So its been pretty heavy in the news, but a brief synopsis in case you missed it: Susan G. Komen foundation announced they were ceasing funding of Planned Parenthood due to 1. A change in their grant procedure to avoid donating to organizations under investigation, and 2. To better serve women, they felt the money was better served going to organizations that actually give mammograms, instead of just pre-screenings (i.e. doctors/nurses just doing an examination using their hands) which is all that PP offers.
As a result of this, PP, and PP supporters, have gone ballistic claiming such things as it was only done for political reasons, or worse, that SGK is throwing poor women under the bus (SGK's website was actually hacked, and something along these lines replaced their motto), and they don't actually care about women's health. SGK has since apologized and said they will re-review the changes to their grant procedures as a result of this event.
And now to my views on the subject.
1. SGK is a private non-profit organization, they have a right to do whatever they want with their money, for whatever reason.
2. PP has no god-given right to the money, and the PP supporters actions regarding this, is nothing short of juvenile. Furthermore, after the disastrous year the pro-choice agenda has had this year (The Philly abortion clinic doctor, the investigations of pro-life groups finding dozens of un-reported instances of sexual abuse by PP clinics, not to mention the shady funding transfers which prompted the congressional investigation SGK claimed as a reason for the funding stoppage), they really need to lay low and out of the spotlight, not crucify a well-respected, previously non-controversial charity, over .1% of their yearly funding.
3.Which sounds more anti-women's health to you?
A. Deciding to give 500k to clinics who aren't under government investigation and who give actual mammograms instead of just pre-screenings...
B. Hiding dozens of cases of sexual assault, especially against young girls. (My favorite was a 13 year old girl who was raped (at least twice, probably more) and impregnated twice by her older foster brother, and the foster parents brought her in for a hush hush abortion each time to hide it. PP obliged).
As a result of this, PP, and PP supporters, have gone ballistic claiming such things as it was only done for political reasons, or worse, that SGK is throwing poor women under the bus (SGK's website was actually hacked, and something along these lines replaced their motto), and they don't actually care about women's health. SGK has since apologized and said they will re-review the changes to their grant procedures as a result of this event.
And now to my views on the subject.
1. SGK is a private non-profit organization, they have a right to do whatever they want with their money, for whatever reason.
2. PP has no god-given right to the money, and the PP supporters actions regarding this, is nothing short of juvenile. Furthermore, after the disastrous year the pro-choice agenda has had this year (The Philly abortion clinic doctor, the investigations of pro-life groups finding dozens of un-reported instances of sexual abuse by PP clinics, not to mention the shady funding transfers which prompted the congressional investigation SGK claimed as a reason for the funding stoppage), they really need to lay low and out of the spotlight, not crucify a well-respected, previously non-controversial charity, over .1% of their yearly funding.
3.Which sounds more anti-women's health to you?
A. Deciding to give 500k to clinics who aren't under government investigation and who give actual mammograms instead of just pre-screenings...
B. Hiding dozens of cases of sexual assault, especially against young girls. (My favorite was a 13 year old girl who was raped (at least twice, probably more) and impregnated twice by her older foster brother, and the foster parents brought her in for a hush hush abortion each time to hide it. PP obliged).