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i got it, installed it. seems the same as the nexus leaked version.. still no auto cap or auto space after a period.. unless im missing something

No auto space, but if you manually space it auto shifts to capitalize the next word.

Also, I noticed they moved some of the secondary symbols around in the main abc keyboard. the 123 and 7890 are all shifted one key to the right.
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Messenger, this was a leaked copy. The official beta or whatever is out...

I doubt that there is one bit of difference ... but I downloaded/installed it anyway. At least now we can point new people to an official link. :)

UPDATE: Boy was I wrong! I'm liking this version a LOT better. And yes, there is auto space. Just start swyping a new word and it inserts a space.
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I doubt that there is one bit of difference ... but I downloaded/installed it anyway. At least now we can point new people to an official link. :)

UPDATE: Boy was I wrong! I'm liking this version a LOT better. And yes, there is auto space. Just start swyping a new word and it inserts a space.

DLing now. This is gonna be awesome to try, since I originally dismissed it until it came bundled with a cooked ROM - once I tried it, wow. Just wow.

It has its idiosyncrasies, of course, but for the most part, it rocks.

I use to have the leaked version and just DL'ed the BETA. It is definetly a little different UI. Sounds are different, deleting is much better, etc...

Good to know.

Things i hated about the prev one...

Deleting stuff
Everytime I reopened the keyboard, if i had previously been on the number pad, I had to press for the number pad then back to letters to type anything...sooooo aggravating

That last irks me to no end too. Here's to seeing what the official beta looks like...
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i got it, installed it. seems the same as the nexus leaked version.. still no auto cap or auto space after a period.. unless im missing something

it explains in the guide (I think?) that it doesn't auto space after periods in case you're typing a url or an abbreviation.

But you can swype from the period to the spacebar in one stroke to get the period then space. It works for the question mark and exclamation point too, without having to push on sym.
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Wow, this version of swype is even better. UI looks a lot slicker. Like someone else said, you can now swipe period to space for a new sentence (although I wish you could just double tap space). Now if you hold down the delete button, it will keep deleting full words without you having to keep pressing and releasing. Also, if you mis-swipe a word you can double tap it after you finish the sentence to change it (the old version might have done this, but I had forgotten about it).

What a great app.
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