Bob Maxey
Android Expert
I don't think anyone is arguing that using a cell phone is worse than those things you mentioned. But cells phones have taken it to a whole new level.
Because not everyone puts on makeup(at least I don't). Not everyone eats while they drive...etc etc. But it seems like just about everyone nowadays has a cell phone.
So therefore its being done enough while driving that they were able to target it and make it illegal.
But how many accidents are caused by eating while driving, for example? Perhaps we need to ticket anyone not paying attention while driving. I'll bet phones are a part of the problem, but exactly how much of a problem is what interests me.
Everyone I know has eaten while driving; millions of people do this.
The one thing many people do not yet understand is if they get in an accident, we can prove if they were talking at the time. That's something, I suppose.