....]
Mada looks at phases and says "I have a horse I will get EarlyMon"

Mada the runs and mounts a seeing eye pony and starts to chase EarlyMon's scooter

Meanwhile everyone watching this chase go down are...
...wondering where tje chase is going! Menwhile, back at the ranch...the millies finally reveled why they befriended Rico..


"Millie-Vanillie" the mutha of all Millies said she wants YEAHHA and KARAN the DPR to marry ALL of her dog-thers and held Rico randsome till the weddings are complete...
Meanwhile back at the ship .

9to5 "What does neon pink button do ? "

karandpr "probably teleports Rico's pants back to him "

9to5 "Can I press it ? "

karandpr " You will lose Rico's pants forever "

9to5 "Nooooooooooooooooo"

Meanwhile on planet of millies

Rico "Yous takes stinky as leverage .He values moah tah meh . "

Millie vanillie ponders ...
Contacting people about the hostages. But when she contact Yeahha he didn't care Rico was being held ransom, nor did karan, or everyone else at AF until that last person she contact was rob. When Rico said he could get robs PJs back rob agreed to help capture Yeahha and Karan by...
Louring them with Millie-Earl's pic..[Hide]

.Yeahha and KARAN the DPR fell for the ruse,...rico was rescued and went back to the ship...pantless... The BIGGEST WEDDING GALA IN ALL GALAXIES were just completed as Yeahha and KARAN the DPR are now married to the entire Millie race
Rico then investigated the ship and found Yeahha and karandpr in the lounge sipping cold beer .
Rico "What ??.How ?? "
karandpr "trade secrets grasshopper "

...Later that day, YEAHHA and KARAN the DPR were sitting in the teachers lounge on the ships 4th deck...it was a somber lit room,..Barry White was crooning on the box...a couple of drunk aliens welre slow dancing near the joot box.


...then Yeahha and KARAN the DPR broke down sobbing, embrasing each other and said in unison....LETS GO BACK TO OUR WIVES WE LOVES US SOME MILLIES!...
"With stinky and Rico and Millie too and Millie and Millie Millie..."

Meanwhile EarlyMon was caught by Mada when his scooter ran out of gas. When asked about the PJs he said "Yeah I let someone in rob's room it was...
"Xyro "

meanwhile xyro is trying to hone his skills as necromancer at the game completely oblivlious that he was going to be
...romancing someone's neck... They dont call him "Zorro ThebGreat Neck Romancer" for nthing!

So xyro sneeked into KARAN the DPR's wallet and found his hidden compartment..there was the sweetheart holograph of K the Dpr smootching with MILLIE-EARLE!

In the other quarters, Mada Sneaked into Yeahha's pockets and found a similar holograph, of him and MILLIE-PEARLE the twin....doo'in tha.....willlld thang!

So Xyro and Mada decides to blackmail with the holagraphic chips
Upon confronting Karan and Yeahha about the chips they both say it was holoshoped. Xyro and Mada had no way of proving that it wasn't so they decided it would be best to kill Karan and Yeahha and test Xyros new necromancer powers. Little did Mada know that Yeahha Xyro and Karan had all this planned out until...
that the Millie Sisters had a third "Twin" whose gots the eyes for Mada (aka "Whatsa-Mada-For-You!!).. Anyways.. when Mada played the holograph of Yeahha's true love, out popped


Millie-Berle from the holographic teleportal and SWOOPED MADA up and whisked him away in "Unholy matrimony"... YEARS LATER: last we heard, a new species of Millies came from that union...and Mada was officially crowned "Millie-Mada'...
These Millie-Madas were bred with a deep hatrid of Yeahha, Karan, and Xylo (as well as a strange fondness of neon green PJs with pink hearts) and they swore on their father's grave (yes RIP Mada turns out Millies are very fierce in some situations) they would get revenge on the 2 that left Millies at the alter and this Xylo person, so they begin to travel to the AF HQ where Yeahha, Karan, and Xylo now all reside in...
...just then, some 300 lightyears after the Millies consumed Mada (Millie Bearle got "the leg"), Yeahba, KARAN the DPR and Xylo decided it wouldnt be right for a former comrad to die such a pleasurabe decommissioning without a propper "sending off".. So they whilpped out tye teleportal and...
Sent stinky thru along with rico, after all they have the most experience fighting the millie hoard. When Stinky and Rico arrive they see...
.. Athat theyve never left The Enterprise at all! rico and Stinky were so relieved!...then stinky said "hey where did Yeahha and KARAN the DPR dissapeae off to?...tirns out Scotty forgot to mention tje transporter was on tne fritts! It set coordinates locked on Yeahha and K the D and flushed them down to MillieLand and Rico and Stinky didnt realize that until some 700 yrs later.
Stinky smacked Rico for having poor vision .
Stinky "That ain no ancient glyph having a story behind it "


Stinky "Thats the sign to toilet paper "
Ric o shakes off the manslap then asks..."you mean they,...you mean that Yeahha and KARAN the DPR went down the "pooper shooter?!?"...LAWD NAW! SAAAAY IT AINT SO!

Stinky "What the hell are ya talking about ?"

"We are in middle of Gobi desert researching the pinguana coco ramcha tribe "
"What do karandpr and Yeahha have to do here anyway "
"You have high fever and mumbling since 7 days "
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