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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2010
Does the Note 2 reflow text in the browser and email and/or anywhere else it might need it with the awesome SPen apps now?

At the risk of sounding haughty, when I say reflow, I mean real, functional, true reflow. I think some people grow accustomed to what their phone considers reflow and don't realize the reflow doesn't really mean reflow anymore.

I've seen some posts and threads on different forums where users say it does, but they're citing a browser setting that 'fits' a window, rather than true reflow. If it's the same as the G3, it doesn't give a functional reflow.

When you're in the browser, be it desktop or mobile mode, can you double-tap the screen, or pinch to zoom in or out, and read the text without having to scroll the window right to left? Does it resize AND reflow??? When you're in email and do the same thing... ditto?

Someone make this gal happy please.. tell me Sammy learned from HTC how to do this correctly. :D
The default email app (not gmail) zooms and wraps text when viewing emails.

The default browser, no.

I use the built in Chrome browser.

In the settings (Chrome) you can set the text size to suit your needs (my eyesight is not what it should be).

Double tapping on a part of the screen will zoom to the size you've set.

i.e. If there are three columns of text on the screen, double tap on the first column and it zooms to that column only.

Hope that helps.
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Pretty sure true browser reflow is gradually disappearing due to apple having a patent on it.

Most phones that have it lose it with updates later

I'm confused by this response since Androids were able to reflow text well before iOS and Safari. I'll have to go back and refresh my mind again, because it's been a couple of years, bit Apple's stance on this at one point was it wasn't needed because their 'retina' display was superior. Lots of pissed off Apple folk in those days.. lol

Off to research...
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