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The End of Android near?


Well-Known Member
I downloaded an app today that let's me "DJ my news". I read the Android section in horror! Remember the HD/Blue Ray wars? For older people remember the VHS/VCR wars? In both cases the lesser version by popular testimonies won. Why? Sony bought into Disney and many other popular movie companies to cram Blu Ray down our throats! Don't believe me? Watch a movie, at the beginning or end somewhere you will read something about " A Sony Films production" etc. Movies pre Blue Ray... Not so much.
Google HD vs Blu Ray and read the testimonies of the people that were testing both, Almost Unanimously the decision was, HD is better.

All this has a point, in Android news I read that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Tab has been banned in the U.S.A. per Apples request in a lawsuit over copyright infringement. Guess the judge gets the latest Apple gadgets for that. Also I read that Google's dev's are "Fed up with making updated Apps for each new OS release" I.e. Jellybean 4.1. Now coming. To make matters worse Adobe says "No more Adobe Flashplayer as of 4.1 Jellybean" and other support for Android devices with Flash already installed ends August. Unless you buy a new Android with Flash Installed by the manufacturer.

What have we been offered to make us happy? A possible partnership between Android and Rim a.k.a. Blackberry. I left Blackberry to get an Android because I liked it better, what can they possibly do together? One thing I am sure they can do is raise our monthly rates for Android-Berry access. And forget custom roms if Rim puts their 2 cents worth into the coding. Just Like Apple, take this version and deal with it, no more open source!!!

I am ready to cry, if it isn't Apple or Rim running my life it's Obama. Where do we go from here? America just roll over and die before it gets too much worse. Our Forefathers who Fought and Died to give us Freedom would be ashamed to live here now.
Take a deep breath and remember who made android.. its google. The giant behemoth who owns everyones souls through the sheer variety of services they offer and the permissions you grant them.

I was raised reading 1984 and being more antiestablishment then most. Hell I idolize abbie hoffman, and still google has somehow gotten all my permissions to know everything about me.

Wow that's a huge tangent to say this... googles pockets are waayy too deep to be a minor player that gives up.
What are you rambling about? Calm down. :)

There are copyright/patent infringement lawsuits all the time slowing down the release of products in this country or that.

Adobe is not making Flash for mobile devices anymore, because it's soon to go the way of the dinosaur. HTML5 will take over. Don't forget, IPhone never had Flash, because it really isn't all that important in the first place and is getting less and less important. There are many android phones that never supported Flash either.

I haven't read anything about RIM and Android, but I would bet that it would just mean RIM would become a manufacturer of Android phones just like Samsung, HTC, etc. RIM is dying and only has about 5% of the market now, where they used to have 40+%. Android currently has 60% of the market share. So why would Google change their system for a dying company? Maybe Blackberry remnants would remain in the RIM Android to differentiate it, but that has nothing to do with all the other Androids out there. Don't want a Berry-Android, don't buy one.

