I've got this:
antivirus - Problem after installion of NOD32 on xubuntu 12.04 - Ask Ubuntu
Is this answer right? I have Mint 14. I also threw out the download file.
I can't even back up with that command in the way
I did have Nod 32 working on Ubuntu 11.04. I only got it since I download for 2 offline XP
computers. What I do download are embroidery files. Every machine has its own format, but I can use any with my software. There are only one or two universal formats. This is pretty niche, but ir the digitizer is making money, I suppose even small potatoes are game. I will also download for a cutting machine. These files are usuall SVC and Inkster handles them, but the utility for the Cricut also won't run anywhere but windows
The other downloads are mainly Photoshop brushes and Adobe tutorials. There is a guy on one of the photo forums I use, he's been posting for years. If he wasn't reliable, someone would have said so. This is also niche. Anything else I can use Mint for. Designers Gallery will NOT run under Wine. There's barely a digitizing system for Macs. So I have no hope for Linux.