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The best camera in the world...

Jig dancing Oppo people.
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Man I don't know what it is but I just keep coming across dead animals on the beach lol :D

Dead whale shark not too sure what killed it or how it died but it's a youngster :)

At about 4 meters its a baby.

Sorry about the one photos Gella's lead got in the way lol it's not completely clear :)


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Oh my Lord!

Yet ANOTHER dead whale on the beach!?

what the heck os going on here? I am starting to get very concerned this is quite scary... I am now seeing a dead animal on average about once per week!

this is insane does anyone have an idea as to why so many dead animals are washing up on our shores???

I am clueless but concerned now.



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does anyone have an idea as to why so many dead animals are washing up on our shores???

The article doesn't say if the whale was injured, or if it beached itself. A lot of times sick sea mammals will beach themselves. I've also heard of a lot of injuries happen when commercial boat traffic coincides with mating or migration season. These animals travel in the shallows to feed and sometimes are hit by propellers. :(
Ahh thank you Loonie buddy I really do hope so my friend :)

Well I am getting a little bit concerned... I found a gull on the beach that was still alive it had a huge hole in it's chest I was 50/50 about uploading it here because I had already uploaded so many disturbing images (some might not like it possibly) of dead animals in a very short time frame.

I then phoned SANCCOB to collect the dying sea gull because Nigella was with me and I didn't want to take the poor half dead bird with me and Nigella in my car as she might kill it while I was not watching with my eyes on the road - it would just be trouble having my dog and a panicking sea bird in the car - a recipe for disaster so I would prefer they come and please fetch it as they then did.

But the next few days got a call saying unfortunately the bird had died and their best guess was botulism or in more uncomplicated terms contaminated food / soil that the sea gull ate... not the best news I was hoping they could save it but I had a bad feeling it was not going to make it :(

Hmm I have seen I think at least another 3 whales before this one in the paper as well as 2 with my own eyes in the last 3 months that makes about 5 whales in total in a very short time frame!

I hope it is just a migrating / feeding issue and propeller of boats issue and is something not far worse :(

I have also seen 2 seals and quite a few dead sea birds on the shores about 4 ... hmm I really hope this is not something worse :(

Maybe I am being paranoid lol I really hope so :)

I hope I am just being slightly neurotic and just paranoid lol :)

Must say it is a bit of a concern now so many in such a short time frame... hmmmm...


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OK a couple more from the Pixel. This is a deer that wandered into my back yard over the holiday weekend. Please bear in mind I live in the center of a heavily populated, very residential suburb of Kansas City. Anyway, this is full zoom, shot from the kitchen window, he was at the very back of my yard probably at least 50 yards away. Personally I love the color saturation in these shots.

We went catching on Saturday. (Fishing but successfully) ;)
All pictures taken with pixel. I love the panorama shot it built for me.

A morning spent fishing is a morning well spent. First the panorama.


EDIT - oh forgot, we got to the lake at 6 AM fished till about 10. We went out geared up for crappie, bluegill, perch ended up catching catfish all morning. (On worms and minnows with bobbers) We each caught 4 decent cats, threw em back. In honesty, Rachel kicked my butt until almost 9 and then I caught up in the last hour.
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Story time. (This first picture was not take by me or my Pixel)

I happened to hear a promo on the radio as I was leaving my wife's place of work on Friday. (I got off at noon and took her lunch.) The local sports radio station was at a Ford dealer and they had envelopes with prizes. Hey that's cool, I wanted to test drive a Focus RS anyway. Well I won the big envelope, 100 bucks! :cool::D

While I was there I did test drive (and fall in love with) the Focus RS. Following are all Pixel shots.

Don't want black. But did see the Blue and Gray versions on Saturday when we took Rachel's truck in for an oil change.


This is an interior shot, only included it because it's my first and only instance of the dreaded Pixel Halo.


We had some shopping to do and while we were at the mall ...


Yea damn.

Oh and some super hero thing was going on at the mall as well.

Had a quick run to OKC over the weekend. Thought I'd share a few snaps.
First, all over OKC and Edmond there are a lot of sculptures, I always try to pick out a couple and get a few pics whenever we are there.

Google liked my eagle shot, and made a stylized version.


My wife LOVES Bricktown Brewery, if you have a chance stop in for a sampler of all their beers.

We both love love love The Garage, they are supposed to be building one up here in KC but ... we're still waiting.


Fun place, great burgers and beer.

She also got a sampler at a little place called Henry Hudson's Public House. Just a little hole in the wall, but good cold beer. :D


We were there both Friday and Saturday so ... it's not like we drink all the time...

Last but not least, OKC (Edmond to be specific) sits right on Route 66 (in fact the hospital my wife was delivered in ... also on Route 66, no wonder I love her). Anyway .. Route 66 fun ... couldn't resist getting a pic of this, I'd like to own it, don't know if it was even for sale, everything was closed up when we we went by. Anyway ...


Who YOU gonna call? :cool:
I met family and friends 150 miles to my North to be in the very center of the path of totality. I left the house at 4 AM to avoid the traffic. We secured our viewing spot in a rural cemetery East of Fairmont Nebraska. The drive home was bumper to bumper traffic and a real hassle but the trip was everything I had hoped for.
A real game changer it was. It was.. just wow.
A real game changer it was. It was.. just wow.
We traveled a few hours to get directly under the sucker as well. Months of looking at pictures and watching videos about what to expect were woefully inadequate for actually experiencing totality firsthand. Feeling the temperature drop a good 10+ degrees in the sunlight, watching the last glint of sun disappear behind the moon, seeing the beautiful corona framed by stars, hearing the cicadas start making their song at 2:30 in the afternoon, witnessing a sunset in every direction, and then seeing a sliver of brilliant light start to crawl back out from behind the moon.... man, it was incredible.

That's an experience I won't soon forget.
Since I live in the Kansas City suburbs I didn't have to go far, 30-45 minutes North to between Platte City and St. Joe. sadly we were running from clouds a lot of the time but did get some nice peeks heading up to totality and a glimpse or 2 of totality. As others have said, wow the 2 minutes of totality were surreal the temp change, the sound of the crickets coming up. Really amazing stuff. No wonder it scared the bejeezus out of our ancestors.
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