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Root The Froyo Incompatibility and Complaints List

Froyo doesn't seem to be able to play any MP4 video files. I just tried to play one an hour ago and realized this. These are videos that were previously working and played on BB 1.1 (or whatever the latest v of BB on 2.1 was). I don't know if this is a Froyo error or just some weird problem im having in my Froyo rom. Can anyone test MP4 vid files if you get a chance?

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk

No probem here. Stock 2.2 (rom manager)...clean black theme.
Slacker has been hanging up, or unresponsive on Froyo. Sometimes I'll get a FC a couple minutes after it hangs. It also just shuts down a lot of the time if I switch from Slacker to Navigation, which sux since I do a lot of driving, and the 2 things I always use while driving are Navigation & Slacker.

Beautiful Weather widget gives me random FC's while I'm inside other apps.

LauncherPro gives me random FC's while I'm inside other apps.

TiBu won't do a full batch app restore w/out giving errors.

Biggest complaint - Battery life has been terrible. Went to bed the other night w/ phone @ 80%. Woke up and the phone was completely dead. Lost 80% over 8 hrs while doing absolutely nothing. Trying a Chevy kernel today to see if it gets any better.

Despite the horrible batt life, I'm not going back to 2.1. Can't let go of my precious. Prreeeeshhussss.
When this thread began I replied that there were issues getting into recovery (that I couldn't get there unless I first flashed SPRecovery and then flashed back to ClockworkMod Recovery). Well, this problem no longer exists on my phone. Not sure if it's due to the updates that ROM Manager has put out recently or if it's because I'm now running NexBeast V 0.1 (based off of Pete's Froyo version of Bugless Beast). But I've been able to make/restore backups and do anything else that requires recovery with absolutely no issues.
My biggest complaint (hopefully i have missed something and there is a fix ... ) is that whenever you connect to the computer it automatically mounts the SD card.

I don't want that, if you have apps on the SD card, when you plug it in, you cannot access it, if your apps need to use the SD again similar issue. I know i can unconnect with the tap of a button, but i dont think it should be the default with app2sd and data on the SD card..

Also I have had issues in which I was USB connected to my wall charger..how? beats the hell out of me
My biggest complaint (hopefully i have missed something and there is a fix ... ) is that whenever you connect to the computer it automatically mounts the SD card.

I don't want that, if you have apps on the SD card, when you plug it in, you cannot access it, if your apps need to use the SD again similar issue. I know i can unconnect with the tap of a button, but i dont think it should be the default with app2sd and data on the SD card..

Also I have had issues in which I was USB connected to my wall charger..how? beats the hell out of me

No it doesn't - at least not for me... When I connect USB it pops up a screen with a green android guy on it or something weird now. But it does not mount the SD Card until I tell it to.
No it doesn't - at least not for me... When I connect USB it pops up a screen with a green android guy on it or something weird now. But it does not mount the SD Card until I tell it to.

Yea, that pops up for me, but then automatically connects without me touching connect
My biggest complaint (hopefully i have missed something and there is a fix ... ) is that whenever you connect to the computer it automatically mounts the SD card.

I don't want that, if you have apps on the SD card, when you plug it in, you cannot access it, if your apps need to use the SD again similar issue. I know i can unconnect with the tap of a button, but i dont think it should be the default with app2sd and data on the SD card..

Also I have had issues in which I was USB connected to my wall charger..how? beats the hell out of me

Anyone else noticing this? I am using a macbook but with both OSX and Windows 7 when i plug in my droid it automatically mounts the SD card
Smooth Calendar doesn't work, but I e-mailed the dev and he told me he would update when the official 2.2 update came out.

Also I don't think the Storm8 games will be getting updated anytime soon. They were just ported to the Android Market it doesn't seem like there serious about it.
I don't know if I'm just missing a setting or not but when I connect to the home dock the screen now dims and eventually shuts off. There is an option in Applications --> Development to keep the screen on while charging but it still dims. Plus when I'm charging at home on the regular charger I don't want the screen to stay on.
Did you install Double Twist player?
That is what was automatically connecting me; disabled in a DoubleTwist setting.

You know, i did have it installed. And I just realized i no longer have that issue and no longer have double twist..

