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Talk to me about Swype people.....

I used switftkey for about 2 weeks and thought it was fantastic. But then I switched back to the default HTC one and realised that actually, it was much faster and more convenient, at least for me!

Incidentally, I recommend that everyone tries out the HTC Compact QWERTY keyboard, it's surprisingly good. It's basically what would result if a QWERTY keyboard mated with a T9 dictionary. :p

+1! I love the compact QWERTY and use it 90% of the time. I have the IME mod set up to change keyb. type with a left/right swype gesture also so can always get back to the full keyboard quickly also. Havent tried swype yet, also was too late for the beta and dont fancy judging it on an older beta. Maybe if they ever get it to the market Ill give it a bash.
Thanks for mentioning this, i knew it was there but had never bothered to give it a go, impressed :D

I thought it would be crap till I tried it yesterday and discovered it's actually pretty good! I'd say it's faster than the full size QWERTY in portrait mode as the buttons are bigger so you're less likely to hit the wrong ones.
If you go to the Swype company website, they basically say they are too small to sell direct to end users. For now they want to sell only to corporates such as T-mobile and Samsung who will then provide customer service themselves.

I'm sure over time either they will expand, or every other operator and manufacturer will sign up: this will be on every touch screen within a year. I love it (Galaxy S) and everyone's jaws drop when you show it off.

But I haven't tried Swiftkey yet...
I was part of the beta trial but I couldn't get it to download successfully. I tried loads of times but got parse errors every time.

In the end I found an apk via xda forums and installed it that way.

I'm still not sure if I like it. I keep reverting back to the stock keyboard for certain things as it doesn't cope well with non standard words such as names and places.
I was part of the beta trial but I couldn't get it to download successfully. I tried loads of times but got parse errors every time.

In the end I found an apk via xda forums and installed it that way.

I'm still not sure if I like it. I keep reverting back to the stock keyboard for certain things as it doesn't cope well with non standard words such as names and places.

You just...tap them in like you do on the stock keyboard!
I can text with it without looking at the screen at all and operate it with my thumb! It's great even for a dyslexic like me, seems to mostly know what you are trying to type even if you make a mistake.
Thanks I will persevere with it then. It was also little things bugging me, like when I typed a plural word it missed off the s. Then when I tried to go back and manually add the s it put the word 'swype' at the end of my word instead :confused:
Not noticed that myself...

If you mean like "there's" then you need to swype down to the ' key next to space between your "there" swype and "s"

Had no problems with "greens" for example.
I got into the beta a while back when Swype was shown on BBC Click.

When I updated to 2.2 Froyo, my Swype wouldn't work but I was able to get it back again by going onto the e-mail they sent me. I clicked on the download link included and got it off their website without any problems.

I guess if you want to download it then all you have to do is find some-one who has the e-mail to log in on your phone and download it for you.
So am I right in saying that unless you have a Samsung, you can't get hold of Swype?
I don't know about now, but I had it running on my Hero a while ago after signing up for beta.

I liked swype, but I just couldn't get into the habit of not taking my fingers off the keys and ended up reverting to typing with it. I guess I'm too old to learn new tricks! :p

I tried swiftkey and thought it was great, but very laggy on the Hero. I've not tried it since getting my Desire, but might revisit swiftkey with the faster CPU. The word prediction was very, very good though.
Haven't tried Swype but I am currently testing out both SlideIt (which seems to be the same thing) as well as SwiftKey. They are both very good but I'm tending towords favouring Swiftkey but both have their problems - for me at least.

I've been a touch typist for years so I've no problem finding the key I need typing conventionally but when it comes to swiping I'm having to look for the next key a lot and most of the time my thumb is in the way, slowing the process down. With SwiftKey I'm spending most of the time looking at the suggested words instead of the keys, which again slows everything down. I think with practice both system will prove to be much faster than a conventional keyboard (especially swiping) but by continually switching back and forth between three different styles I'm not getting used to either SwiftKey or SwipeIt. Should just bite the bullet, pick one and stick to it alone.
For anyone who wants this type of keyboard use SlideIT by Dasur. You can download a demo of it from the market. It is considerably smaller in size as well at just under 2mb whereas Swype weighs in at over 9mb!

Having used both I would say they are on a par, each having their own good and bad points! But for the majority who want the swype style then SlideIT is a no brainer!
Haven't tried Swype but I am currently testing out both SlideIt (which seems to be the same thing) as well as SwiftKey. They are both very good but I'm tending towords favouring Swiftkey but both have their problems - for me at least.

I've been a touch typist for years so I've no problem finding the key I need typing conventionally but when it comes to swiping I'm having to look for the next key a lot and most of the time my thumb is in the way, slowing the process down. With SwiftKey I'm spending most of the time looking at the suggested words instead of the keys, which again slows everything down. I think with practice both system will prove to be much faster than a conventional keyboard (especially swiping) but by continually switching back and forth between three different styles I'm not getting used to either SwiftKey or SwipeIt. Should just bite the bullet, pick one and stick to it alone.

I use swiftkey - I like it a lot but wish you could change the keyboard to look like the nexus one, much classier than the sense style.
For anyone who wants this type of keyboard use SlideIT by Dasur. You can download a demo of it from the market. It is considerably smaller in size as well at just under 2mb whereas Swype weighs in at over 9mb!

Having used both I would say they are on a par, each having their own good and bad points! But for the majority who want the swype style then SlideIT is a no brainer!

+1 for SlideIT....really cool
Me too, just stops working every now and then. It's fine after a reinstall and worth it. Swype is brilliant!

I have that problem also. Swyping doesn't work straight after a reboot, to get it working again you have to switch input methods by long pressing in a text box, swapping to stock and back to Swype gets it working again. No reinstall necessary :D
For anyone who wants this type of keyboard use SlideIT by Dasur. You can download a demo of it from the market. It is considerably smaller in size as well at just under 2mb whereas Swype weighs in at over 9mb!

Having used both I would say they are on a par, each having their own good and bad points! But for the majority who want the swype style then SlideIT is a no brainer!

Thanks a lot. I have been searching for swype keyboard awhile.:D
For anyone who wants this type of keyboard use SlideIT by Dasur. You can download a demo of it from the market. It is considerably smaller in size as well at just under 2mb whereas Swype weighs in at over 9mb!

Having used both I would say they are on a par, each having their own good and bad points! But for the majority who want the swype style then SlideIT is a no brainer!

is the demo of slideIT still on the marketplace?

if so how long does the demo last?

any limitations?
is the demo of slideIT still on the marketplace?

if so how long does the demo last?

any limitations?

yes demo is there. Not sure if there is a specific amount of time but after about a week it told me this is a demo download full blah blah. BUT you can just re-install the demo and it will work if you are still not sure whether to buy the full version.

as for limitations, i noticed nothing, although it did sometimes say words could not be added to the dictionary, but then other times it would work... not sure if that's because it was the demo or because of the words i was trying to add (im welsh so use weird words :p)

Atm i am back to swift keys as im not sure if i prefer type or slide...
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