So take a breath, calm down, Android is not going anywhere for a long time. And if it does, it's because a competitor came out with something better. Windows Phone will be making some headway I think, but that doesn't mean Android will be gone. The smartphone OS industry is not like DVDs where it needs only one format. There might only be 2-3 dominant players, but they can survive together with smaller players sprinkled throughout. Enjoy that competition, because it makes for better products.
Not to be argumentative, but the quality of a movie has nothing to do with the media it's stored on. Blu Ray and HD DVD's can have the exact same quality. Blu Ray won because it can store more video. The quality of a film itself is all about the codec.
use common sence why would android end? its for the most part open source witch beats its competitor cauch ipod hands down. Android isnt going anywhere there is way to many users and way to many people buying google tablets and phones. Simply put as long as we keep droiding android is not going anywhere.
also i forgot to mention and im sorry if i violate this sites tos... but android will survive even if google abandoned it as long as 3rrrd party devs keep working
Not to be argumentative, but the quality of a movie has nothing to do with the media it's stored on. Blu Ray and HD DVD's can have the exact same quality. Blu Ray won because it can store more video. The quality of a film itself is all about the codec.
Actually the HD discs had 1 disc with the HD movie, more options like behind the scenes stuff etc. on 1 side and the DVD copy of the movie was on the other side. And the Sound quality was at 7.1 while the BluRay was still pushing the 5.1. So according to comparison sites I read (which was many cause I was shopping) like over 70% preferred the HD over Blu Ray. Same thing happened with VHS and VCR, the VHS was superior but you see who won. It's all about who spends the most to push their product that wins. Sony pushed harder and now you can't get an Xbox 360 with Blu Ray if you prefer that system because Sony is pimping it to us with the PS3. Not that I don't like the PS3, I like it more than 360. I prefer Android over Blackberry, I had 2, and I love Apple but not ATT, Verizon or anyone that Apple tries to force us to SIGN UP with to get the HOLY iphone. It can bite me. I like my contract free service with Unlimited data for $50 a month versus a contract and $80 a month on limited data. Just worried about how much of our freedom to choose is being taken away is what this rant is about.
Microsoft is trying to get Android banned? Look whats happening to Microsoft....Xbox 360 Should Be Banned from U.S. for Violating Patents, Judge Says | Techland | TIME.com
Not Microsoft, Apple had the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Pad banned due to a supposed copyright infringement. However, they haven't proved it yet or even finished the lawsuit. The judge must be getting a reach around from Apple which pisses me off. Don't they have enough money to keep Apple running? Android is open source so that makes them angry, too many options out there for it to grow beyond them so they want to shut it down and kill the competition. It doesn't matter anyway, I just wanted to vent about how I felt. I have no one to talk to about these things. I am the only one in my entire family that I know that is into Tech stuff so it kinda doesn't really matter to them. Thanks for listening. =)
The only real concern is phone carriers dropping android on devices. That would just cause people to "jail break" the new OS. The general public sees jail breaking and rooting to be the same thing. Its really not. the difference is the software you gain access to. theres no way to get around the law, Ios is protected software.

They can't take Android away from us, its not a phone OS its the definetive cross platform OS and market standard. No one not even google can claim ownership of it. Names maybe but not the technology. this is the culmination of decades of work by great people like the GNU project and the moonshot thatis linux.
You can build your own hardware off
of ebay and install android on it. If you could get a phone carrier to go for it you could build a phone. Any machine you can get it to run on its ok and you can plug into google. I can't wait to see what a few more years of intergration into other technology like auto entertainment and home theater brings us. Its happening quickly because there is a standard in place and no licensing contracting to slow the process.

This has been googles plan from the
start. this will be the go to OS for small devices for a long time because its free for hardware manufactures to use. No deal with the devil (MS...).

Yes google opened themselves to serious competition. We will see variants with different names in the near future but i think they will be plug n play with android and google.
Think about it. "The new Kindle fireIII featuring Amazons new ????os".
Some open source licensing allows use of the software but not to market it. You can make money off of linux/android.
Thats the true brilliance behind googles business model. Protectionism stiffles creativety and is less profitable. This fact is proven by androids rise to dominance over iphone. Apple has to try and stem the flow by deepening the pit protectionism has dug them. They have to sue for government protection.

Google makes money by being the best at what they do. I trust google more with my info than I do the government. Google has proven to me time and again they have my back when it comes to my individual rights and actively defending freedom of the internet.

Google and android are safe bets for the long haul just on the truckloads of money every one is raking in. We the people love these damn gadgets and google has shown us with the market how it should be done. Any one who can learn the skills can get a piece of it. They sell your hardwork for you!!!

One or more of our devs here may cross from making a few bucks to owning a business. We are in the early days of a revolution in computing. It truly is odd for a revolution of the little guy to be lead(created) by a market dominator but google gave us a shove in the right direction when we needed it.

This concludes my pro google babbling
If all the above points do not satisfy your needs then listen to this.

Motorola owns most of the patents on cell phones period. For a while there at the beginning they were one of the few games in town! They own more patents in the cell phone business than any other single company.

Guess who bought Motorola's wireless division wholesale? With the blessings from the FCC.

If anyone should be afraid it should be Apple and MS (to a lesser extent). They're flexing their muscle like they're the only games in town! They forget that every cell phone ever made has had to suck Motorola or Qualcomm off. Sometimes both!

As for Samsung. They're the biggest single seller of cell phones on the planet right now. True Apple has the handset that sells the most but by sheer volume Samsung has outdone Apple. True that with so many different models and "updates" to devices so often their QC is shot to hell but that's a different story.