That must have been it!!
One of the benefits of GSM is the ability to do voice and data at the same time. I used to use it reasonably frequently on my Centro, but can't recall ever doing it on my Nexus One (T-Mobile). Today, after the stock 2.2 update, I was on a long phone call (to my ISP tech support) and wanted to browse on my N1, since my internet connection was down - and I couldn't.
Can someone else with an N1 and T-Mobile try this:
Make a phone call.
Now try to do something with data
- browse something
- map your location
- update your RSS feeds
- (those are the only ones I tried)

The froyo power widget with brightness adjustments seems to work differently than before. Mine is set at min, about 40%, and max. The old widget just toggled through the three with autobrightness off. Now, it seems to go min, med, max, autobright. That's ok, but even when plugged in and settings > apps > development > stay awake checked, my screen will dim to the lowest setting after about 1 min. I was traveling using Maps in the car dock (not navigating) connected to power and following my location. The screen would keep dimming even though set to max brightness (and not on auto). Is there a setting or adjustment I can make to prevent this dimming?
THE MARKET! There is alot of apps that are missing from my market while running froyo. Ok swype and tapatalk pro are just a couple. I wish there was an alternative to using the market to get these things and others or a way to make em show on mine. It is really an annoyance having to switch back to a 2.1 rom and download an app, back it up, flash back to froyo and install then. Oh and in some cases, I have only found one, the new LogMeIn beta, I couldn't find it on froyo market, so I flashed back and backed it up, came back to froyo, and every time I try to install it, it reboots my phone. Really annoying. So anyone got any ideas that may fix this problem or some kind of work around. Oh and please don't say appnrain, because if it don't show in the market, that will not work. Thanks in advance for any ideas or advice.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
One of the benefits of GSM is the ability to do voice and data at the same time. I used to use it reasonably frequently on my Centro, but can't recall ever doing it on my Nexus One (T-Mobile). Today, after the stock 2.2 update, I was on a long phone call (to my ISP tech support) and wanted to browse on my N1, since my internet connection was down - and I couldn't.
Can someone else with an N1 and T-Mobile try this:
Make a phone call.
Now try to do something with data
- browse something
- map your location
- update your RSS feeds
- (those are the only ones I tried)


OK. I happened to try this at the same time that T-Mobile was experiencing a world wide data "problem". Works fine now.
I had problems with maps 4.3 but an upgrade to the baseband C_01.43.01P solved my maps issue.

My REAL PROBLEM is Google LISTEN! It doensn't recognise either of the two gmail accounts I have on the phone. THIS BITES! I MISS WHITE ROOF RAIDO!

Then there is the fact that every 2-3 days I loose Verizon Data connections. I have to go in and Wipe 3-4 times all information and then restore with Nandroid. The data connection comes back but dissappears every 2-3 days. DATA connection is a must when Geocaching!
No probem here. Stock 2.2 (rom manager)...clean black theme.

For those people saying they're not having issues playing mp4 files, how are you converting your video? To be more specific mp4 files work on Froyo but not the videos I used before I updated to Froyo. 1500 bitrate resolution 800*480 don't work anymore but 512 bitrate with a resolution of 480*270 will work fine. I hope they fix this problem.
Just installed Kangeraid 4.0.7 and solved the loss of data connection issues. However Google Listen is still an issue. On the Google Listen forums and like here. I seem to be the only one on the face of the earth with this problem.
I doubt this is a "incompatibility" issue, but there is no "Silent" feature when you press the down on the volume rocker...the lowest it goes is vibrate...wtf?

edit: I found "Silent Mode" in the settings menu but you can't get to it with using the volume rocker...ugh...good thing I have beautiful widgets and it has a button lol!

I hadn't noticed that, but can confirm it. Stupid. Volume rocker to full silent (no vib) was a nice feature in. stock 2.1. Wonder if this is a new stock behavior in leaked froyo.
I had read that others have had problems with phones having email addresses in lower case and Gmail being in upper case.

So I set up a Gmail with all lower case...

Nope Listen did not recognise the new email that I just set up. SERIOUS PROBLEM HERE 3 GMAIL Accounts and Listen doesn't recognise any of them! :rolleyes:
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