I would lay odds (and I bet there are studies on it) that legalizing marijuana for medicinal use correlates with an increase in usage. It's too early to see results from Colorado's recent legalization of marijuana, but I'd lay odds that in the real world usage goes up as well.
I would have to disagree with that, in fact I would say a very, very, small percentage of people would start smoking marijuana after it was legalized. Recreational users, wouldn't change. Medicinal users on the other hand might try it if their current course of medicine wasn't working, or they wanted to try an alternative to prescription drugs.
We're way off topic here, but anyone who thinks the 'war on drugs' has been a success, is being ignorant to the facts. Its been a tremendous waste of money and has accomplished pretty much nothing.
To tie it back to the OT, sort of.. anybody with a set of eyes and half a brain can see crime has pretty much stayed the same recently and has consistently decreased over the long run. The firearms Obama is targeting are used in a negligible number of crimes. In NY last year a rifle was used in 2% of all crimes involving a firearm. All rifles, not just AR's and AK's that seem to be the focal point. Break it down to just 'military style, assault rifle, death machines' and who knows how low that number is. Close up the 'gun show loophole' where .7% of guns used in a crime were purchased and everyone can sleep better a night knowing those criminals can just as easily go a different route, but hey, it sounds like a reasonable restriction regardless of the facts so let's go with it.
This is all just posturing and its pathetic. Obamas speech reading kids letters, having kids up on the stage is sickening. Joe Biden having the audacity to say he spoke to all sides and came up with a proposal they all could agree on is nothing but a bold faced lie. The group assembled was hand picked and was nothing but a group of 'yes men' and pro gun control advocates.
I realize this doesn't have anything to do with your post that I quoted, just felt like ranting. :banghead: