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The best links about the EVO

Sup guys I'm working on getting all the best links about the EVO, (also working on the same thing for the droid x) on a symbaloo webmix. I have a decent amount of links so far but I was hoping I could get some help/input on what links I should add to it. I'm hoping that when its complete itll be a great resource for noobs and experts alike to gain knowledge about the EVO and if they want to buy it or just learn more about it

heres the link

HTC EVO 4g - Symbaloo

PS: click "add this" after viewing it to get all the updates automatically

thx in advance!
Quick update I changed a few of the links around but it definitely still needs more :) Let me know which links I should add to it guys! it can be pretty much anything related to the EVO
Most everything on the net regarding any cell phone is either a derivative re-hash of someone else's article or an aggregate of others' misquoted derivative works or both.

So far, your site is no different.

Kindly tell me how you're expecting to contribute to web ecosystem and helping experts and noobs alike when so far all you seem to be doing is repeating other's mistakes.

Here's one of your links now (and I discourage others from clicking this):

Search for "htc evo 4g"

Let's see - what great services does that provide?

  1. A click-through advertisement.
  2. A web search of over 38,000 hits for "HTC EVO 4G"

Top hitting sites like that push down any real information to be found in web searches, and tend to be completely useless.

They mess it up for everyone, and you're part of that game now.

Given that I'm a complete, absolute, and total EVO expert who has never once made any mistakes whatsoever and am the most highly-read poster on the subject of EVOs (it's true, every EVO owner and potential owners hangs on my every word), why not simply make your aggregator page a collection of links to my 600+ posts in this forum alone?

And, if more are required, I endorse any number of IOWA's some 4000 posts being relevant as well.

Now that the sarcasm has made its point (seriously, you don't need IOWA's posts there when you have mine) - best luck in your endeavor - please stop back when what you have so far matches the mission statement you've given us.
Most everything on the net regarding any cell phone is either a derivative re-hash of someone else's article or an aggregate of others' misquoted derivative works or both.

So far, your site is no different.

Kindly tell me how you're expecting to contribute to web ecosystem and helping experts and noobs alike when so far all you seem to be doing is repeating other's mistakes.

Here's one of your links now (and I discourage others from clicking this):

Search for "htc evo 4g"

Let's see - what great services does that provide?

  1. A click-through advertisement.
  2. A web search of over 38,000 hits for "HTC EVO 4G"

Top hitting sites like that push down any real information to be found in web searches, and tend to be completely useless.

They mess it up for everyone, and you're part of that game now.

Given that I'm a complete, absolute, and total EVO expert who has never once made any mistakes whatsoever and am the most highly-read poster on the subject of EVOs (it's true, every EVO owner and potential owners hangs on my every word), why not simply make your aggregator page a collection of links to my 600+ posts in this forum alone?

And, if more are required, I endorse any number of IOWA's some 4000 posts being relevant as well.

Now that the sarcasm has made its point (seriously, you don't need IOWA's posts there when you have mine) - best luck in your endeavor - please stop back when what you have so far matches the mission statement you've given us.

I have a feeling our sense of humor is very similar, and that is scary!:p
Hahaha no I definitely see your point, and I agree- it needs some work. I basically just put some basic links on it for now, and I can easily add more, substract some, edit others, etc. I can customize it however I like. I know it is not a great resource yet, but seeing as how I am not an EVO expert myself, as least not at the level of others on this site, I was hoping people could suggest links that are more "hidden" so to speak, and links that provide useful information. Sure anybody can find the general links about the phone, but to reiterate my goal, I'm trying to gather a full collection of useful links for the EVO, not just the general ones. If you have any suggestions for me on how to make it a better resource, PLEASE let me know :) that is exactly why I posted it on this forum in the first place.
Sup guys I'm working on getting all the best links about the EVO, (also working on the same thing for the droid x) on a symbaloo webmix. I have a decent amount of links so far but I was hoping I could get some help/input on what links I should add to it. I'm hoping that when its complete itll be a great resource for noobs and experts alike to gain knowledge about the EVO and if they want to buy it or just learn more about it

heres the link

HTC EVO 4g - Symbaloo

PS: click "add this" after viewing it to get all the updates automatically

thx in advance!

