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Tax Time

for the first time in my working career, i have owe the government. my taxes are pretty simple. i just do the standard deductions. i filed with turbo tax...have been doing it with them for a very long time now. i talked to their tax experts and they think that somehow my w-4 info got mixed up.....so....last year we switched payroll companies and i think the error occurred in the transition. i have to talk to payroll about this and maybe re-do my w-4.
The wife and I got absolutely hammered the first year we filed together. The next year she did an adjustment, but then still picked the "married" option and we got hammered again. (Hammered enough that our CPA thought they might levy a penalty since it was two years in a row.)

That marriage tax penalty thing is for real.
Federal income tax withholding is one of the most diabolical ideas Congress has ever devised. People have taxes taken out each payday: and once a year, they get money from the government and gleefully shout, "I didn't pay any taxes - I got a refund!"

Getting a refund doesn't mean that you didn't pay taxes. Withholding is deliberately set high so the government takes more than necessary from each paycheck. At tax time, the amount of tax owed is subtracted from the amount paid in over the year, and the difference is given back.

Look at your tax return and, chances are, you paid taxes. You also loaned the government extra money to use all year. When they finally give you your own money back with no interest, you can celebrate that if you want.

However, we changed our withholding so we get as small a refund as possible. In fact, we'd rather pay a little tax at the end of the year than have the government spend our money stupidly when we could use it for gas, groceries or other bills.

My accountant will do 2022 as soon as the Fed rules on the deductibility of state taxes. I used to taxes myself with Turbo Tax. Big mistake. My accountant saved me buckets of money.
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