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The Galaxy Note 9 Rumor & Pre-Release Thread

All I can say to the issue is that I have a Note 8 and the Darling Bride has a Galaxy S8 Plus... and as technologically-declined as she is (bless her heart), she still has no problem holding the phone. The phones know what touches are deliberate and which are incidental. I would expect that ability to discriminate between accidental and intentional touches to improve even more.
I have to ask, if Samsung goes completely bezelless, where are the camera and sensors going to go, will there be a notch in the display?

From what I've read, and I find it incredible, Samsung engineers have figured out a way to embed the sensors AND cameras UNDER the display. I suppose the cameras would run on the same principle as the vinyl wrapping on vehicles, where whole windows are advertising (from the outside), but inside they're transparent. That's a total SWAG, of course... but it will be interesting to see if they can actually perfect that technology and scale it to production.
The S9 Unpacked event is Sunday, so we'll see how far they've come since the Note 8 went into production. Of course, Samsung usually holds back the latest and greatest for the Note series... so it will be interesting to see what the S9 features and 'guess up' from that...
8? I'm guessing you meant to hit 9? From what I'm reading, the Galaxy S9 will top $1k. I also understand that Samsung will not market the S9 Plus as the bigger brother to the S9... rather, it will market the S9 as the LITTLE brother to the S9 Plus. They're going to push the bigger screen, more RAM and better specs. I imagine they're doing that to put consumers in the frame of mind that paying so much for an inferior device makes little sense: that mindset will be very helpful when the Note9 and the Galaxy X come out.
Sorry.. my fault for messaging on a train when i was half asleep ....

yes.. it will be interesting to see how much extra the 9 is going to be compared to the 8.

Last year people thought i was talking crazy when i speculated about $1000 phones.
Yup, as I said at the start, compromising the smaller device to push people towards the bigger and more expensive one. Last year's philosophy, give people the same specs in a choice of sizes, is one I could respect as being customer-friendly. This is more typical corporate behaviour.
As long as the phone is still easy to hold and use, it makes sense: it's so much better to watch a movie or surf a site on a 6.3" screen than it is a 5.3" screen. That extra one inch makes a lot of difference.

But if you don't find the larger phone easy to hold and use Samsung are saying that you have to choose between awkwardness or lower specs. That is not in the customer's interest, only in theirs if they can push more people to choose the more profitable model.
Indeed. Let me make a prediction: the S9+ will cost more rather than the S9 costing less.

Last year showed that enough people will pay $1k for a phone. I don't expect that has gone unnoticed.

(Incidentally, I realise my posts in this thread sound a bit negative. Actually I expect the S9 will be a nice phone even if the biggest change from the S8 turns out to be a better-placed fingerprint scanner. I just dislike manufacturers only offering lower specs for smaller phones and reserving top specs for big devices).
Since the Note 9 will be announced all by itself with no other device, I don't see there being as much of a fuss over the inevitable sticker shock. I'll be surprised if the Note 9 (I really need to stop with the space between "Note" and the number... just not today) retails for less than $1089.
WHAT? A Note 9 already in the makings? But,.....but, but i just GOT the Galaxy Note 8 (lol). Boy the last time i was this excited over ANY of my past trusty androids were the Pioneer of Phablets "Dell Streak 5". Mine still works but outdated. Since its demise, i floated from device to device until my first Galaxy Note II. My GN8 is the Best. i can only imagine how much nicer the 9 will be!

And yes, i want the peppermint Stylus!
We'll see. Otherwise they'll be howling 'screengate', and Samsung replies, 'You're holding it wrong'.
As for myself, I'm not bothering, it's too expensive, no carrier subsidy available, e.g. Verizon, and I don't like paying for the name.

Or they will come out with a new version half way through and 'fix' the bezel and charge $200 more
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