This is great thank you. I ended up buying a micro hdmi cable from the accessory links.
Thanks for the input guys! Marvin thank you for those links I added a couple to the webmix...IOWA it's just a visually appealing link "aggregator", and I put one together on the EVO, it has a bunch of useful links/resources about it... I'm hoping to get some input on which links to remove/add/edit. Hope that explains it, if not let me know
Thanks for the input guys! Marvin thank you for those links I added a couple to the webmix...IOWA it's just a visually appealing link "aggregator", and I put one together on the EVO, it has a bunch of useful links/resources about it... I'm hoping to get some input on which links to remove/add/edit. Hope that explains it, if not let me know

So, your trying to be a google? For the EVO?
Not exactly, I'm trying to help grab the most useful EVO links from anywhere on the net, and grouping them in a visually appealing interface :)
Definitely not, in fact I have the links to this forum and a couple others I found to be useful, because I agree, forums are a GREAT resource. I'm trying to help any type of user (experts, noobs, people in the middle) become informed on the subject without scouring the entire internet going through useless results. While this forum is great, there are people who do not want to look through thousands of topics looking for something they are interested in, and also people who do not like the idea of a forum in general. Some people might just want a visually appealing resource that provides them with useful links. Having said all of that, this forum IS on the webmix, and if people can't find a resource they are looking for, they will go to the forum. Believe me, I'm all for forums, but other resources DO exist.
I'm trying to help any type of user (experts, noobs, people in the middle) become informed on the subject without scouring the entire internet going through useless results.

You mean like having to wade through all of the useless aggregator links in google searches, whose content is ultimately nothing more than repeats of derivative works of techcrunch, gizmodo and engadget and embedded links to other aggregators.

People are perfectly able to use google.

Aggregators are the reason that people cannot find useful results - they impede the signal with noise.

From your own words, you are not yet informed about the EVO and yet you are ready to serve experts and noobs with info for it - and somehow the X as well.

That is why you're getting no traction.

Aggregator sites invariably recycle rumors and misinformation and therefore leave more work for us in the forums.

Here's your #1 link if you want to help someone to learn about the HTC EVO 4G with a full sweep of information for experts and noobs about everything on the EVO - from help with the purchase decision, how-to guides for new users to Android, tips and tricks, and even how to root your phone:

Top HTC EVO 4G Information Here!

That will aggregate a lot of HTC EVO 4G information for you, I recommend one of the top links.
You mean like having to wade through all of the useless aggregator links in google searches, whose content is ultimately nothing more than repeats of derivative works of techcrunch, gizmodo and engadget and embedded links to other aggregators.

People are perfectly able to use google.

Aggregators are the reason that people cannot find useful results - they impede the signal with noise.

From your own words, you are not yet informed about the EVO and yet you are ready to serve experts and noobs with info for it - and somehow the X as well.

That is why you're getting no traction.

Aggregator sites invariably recycle rumors and misinformation and therefore leave more work for us in the forums.

Here's your #1 link if you want to help someone to learn about the HTC EVO 4G with a full sweep of information for experts and noobs about everything on the EVO - from help with the purchase decision, how-to guides for new users to Android, tips and tricks, and even how to root your phone:

Top HTC EVO 4G Information Here!

That will aggregate a lot of HTC EVO 4G information for you, I recommend one of the top links.

Yeah, I remember the days of being able to find relevant results on Yahoo! or AltaVista lol.. before the days of Google.
I believe you are misunderstanding me in terms of what I'm trying to do. I completely agree with you that MOST information is repeats and derivatives. I also believe that google is crowded with useless links and as you said, pure repeats of engadget and such. That is exactly my point- I'm trying to pick out the best links and put them in a easy to understand, visually appealing manner. I would also like to say that I in no way said I am ready to serve experts and noobs, if you look back to the first post you'll see how I said I need help from experts to get better links. This forum is incredible, but as I have said it is in no way the absolute ultimate resource for android phones. If there are specific topics you feel are a great resource, please let me know and I will add them. I am trying to avoid making users wade through links and topics. Of course I cannot cover every possible issue/topic a user may be interested in, and that is why I have added the forums to the webmix.
You guys are just being mean. Let Chaos collect his Evo links, and help if you can. His heart is in the right place, and you are trying to break his spirit and diminish his excitement. Bullys!:rolleyes:
You guys are just being mean. Let Chaos collect his Evo links, and help if you can. His heart is in the right place, and you are trying to break his spirit and diminish his excitement. Bullys!:rolleyes:

Yeah. No.

