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Texting while driving

I don't think anyone is arguing that using a cell phone is worse than those things you mentioned. But cells phones have taken it to a whole new level.
Because not everyone puts on makeup(at least I don't). Not everyone eats while they drive...etc etc. But it seems like just about everyone nowadays has a cell phone.
So therefore its being done enough while driving that they were able to target it and make it illegal.

But how many accidents are caused by eating while driving, for example? Perhaps we need to ticket anyone not paying attention while driving. I'll bet phones are a part of the problem, but exactly how much of a problem is what interests me.

Everyone I know has eaten while driving; millions of people do this.

The one thing many people do not yet understand is if they get in an accident, we can prove if they were talking at the time. That's something, I suppose.
But how many accidents are caused by eating while driving, for example? Perhaps we need to ticket anyone not paying attention while driving. I'll bet phones are a part of the problem, but exactly how much of a problem is what interests me.

Everyone I know has eaten while driving; millions of people do this.

The one thing many people do not yet understand is if they get in an accident, we can prove if they were talking at the time. That's something, I suppose.

I agree with everything u said. There are a lot of distractions that constantly cause accidents. I've never been in an accident myself, but have had some close calls. Most of those were because of women walking down the street. We can argue about who would been at fault had I crashed, but that's a whole different thread.

Personally, I'm not completely against talking on the phone and driving. Ill be honest and admit I do it from time to time if I forgot my earpiece.
But texting is a whle different beast. Requires to stare at your phone and read, type, well we all know how it works. I'm constantly telling my teen sister not to do it. But I know she still does :(
I don't even agree with talking on the phone while driving, UNLESS you have a Bluetooth. As far as texting while driving, DON'T DO IT!!
Yup. I'm 19 years old, since I started driving at 16 (like I've been doing it that long... only 3 years. Still inexperienced.), I have hardly ever talked on the phone and driven. The only time I have, or ever will is if I'm receiving verbal directions on how to get somewhere. I have never sent a text message unless I'm in the passenger seat, but I have had other people call/text for me that're in the passenger seat.

I do fumble with music once I hit the end of a CD or playlist though, so I'm entirely guilty of that. I hold off until I'm at a stoplight for that though.
Yup. I'm 19 years old, since I started driving at 16 (like I've been doing it that long... only 3 years. Still inexperienced.), I have hardly ever talked on the phone and driven. The only time I have, or ever will is if I'm receiving verbal directions on how to get somewhere. I have never sent a text message unless I'm in the passenger seat, but I have had other people call/text for me that're in the passenger seat.

I do fumble with music once I hit the end of a CD or playlist though, so I'm entirely guilty of that. I hold off until I'm at a stoplight for that though.
You have google maps right? Then you dont need directions just an address.;)
You have google maps right? Then you dont need directions just an address.;)

Fair point, but when some people live out in the middle of the area where wrong turn was filmed, sometimes addresses aren't exactly where they should be, lol.

That and some places down town are, indeed, in google maps, but they're tucked away behind other buildings and are impossible to find unless you know they're there. When your friend is waiting there, and can talk you in, it's much easier.
But you're saying the law is both hands on the wheel, meaning all of the other dangerous things are also illegal. There is a group "no stupidity while driving" laws, so to speak.
Here all of the other stupid things are ok, but don't touch the cell phone.

The UK driving laws do allow exceptions, but only for things which control the vehicle, like gear stick, headlights, indicators, washers, horn. Although with modern cars, many controls are often within fingertip reach of the wheel, including the radio.

People have actually been prosecuted for smoking cigarettes and eating food while driving:
Driver fined for eating his sandwich | Mail Online
Drivers who smoke at the wheel to be hit with
as a courier i'm on the road all day long, and i encounter the stupidest drivers all day every day, especially texters. I wish I had a train horn on my car just for them.
Laws are generally written when certain things cause a higher number of problems. I am guessing a much larger percentage of car accidents involve texting or talking on the phone than those involving (insert other activity one shouldn't do while driving here). That's a fact of life. If a given act statistically causes enough issues, we make a law against it.
as a courier i'm on the road all day long, and i encounter the stupidest drivers all day every day, especially texters. I wish I had a train horn on my car just for them.
SO you make a dangerous situation even worse. That really fixes the problem when you cause an accident.
I think this effort by AT&T will help young drivers get the message. It has to start with the end user, the driver...deciding not to partake in distracted driving and this will help drive that message home.

I also decided to do something about teen (and adult) distracted driving after my three year old daughter was nearly run down right in front of me by a texting driver. Instead of a shackle that locks down phones and alienates the user (especially teens) I built a tool for teens and their parents called OTTER that is a simple, GPS based, texting auto reply app for smartphones. It also silences call ringtones while driving unless you have a bluetooth enabled. I think if we can empower the individual then change will come to our highways now and not just our laws.

Erik Wood, owner

You can't be selective with laws when trying to stop people from doing stupid things.

I agree, they are stupid laws, even though obviously everyone knows that talking and driving and texting is dangerous, but hardly anyone pays attention to it, and cops hardly ever write tickets for that, and I also see people driving on the interstate driving by reading newspapers or books or make-up and that is just stupidity right there, I dont understand how someone can sit there going anywhere from 60-70MPH down a busy road and read a book, I mean come on that is just RETARTED!!!!!!!!!!!
I try really hard to not text while driving. If I do have to get in touch with somebody, I either call them while my phone is on the car dock or I use the voice to text option in the message section. Mostly, I just try to avoid it.
SO you make a dangerous situation even worse. That really fixes the problem when you cause an accident.
i honestly hate the train horns, i think they are obnoxious. but after having some idiot rear-end me because he couldnt hang up his phone, I'm willing to take the risk.
I try really hard to not text while driving. If I do have to get in touch with somebody, I either call them while my phone is on the car dock or I use the voice to text option in the message section. Mostly, I just try to avoid it.
If I really need to check my phone. I do so I stopped at a red light. Don't do it often.
Also, if you do text while you are stopped at a light, pay attention to the damn light!
You will hold up 5 - 10 cars who could have made either a left turn (arrow only) or gone through the intersection.

Does anyone make those canned air sound blasters like you hear at football games that will sound like a big old diesel freight horn? I'd love to have some kind of device to make you move your arse.
If I really need to check my phone. I do so I stopped at a red light. Don't do it often.

So you're the one that everyone is always honking at because the light is green...:p

haha. I used to do that all the time. Only problem with this is if I'm texting at red lights, then when I get a reply, it's hard to resist to not check it, especially if I'm getting all green lights:mad:
So you're the one that everyone is always honking at because the light is green...:p

haha. I used to do that all the time. Only problem with this is if I'm texting at red lights, then when I get a reply, it's hard to resist to not check it, especially if I'm getting all green lights:mad:

I'm good, I never got honked at :)
I've usually got some idiot with a dual cab long bed 4WD in the 350 class truck behind me getting ready to push me out of the way. I've had other jerks that try to pass the inattentive driver on either side of his car.
Meh I text and drive all the time no big deal.

I'm extremely smart though and my brain has like 16 Gigs of DDR3 2200 Mhz relative to PC standards so I can do these types of things.
Meh I text and drive all the time no big deal.

I'm extremely smart though and my brain has like 16 Gigs of DDR3 2200 Mhz relative to PC standards so I can do these types of things.

I tried it once. Looking up from my phone reminded me of how I felt slapping myself awake on a long, overnight non-stop drive cross country. Never again. :o ;)
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