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Root Suggest a new sense ROM...


Android Enthusiast
Jun 26, 2010
I've run CM7 with all sorts of mods for a while... Mikg, Synergy, Kingdom up to nightly 6/23. Alliance Kings, Rooted Gingerbread OTA... Synergy RC1 was probably the most stable I had but then all of a sudden I had some 3G issues that I couldn't resolve so I tried others. Kingdom is nice, but kind of laggy. I'm not interested in the new syn-king as that is starting to go another direction.

I'm looking for a sense ROM. I'd prefer a 2.1+ setup, but I'm open to stable sense roms built on the OTA code. I'm after fast, reliable, and good battery life.

What's good out there that I've missed?
try the kings alliance 7.6 rom. i like that kings is going away from his theming and staying with the stock theme. it is a very nice rom. decent battery life and very stable for me. i'm actually trying out the synergy-kingdom senseless(for now. virus will be putting back sense back into it from what i read) rom. it is a nice so far. feels like aosp but not. plus i love launcher pro.
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try the kings alliance 7.6 rom. i like that kings is going away from his theming and staying with the stock theme. it is a very nice rom. decent battery life and very stable for me. i'm actually trying out the synergy-kingdom senseless(for now. virus will be putting back sense back into it from what i read) rom. it is a nice so far. feels like aosp but not. plus i love launcher pro.

7.6 is his best so far. I usually use GO launcher with his alliance roms, but I'm using his stock w/honeycomb theme. Alot better than the earlier ones.
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I am running Alliance 7.6 with the Metal theme and like it. Never thought I would go back to sense for any length of time but it has been a month and still there.

you should try the synergy-kingdom rom. it is pretty sweet. it is a senseless sense 3.0 rom. pretty good battery life so far. gonna try this one out for awhile.
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you should try the synergy-kingdom rom. it is pretty sweet. it is a senseless sense 3.0 rom. pretty good battery life so far. gonna try this one out for awhile.

I heard that thing is a memory beast but very smooth.

Another one to recommend: EVOlvedROM Directors Cut RC1

Just flashed last night and it is fast and smooth, no lags, no FC's.
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I heard that thing is a memory beast but very smooth.

Another one to recommend: EVOlvedROM Directors Cut RC1

Just flashed last night and it is fast and smooth, no lags, no FC's.

yeah it is pretty big, but i partitioned my card. it turns out that that nightly had issues (for me ate least) where my sd card would randomly unmount itself. there is a new nightly i might try. but i plan on trying the director's cut today at some point.
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Virus has all the best new ones out, you really need to take another look at synergy-kingdom. I used to hate sin-kin but it has evolved! In the 7/12 nightly that drops tonight virus has promised quadrant scores of 1850 by using a new structure. From virus: "here is a hint yaffs2 filie systm with a ext2 wrapper inside of it
" sinkin nightlies also have full sense 3.0, just have to create a folder called "synergyROM" on sd card without the quotation marks. Create another folder called "rosie" no quotes, inside the synergy ROM folder. Then just flash rom and sense and htc launcher will autoinstall. FULL SENSE 3.0!
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Virus has all the best new ones out, you really need to take another look at synergy-kingdom. I used to hate sin-kin but it has evolved! In the 7/12 nightly that drops tonight virus has promised quadrant scores of 1850 by using a new structure. From virus: "here is a hint yaffs2 filie systm with a ext2 wrapper inside of it
" sinkin nightlies also have full sense 3.0, just have to create a folder called "synergyROM" on sd card without the quotation marks. Create another folder called "rosie" no quotes, inside the synergy ROM folder. Then just flash rom and sense and htc launcher will autoinstall. FULL SENSE 3.0!

The browser is still broken in the latest nightly but God Mode is in the rom;):)
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