Milo Williamson
Extreme Android User
I am really sorry for feeling all sad these past few weeks, TBH, I thought I would of been stuck in a massive rut, but my friend just came home from a huge vacation and had her daughter's Quinceañera down south, and it turned out really well, I got to see the video from her FB, when standing next to her, she is always lifting me up whenever I do feel down, and got to know her brother a few months back, so I am happy she has returned as well as her other sister too.
The reason why I did brought her up, I have known her for a vast majority of twenty some years, also she will be my soonish-sister in law.. I am getting somewhat the memories my wife did left behind me.
On a sad note, one of my distant cousins recently past away , we did share about Thanksgiving a few times, and did come up to her house a few times as well. Also was mutual friends with one of the neighbrohood's down here as well.
My bronticus is almost gone away too. I had it for a few months and keep drinking some medican to surpress it though.
I might put up my fb, my instantgram on here so you can really.. Listen to my voice on Instant, just sort of did a story full rant on what is going on with me, about some videos are about an hour long, others are around 40 minutes long, the way my brain is at that time too.
The reason why I did brought her up, I have known her for a vast majority of twenty some years, also she will be my soonish-sister in law.. I am getting somewhat the memories my wife did left behind me.
On a sad note, one of my distant cousins recently past away , we did share about Thanksgiving a few times, and did come up to her house a few times as well. Also was mutual friends with one of the neighbrohood's down here as well.
My bronticus is almost gone away too. I had it for a few months and keep drinking some medican to surpress it though.
I might put up my fb, my instantgram on here so you can really.. Listen to my voice on Instant, just sort of did a story full rant on what is going on with me, about some videos are about an hour long, others are around 40 minutes long, the way my brain is at that time too.