4g is dead. 4g lte is what's coming up. In both fields Samsung owns most of the patents. The next gen of the iPhone will probably have some sort of 4g technology and they're probably already negotiating the terms. The best Apple (and other patent trolls) can hope for is a patent stalemate.
I have a patent attorney working for me atm and we were discussing apple and google months ago. I said a quote I saw on the net that google innovates and apple sues but he said googles lawyers are MUCH scarrier then apples.
And in case nobody was paying attention. Apple won the case in a small court. The judge put a hold on the Samsung products being sold in the USA, so calling it a ban is a bit harsh. To top it off Apple has to put forth almost 90 million dollars in the form of a hedge fund in case they lose the case in the higher courts. The money goes to Samsung in case they win the case to make up for "lost revenue".

Update: The Galaxy Nexus is now back on sale on the Google Play Store, although it will only be shipped 2-3 weeks later with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean pre-installed and probably a workaround for Apple's patent as well.
Galaxy Nexus ban in the US gets temporarily suspended - GSMArena.com news
Same thing applies. If the constant reshuffling of tech companies is running your life, you still got first world problems, son.
I downloaded an app today that let's me "DJ my news". I read the Android section in horror! Remember the HD/Blue Ray wars? For older people remember the VHS/VCR wars? In both cases the lesser version by popular testimonies won. Why? Sony bought into Disney and many other popular movie companies to cram Blu Ray down our throats! Don't believe me? Watch a movie, at the beginning or end somewhere you will read something about " A Sony Films production" etc. Movies pre Blue Ray... Not so much.
Google HD vs Blu Ray and read the testimonies of the people that were testing both, Almost Unanimously the decision was, HD is better.

All this has a point, in Android news I read that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Tab has been banned in the U.S.A. per Apples request in a lawsuit over copyright infringement. Guess the judge gets the latest Apple gadgets for that. Also I read that Google's dev's are "Fed up with making updated Apps for each new OS release" I.e. Jellybean 4.1. Now coming. To make matters worse Adobe says "No more Adobe Flashplayer as of 4.1 Jellybean" and other support for Android devices with Flash already installed ends August. Unless you buy a new Android with Flash Installed by the manufacturer.

What have we been offered to make us happy? A possible partnership between Android and Rim a.k.a. Blackberry. I left Blackberry to get an Android because I liked it better, what can they possibly do together? One thing I am sure they can do is raise our monthly rates for Android-Berry access. And forget custom roms if Rim puts their 2 cents worth into the coding. Just Like Apple, take this version and deal with it, no more open source!!!

I am ready to cry, if it isn't Apple or Rim running my life it's Obama. Where do we go from here? America just roll over and die before it gets too much worse. Our Forefathers who Fought and Died to give us Freedom would be ashamed to live here now.

Chickens and apples.

VHS, Betamax, HD, Blue Ray, 3.5" floppy disks etc., these are all delivery mechanisms to deliver content in a certain format to the users consumer item (TV, Projector, PC, Mac).

The consumer items are themselves radically different beasts. For example in gaming consoles we have XBox's, Play stations and Wii's all coexisting side by side.

Microsoft PCs live along side Apples and Linux boxes.

If you want to compare the delivery theme then we need to look at the likes of 3G, 4G and 4G LTE, or CDMA to GSM. PAL to Secam to NTSC - the last goes on).

The battle between Apple, Google, Microsoft and RIM isn't in the same range as they're all consumer items - that is, they consume information delivered to them. If RIM for example go under it'll be for bad business decisions alone.

Whilst I agree our forefathers may be exasperated by things they might witness today, I hardly believe the current spat between Apple and Google would really be too high on their radar...
LOL, actually what was meant by that is our Forefathers would be ashamed to see the greedy politics thar are involved in every aspect of our everyday lives. Not so much just this one situation.
When they wrote the Constitution and Declaration of Independence this country we live in is not what they intended. Our freedom to choose what we want has been taken away and given to those who have the most money and the best psychological game to control the majority. What we want hasn't mattered since roughly the 1920's. I would love to have them stand in front of the American people and the President, Congress etc and tell them what they think of the way they are handling things. I want to live in the FREE country they did. Of course it will never happen.
You have one thing wrong, it was VHS vs Betamax. VCRs is what was used to play a VHS.

In my opinion thats not a real comparison. There in both cases (VHS and Blurays) you had something that were made to have one chosen as a victor, the fact of that matter is you want a uniformity with your videos that you don't want with phones. One of the 2 had "lesser" quality, and one would sell more than the other which would start to affect the movie producers if they had supported both formats. With phones yes there are quality differences, but they are they because of price.