Before I pitch in and help - and you know I'm a wealth of Evo/Android/App links - I just want to know for a certain fact that I'm not wasting my time.

A little friendly grilling is all that's going on.

You guys are just being mean. Let Chaos collect his Evo links, and help if you can. His heart is in the right place, and you are trying to break his spirit and diminish his excitement. Bullys!:rolleyes:

Yeah, I had to go back to the top of the page and check to see what Forum I am on. I thought I was on MacRumors from the posts.....
I remember when Yahoo! was the place to go.. I mean for anything you wanted. Then came this plain, simple, search called Google. Nothing really fancy at the time, but it worked, and worked better, and none of that crap to get in your way. A few years later, Google dominated the search market. Amazing how fast things can switch around with tech.

Speaking of which, Microsoft better do something to stay relevant, because I see history repeating itself soon...
Yeah. No.

Before I pitch in and help - and you know I'm a wealth of Evo/Android/App links - I just want to know for a certain fact that I'm not wasting my time.

A little friendly grilling is all that's going on.


I completely appreciate any type of feedback...In fact I was expecting bad feedback because of the fact that I do not know everything about the EVO and am not an expert on it. Please do suggest any changes you think the webmix needs (so long as its not replacing all the links with some posts on this forum). I was not, however, expecting so much criticism on the idea of a webmix itself, I think its a great tool to take the best links and resources from the web and compile them in a visually appealing way. Maybe you do agree with that, I'm not sure.
I completely appreciate any type of feedback...In fact I was expecting bad feedback because of the fact that I do not know everything about the EVO and am not an expert on it. Please do suggest any changes you think the webmix needs (so long as its not replacing all the links with some posts on this forum). I was not, however, expecting so much criticism on the idea of a webmix itself, I think its a great tool to take the best links and resources from the web and compile them in a visually appealing way. Maybe you do agree with that, I'm not sure.

FWIW - I really hate that little useless EVO search link you have there. And it's still there.

Might as well just replace it with this - it's at least level and amusing:

YouTube - The Truth About Android with Walt Mosspuppet

I'm not knocking you because you're not an expert.

I'm knocking you because I don't understand your motive and I don't fully trust you.

You've tried an Evo, fine, you gave it up because you preferred the X, fine.

Here's my definition of the two phones:

Evo - biggest, baddest phone on Sprint.
X - biggest, baddest phone on Verizon.

An Evo you can root, the X you can't.

So - the Evo should point to some helpful links for rooting.

The Evo has a front facing camera - so there might a few links regarding services for that.

Otherwise - they're both Big Android phones - from where I stand, that's the key.

Rather than a page for X and a page for Evo - if you really want to help people - how about a page for useful Android links, especially apps, and then one comparing and contrasting phones in what ever way suits your fancy.

I'd be happy to give my two cents on the first one - and zero on the second; I'm sure you'll get plenty of takers for that.

And there's not a thing wrong with pointing to permalinks on these forums - that's what they're for. The apps are useless without the user advice that goes with them. You want to help someone with Android apps, that's the way, not links to Appbrain with sound bites, actual user rubber-meets-the-road stuff - that's just my opinion though.

Anyway - that's my two cents worth - because seriously - I cannot believe we need another aggregate pointing to half-baked rumor articles.

That site is made to be your mobile independent bookmark page.

So - provide good bookmarks. Go ahead and put your own prejudices into it - that's perfectly OK, it's what gives things flavor.

And - think hierarchically, not flat.

The first page can point to the others - one for newbies to Android, one for rooting info, one for apps, one for commentaries - and then have every page link to every other page in your scheme.

You know - a web.
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