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Texting while driving

I don't know that there ever is (or rather should be) an instance where one HAS to text while driving. If there is an emergency, this should not be discussed via text, but rather over the phone. There are plenty of neat doohickeys available to speak on your mobile hands free while drivings. Most of these are no more distracting than speaking to a passenger in the care with you.
I don't know that there ever is (or rather should be) an instance where one HAS to text while driving. If there is an emergency, this should not be discussed via text, but rather over the phone. There are plenty of neat doohickeys available to speak on your mobile hands free while drivings. Most of these are no more distracting than speaking to a passenger in the care with you.


I also get VERY irritated when someone who knows damn well that I am driving and that I hate texting even if I am just sitting on the couch, gives me an attitude for not responding to a text..........while I am driving!

Makes me want to grab that person, shake them and ask if when I stated my total disdain for texting in general, thought it didn't apply to texts from them!!
I personally hate seeing someone on the phone while they are driving and always think where the hell are the police when you see it, but it also applies to people who do other stuff while driving - eating/putting on make-up/messing with the cd player etc, and I don't do that stuff cos to be honest I don't really enjoy driving and so I am pretty attentive when I do it and I don't even tend to glance at someone in the passenger seat if I am speaking to them cos at the end of the day I am driving and if they think I am being ignorant then they shouldnt be in the car with me!!

My friend has just been done for being on the phone while driving, she was actually ringing her partner to tell him about my car being broken into in the night (like that really warrented her ringing him while she was driving), she used the excuse to him that there was a police car behind her to get off the phone, but ironically there actually WAS a police car behind her. He pulled her over and really had a go at her, he said it was one of his pet hates, and he really let rip at her, she tried to give him excuses as to why etc, but he was having none of it, she has a fine and points on her license.

To be honest, she scares me in the car anyway, she drives like a maniac, and we've been out in her car and she has texted as we have been whizzing along the motorway (and speeding at that!!!), so if I am honest I am glad he gave her a fine and didn't let her get away with it cos maybe she will think twice, cos maybe people DO think it can't be policed and WILL carry on doing it, but money isn't flush to her the moment so I think the fine will make her think twice!
I tried it once. Looking up from my phone reminded me of how I felt slapping myself awake on a long, overnight non-stop drive cross country. Never again. :o ;)

I don't text anymore when I drive, and that is simply because one day I was driving along, I looked away for a text and I almost ran over a 5 year old kid that wandered into the street.

Never again...

Since that day a year ago I have never texted while driving, if someone gets pissy because I don't respond in 10-15 minutes then so be it.
I'll be the guy everyone hates. I text and drive with the exceptions being that I won't text in traffic or anywhere in the city limits of Lubbock, Texas haha, the other drivers here are beyond terrible on the average. When I'm on I-27 and am one of 5 cars within a 3 mile radius of each other on a 4 lane interstate, I see no real risk other than running off the road which I've never done as a result of texting. I honestly don't even have to look at the screen, just once to start the text, and once to make sure it says what I wanted it to say.
I was a personal injury paralegal for six years prior to going back to school. I worked on hundreds of car accidents. First thing on the list of interrogatories or subpoenas: cell phone records. First cases to settle: those with activity occurring in the minutes leading to the accident. First fatality case I ever worked on: involved a defendant texting at the wheel.
On the brighter side: I had a tasker profile that read incoming texts to me on my last phone, should get that set up on my new one. And I never did take the time to figure out the voice command reply thingy...glad I found this thread for motivation.
I was a personal injury paralegal for six years prior to going back to school. I worked on hundreds of car accidents. First thing on the list of interrogatories or subpoenas: cell phone records. First cases to settle: those with activity occurring in the minutes leading to the accident. First fatality case I ever worked on: involved a defendant texting at the wheel.
On the brighter side: I had a tasker profile that read incoming texts to me on my last phone, should get that set up on my new one. And I never did take the time to figure out the voice command reply thingy...glad I found this thread for motivation.

I would figure this would be the first look...

It makes perfect sense, I imagine it is a slam dunk if the prosecutor/defense can say he was calling/texting within 30 seconds of the incident.
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