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the change of men

How far should men go in the beauty stakes?

  • occasional facial shave

    Votes: 13 72.2%
  • Full body nakedness, slithered up with as much moisturiser as possible.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • hairy, oil covered, ripped clothes

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • get an iphone.

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Android Expert
Slight background - i work in a leisure centre that is a school during day times, it is a privately owned building rented by the local council. beacuse of this the private company provide janitors. Recently there was a new one start who is 25 (4months younger than me)

We had a conversation the other day and it was mentioned that he shaves his CHEST! and the majority of people he knows, also shave.

He mentioned in the past how several mates actually use cocoa butter and other moisturising creams, including applying it after a work out in the gym.

I get annoyed having to shave my face from time to time (when the mrs complains after a few days of stubble kisses) and could never imagine shaving my chest.

Is this commonplace for men these days, or is it just he happens to be some form of poser, is it a coincidence that he has an iphone!?!

Or am i behind with times, and should i suddenly start painting my nails with protecting laquer, shave my chest, legs, back...where do i stop!?!?!

Just remembered that it was mentioned he and his friends also shave their pubic area reguarly!
i've never fully wet shaved my chest but trimmed the chest area up with clippers, for sure. maybe it is a poser thing, but if i let my chest hair grow wildly i dont look half as defined than when it's trimmed.

as for moisturising, it's a necessity for me. if i dont, then my skin becomes dry and itchy, especially on my face and arms. and let's not forget lypsyl! without this i'd have the crustiest lips.

and yes, the trimming down below happens.
Embrace your inner metrosexual self? If it helps you get an "in" with the opposite sex (or same sex if that's your thing)? Have at it! Just don't ask me to do the same as my reply will probably include a gaseous release!
It's very common for young single men (17-25) in my age group to shave down under.

The same aged women are much more receptive to things

Not always fully shaved, but at least trimmed
Maybe I've just been in a relationship for too long (7 years) and hang about with the wrong people...lol

Id say having a trim of excessive chest hair is fair game, but honestly full wet shave then another in cocoa butter, just seems very extreme.

I think I'm just too old school, always drank old Mens alcohol as well, 60shillin and guinness since I was....er, erm eh.... Actually 15 years old (with the rugby club)

I suppose I've never been one for the whole beauty thing though, I drink beer, ride motorcycles, play rugby and like to try tinkering with electronics, these days, my phone :-)

Also always hated iPhones since day 1, maybe something about the poser thing? Lol
OP you should have daily facial shave in your poll as well. IMO stubble just looks scruffy and unshaven, either grow a proper beard or shave daily.

Also always hated iPhones since day 1, maybe something about the poser thing? Lol

Oh it's certainly a poser and brand whore thing here, flashing an iPhone.
I shave my face daily since 1) I work in food service and it's just proper and 2) my facial hair just grows so strangely that if I don't I look really weird.
As to the rest of me, nah, I'm married. I could care less. :p:)
Some guy I know shaves his legs.. I do not know why at all. O.o But maybe because they are more in touch with their feminine side? Or the people they hang around with? Maybe he's a swimmer? I shave my facial hair regularly because if I don't I become extremely lazy.

Lol at the iPhone part
Maybe he's just a hairy person that doesn't like being hairy? Is his name harry?

I'm quite a hairy person all over, except my head...LOL In fact having body hair is quite a novelty in this part of world.

But I do have a close shave every morning, as I don't really want to look anything like this...not in my current position as kindergarten and primary school teacher.

The late great Keith Moon as Uncle Ernie.
I'm not a man but figured I'd weigh in on the subject. I know a lot of men that either shave or trim their chest and/or nether region. I also know a couple men who wax their chest and/or back. It is definitely appreciated by women (and I would imagine same sex couples appreciate it too) when everything is neat & tidy.
If you've ever lived in a dry climate you would never consider lotions and moisturizers in the terms of being masculine or feminine. It is just something that needs to be done or your skin can get too dry and crack. Most everyone I know has a bottle of water and lotion with them all the time. That includes men and women.
Yeah but I stay in Scotland, out had rained here every day atleast once every day for the last month and a half, maybe had 3 days where it didn't rain!

Just to reinforce,

I don't have a problem with anyone doing these things, I just don't understand it as I'm still kinda old school that way, I spent to many years watching and waiting for they hair to grow in the foray place! Lol

I did like the end of that song though ;-)
I am actually surprised when I come across a guy who doesn't shave or trim their pubic hair. I am 31. Finally men are starting to be judged by their appearance, like women have be judged for many years. I think this is why men are now more concerned with their appearance. The ladies like it for the most part. I find it a huge turn off to find a man without trimmed pubic hair, or chest hair. I do think it is strange when a guy shaves their under arms though. My brother used to do that, and I thought it was odd.
I shave face and trim downstairs..

I don't see how you can shave the sack. Looks dangerous

Never trim/shave chest
I'm not a man but figured I'd weigh in on the subject. I know a lot of men that either shave or trim their chest and/or nether region. I also know a couple men who wax their chest and/or back. It is definitely appreciated by women (and I would imagine same sex couples appreciate it too) when everything is neat & tidy.

I trim to keep things neat but don't and won't shave, except the face of course. My wife would laugh if I shaved it all off lol
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