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The Big C


Cancer is such a devastating disease. I lost my mother to cancer when she was just in her forties. My son has buried two of his best friends this year who both died of brain cancer. I understand the disease attacking the elderly.. we are all rotting out anyway. But the young children and young adults raising families seems so unfair. I imagine everyone reading this has lost a loved one to the disease. You would think that there would be some answers as to the cause and certainly hope to have some curing treatments by now. It is a killer!

My partner in business for 36 years was recently diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer. He has started chemo and will find out Monday if it is doing anything beneficial and if he has the cancer in other places in his body. He is in his late sixties so it's not like he has a lifetime ahead of him. He is a very good dude and like most all cancer victims, did nothing to warrant the path he must now walk. I can't stop thinking about his plight.

If you have a story you would like to share, I will certainly listen and I thank you for any positive vibes you have for my past partner.
well so far i have not lost anyone close to me due to cancer. my mom however did get breast cancer. she had to get one breast removed. she did not have to under go any treatment or anything. she is doing just fine. but it was a huge wake up call for the entire family. and my mom was pretty weak for a few months. they had to do major reconstruction surgery. this was about 15 years ago and nothing has come back.

that is as close to cancer that i have gotten. it was initally scarry, but my mom is tough and had great fortune in that it was caught early enough.
The craziest cancer case I ran into was from an electrician I worked with. He got throat cancer, and he didn't drink or smoke. He got rid of it with radiation, but he had to wrap his neck up in the winter because he lost all feeling in his throat.

Also, after his treatment, his teeth would chip off pieces from time to time during lunch. I'm guessing it was from the radiation
That is fortunate. A field rep that called upon us at work lost his wife to breast cancer... it kept coming back. At the time he had two children at home. He eventually remarried but it was quite devastating during the three or four year ordeal with his kids.
The only one close to me that has died from cancer was my mother-in-law. She was 58.
I lost my father to Alzheimer's and my mother to complications of diabetes over 20 years ago.
My father-in-law's current wife has already has a mastectomy due to breast cancer, though Parkinson's is her worst enemy these days.
Cancer runs in my wife's side of the family. So far neither of her parents or siblings have been affected by it. Unfortunately one of the uncles was recently diagnosed with it.
For my family side it's Parkinsons. My mom died from it a few years back. I started showing signs for it back in my thirties. My wife was the first to notice the shaking, the tremors, one of the earliest signs something was wrong was what is known as the Parkinson mask. The only way to describe it according to my wife is I will be talking with her or someone my facial expressions will be normal and then I would get this serious :maddroid: look on my face. My wife thought I was on the verge of becoming a serial killer until my mom saw it happen and explained to me and the wife what was going on.
what is really bothering me, well my mother's boyfriend is battling prospate cancer and going through treatments, and we are not ready to lose another best friend of ours, we just lost my Aunt in March..
My B-I-L will start his 4th round of chemo tomorrow. They have yet to perform another endoscopy to actually take a look at his tumor. So far they have determined that it has not spread and is the only tumor. His blood work has been positive so no big promises but so far so good. For the first time since the initial diagnosis they are discussing the possibility of surgery. The plan right now is to do round four of chemo, wait a couple of weeks, then perform an endoscopy. He needed what little positive information they shared with him. Blindly going down the path he is on has been mentally brutal!!!.
My younger brother fought it ... until he gave up !

I watched what the treatments did to him, as I visited him every few days while he was in the hospitals. (yes, 3 different ones)

He finally tole them he was done and wanted to go home .... they sent him home with hospice and he was given a sleepy shot and he no longer hurt or had to do the treatments that were not working.

Cancer is a terrible thing.
The craziest cancer case I ran into was from an electrician I worked with. He got throat cancer, and he didn't drink or smoke. He got rid of it with radiation, but he had to wrap his neck up in the winter because he lost all feeling in his throat.

Also, after his treatment, his teeth would chip off pieces from time to time during lunch. I'm guessing it was from the radiation
I wasn't going to chime in on this as this is a sensitive discussion for me. I'll make it short, I too went through Tongue base Cancer in 2016, went through , Chemo, Radiation and Has surgery also to remove Lymph-nodes in my neck, this was the hardest time in my life. With the grace of God i made it through all that, and proud to say Cancer free and in remission. It definitely come with many current challenges but I'll take it as I'm still alive. So that is my story in a nutshell and thus why the C is a sensitive discussion for me.
I lost my mom to cancer in 2004, by the time Kaiser Hospital found out about it even though she had been asking them to check for it she was in stage 4 by then.
i also lost a female best friend to Camcer.
I had a good friend, (he passed on years ago from a non cancer illness), his wife had beat cancer and got a check up every year to make sure everything was ok.

She went in one year and the diagnosis was good she was healthy and free, but when she went in the next year she was told that she needed to get her house in order as she was so infested they could not do anything and her time was spelled out in weeks ! ! !

RIP Judy and Bob, I miss you both.
Here is something I thought I would never ever say:
Went to my doctors the other day on the 11th, and he wants me for a test for my colon for cancer.
(Dirty Circus opera he is) I am not nervous or anything of that special need, again I hate it when people suddenly drop
"life" and me will not keep on rethinking until the end of time thing, only for right now.
Here is something I thought I would never ever say:
Went to my doctors the other day on the 11th, and he wants me for a test for my colon for cancer.
(Dirty Circus opera he is) I am not nervous or anything of that special need, again I hate it when people suddenly drop
"life" and me will not keep on rethinking until the end of time thing, only for right now.

@DonB hopefully I am benign.
Most of the time it is... I get a colonoscopy every 10 years unless the annual "stick-a-poo" FIT test indicates a problem. At a certain age, we need to take extra precaution (and fiber).
My brother-in-law showed up for his next round of chemo last Monday to be informed that it had been canceled. Somehow letting him know there had been a change of plans fell through the cracks. In any event, they scheduled an endoscopy for today instead. They want to take a look at his cancer before they proceed. I have my fingers crossed that they are happy with the results. He sure could use some good news.
An update: My B-I-L tumor has shrunk significantly. The plan now is to first do another CT scan to make certain it is still isolated and then put there heads together to decide the next course of action. Be it more chemo or surgery, the news was good today and they sent him home feeling like the chemo hasn't be a waste of time. He and my sis needed some positive news. I'm super happy!!!
My friend is fighting it in his prospate, I think it is shrinking, since he is fighting for all his family, including myself and his girlfriend, my mother.

My brother-in-law's colon is free too!
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