To note I believe the Razr out sold the iPhone 4s i Could be wrong but I believe I remember hearing that somewhere.
Android is not going anywhere as is Apple, both will stand their ground, one will play more fair than the other while the other tries to make all others fail.
Take a deep breath and remember who made android.. its google. The giant behemoth who owns everyones souls through the sheer variety of services they offer and the permissions you grant them.

I was raised reading 1984 and being more antiestablishment then most. Hell I idolize abbie hoffman, and still google has somehow gotten all my permissions to know everything about me.

Wow that's a huge tangent to say this... googles pockets are waayy too deep to be a minor player that gives up.

But Google does not charge for Android. It is free. OK, perhaps there are some hidden fees, but I do not know. I doubt there are any.

Anyway, it is a loss-leader. Google can at any time drop Android development and slowly stop its momentum. Will they? No, probably not. Can they? Most certainly they could.

Android will be with us for quite some time to come. Not a guarantee, just an assumption on my part. They could sell it to another company, perhaps. They might not, probably will not, but they could.

If Google announced tomorrow that they will stop developing Android, I would not bat an eye. And with Jobs gone, releasing iOS to others would not be a surprize. Jobs would roll in his grave, but he cant say much these days.
the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what is that you say about RIM and Google partnership?? i have not read anything about that.. but if it was to happen.. it is a one way street.
RIM will make phones with android on it.
I have a patent attorney working for me atm and we were discussing apple and google months ago. I said a quote I saw on the net that google innovates and apple sues but he said googles lawyers are MUCH scarrier then apples.

A scary lawyer is a good thing indeed. I woulds rather hire a lawyer that terrifies than a lawyer that is a warm and fuzzy people person. I have dealt with wimpy lawyers in the past and they are useless.

I have a pretty good IP attorney and she can put a chill up your spine if the situation warrants a lawyer from hell on your side in a negotiation.
As for Samsung. They're the biggest single seller of cell phones on the planet right now. True Apple has the handset that sells the most but by sheer volume Samsung has outdone Apple. True that with so many different models and "updates" to devices so often their QC is shot to hell but that's a different story.

FYI: Apple's iPhone sales were greater than Microsoft's sales in its entirety. Apple's revenues from just the iPhone eclipsed Microsoft's total sales. This says something.

Apple has just a few handsets while all the rest have or have released dozens of models. Apple might not sell as many iPhones as Samsung, but I am not sure that really matters.

Bottom line is Apple will do its best to sell us iPhones and the other companies will try to sell us BBs and Androids. Forget the sales figures, they do not always matter and they do not always speak to the quality of the product. Best selling this or that does not mean the this or that is the best.

When one company selling just a few products can outsell a Microsoft, that, sir, speaks volumes.

I once sold cameras. No Rollei or Mamiya was as good as a Hasselblad and the Leica was clearly superior than anything from the orient. We sold very few Hasselblads and Leicas compared to the large numbers of other makes.the cameras we sold the least were the best cameras period.

I say we all win when many makers start trying to create a better phone and discussing sales figures and market share likely does not matter to most people.
FYI: Apple's iPhone sales were greater than Microsoft's sales in its entirety. Apple's revenues from just the iPhone eclipsed Microsoft's total sales. This says something.

Apple has just a few handsets while all the rest have or have released dozens of models. Apple might not sell as many iPhones as Samsung, but I am not sure that really matters.

Bottom line is Apple will do its best to sell us iPhones and the other companies will try to sell us BBs and Androids. Forget the sales figures, they do not always matter and they do not always speak to the quality of the product. Best selling this or that does not mean the this or that is the best.

When one company selling just a few products can outsell a Microsoft, that, sir, speaks volumes.

I once sold cameras. No Rollei or Mamiya was as good as a Hasselblad and the Leica was clearly superior than anything from the orient. We sold very few Hasselblads and Leicas compared to the large numbers of other makes.the cameras we sold the least were the best cameras period.

I say we all win when many makers start trying to create a better phone and discussing sales figures and market share likely does not matter to most people.

But your statement can go either way here. Your past positions seem to imply you think Apple is the one in Leica's position in your anecdote, however I am of the belief it is Android, and the only reason Apple sells as much as they do is because of brand recognition and the status symbol it has become. Don't get me wrong, iOS is right for some (you for example), just like BB is right for some, and WM is right for some. But all three of those ecosystems are so presumptious as to assume that everyone wants the same experience. Android is the only one that says, here you make your own experience. This is why so many Androids sell, not because people just don't know any better...
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