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The "Linux questions (and other stuff)" thread

It may be more powerful, but not in marketing. All the stuff advertised is Windows/Mac, Android/Apple/some Windows.
That tends to be the thing with most open source products. No money! :p :D

That being said, Canonical is doing quite a bit. I've seen several computers for sale online with ubuntu pre-installed.
Linux will have a hard time. If patent trolls smell money, even if wrong, they can tie up or hurt whomever they sued.
I might be mistaken here, but I think a few open source projects have successfully defended their projects from companies ripping them off. Actually, there was an android emulator that was pulled from google play store and forced to release their source code because they were in violation of GPL (or some other similar licensing).
Linux might have a music/video service like Google or Apple, but does it have the tunes the kids want? Can they put it on another device? Like DL on computer and switch to tablet or phone? If Sony has the rights, Sony can dictate where the songs go.

People want the crap. So the money will go with the crap. But some of us do have the right to run a certain OS for any reason. If I get torked with Google, I can shove all my books on a memory stick in PDA format, buy a dumb phone and use my Sony UX-50 Clie. I'll go back to using Astromist rather than Sky Safari.

In my experience, most linux users agree 100% with this. I don't think I've ever seen a linux user support DRM in music or media. And I believe a few different platforms for linux exists that sell DRM free music. :)

BTW - some Linux groups don't want to hear from you if you can't write a script. So if it's an oddball problem, they have no interest, and too bad. If you search for answers, most are pre 2010 or the question wasn't deemed worthy of notice. That is also no way to win friends and influence people.
Weird, I find linux users, forums, and IRC channels to be especially helpful. :confused:

I don't know, it's good that you're able to find something that works for you. :)
BTW - some Linux groups don't want to hear from you if you can't write a script. So if it's an oddball problem, they have no interest, and too bad. If you search for answers, most are pre 2010 or the question wasn't deemed worthy of notice. That is also no way to win friends and influence people.
Weird, I find linux users, forums, and IRC channels to be especially helpful. :confused:
Yep, that's LONG been my experience, too. From back in the very old days of only using Usenet and IRC, right up to the present time, I find *nix fora (that's a nod to our 'grammar nazi' thread :)) to be filled with helpful, nice people.
In my experience, most linux users agree 100% with this. I don't think I've ever seen a linux user support DRM in music or media. And I believe a few different platforms for linux exists that sell DRM free music. :)

Buying music shouldn't be a problem with a Linux OS, even Sony. The only exception I think would be the iTunes Store, because that requires proprietary software(unless you can make iTunes work on Wine). I'm pretty sure that no place sells DRM'd music at all now.

Buying movies and TV-shows on the other hand might be a problem, because AFAICT they're all DRM'd. Although we don't have that problem here in China with movies and TV-shows from the internet. :rolleyes:;)
My assumption is how it used to be. For me ten years ago, getting certain wireless drivers to worked involved this, that, some beer, and cussing. These days its more straightforward. Either install it...or use make, depmod -a, modprobe.
Do you mean NDISwrapper? If so, no wonder! it uses Windows drivers! :laugh:

Linux has certainly come a log way, and can do...what....90% or so of all functions now? Give or take.
I think it's important to remember that Linux in general and Linux distributions in particular were never intended to be a Windows clone. It's an operating system in and of its own right! Linux does 100% of what it's supposed to do.

Not being a Windows clone is NOT a handicap. OTOH, not being able to use a WIMP GUI that's a little different than the one that you're accustomed to is a major handicap! After all, Microsoft scrambles where everything is in Windows with every new release. Thank God we have an OS or two that doesn't hide everything to justify the price of a new edition!

I'm no fan of KDE4, but at least I can move between KDE3 and KDE4 with only minor headaches. (Do they really need to put .directory files everywhere? :rolleyes:) That's a breeze compared to going from Windows XP to Vista!

Give Linux, X.org and KDE (and GNOME etc.) the credit they're due. And notice how 2/3 of them aren't Linux...
See, this I have a problem with! Linux has always been able to do WAY more than window$. That's because of its UNIX heritage. Just like UNIX was to DOS as the space age was to the stone age, Linux is to window$. Linux is more powerful, more versatile, more secure, more stable, etc. Linux 'under the hood' can do things just with its built-in commands that window$ users can't even imagine. But I think what you're referring to is how Linux has evolved over the years, from its original very geek-oriented beginnings to its current 'even clueless computer illiterate people can use it.' I can't argue with that, but it bothers me when Linux is characterized as working on catching up with window$, when the truth is that micro$oft has ALWAYS stolen concepts from *nix...and then implemented them badly. :laugh:
:thumb: Better than I tried to say it!
By 90%, I mean there are a few games that WINE and Virtual Box will not work with.

Which I know, isn't the fault of Linux, but rather the makers of the software.
Even that's not a fair comparison. WINE is not Linux. Linux is not for running Windows programs.

I don't see any complaints from people about not being able to Install Windows programs on their Android phones...so why pick on Linux when it's running a UI other than Android?
My experience has been totally different. One Canon Lido scanner won't work even under WINE. Canon never released the drivers. That's fine by me, but it you search for WHY the damn scanner isn't working, the question comes up time and time again with no answer. The question will appear, and no one answers it. Fix it so the damn search engines find the answer, then.

Simple instructions to edit out that crap "this table is broken" that appears after your name in terminal if you don't fill out half the damn info.
I'm the only one on the computer, it shouldn't matter if I fill out the damn info or not.
I know it. None of the computer's business. I don't like to type all this info. I got into trouble in some spots for officially naming a 98 computer SH*THEAD. My personal computer, I can name it what I want.

I had a problem with Ubuntu not letting me use whatever it calls "safe mode"
It would NOT take the password that I put in when I installed Ubuntu. XP has never been passworded. I'm the only user - no one else in the family can stand my computers. I explained nicely to everyone - Ubuntu is NOT partitioned with XP. I have 2 hard drives. Ubuntu was allowed to format and overwrite a drive that had W2K on it. W2K was also never passworded. All I got was some stuff about Ubuntu being partitioned on the hard drive with XP. It isn't. It won't do me any good to mess with a partition on the XP drive. Ubuntu isn't there!

I asked a question here about removing something from Mint. The answer was for Ubuntu, and from 2010. No answer on this forum.

The first search bought up the question, the questioner said he tried to write such and such a script. He got a detailed answer. A later user with no such knowledge asked the same question. It's been ignored apparently since 2011.

I can run almost all the software I've found. I have no problem with it except whether or not it's what I want, and that's personal. However, if you buy a book for beginners, all they do is try to tell you how to get to your email and FB accounts.

If you buy a more advanced book, it assumes you want to code. I don't want to code, I just want to maintain if I have to.

About books. I think I have almost every damn Photoshop book in one version or another. What I noticed is that a lot of them don't freaking assume! Some will start out explaining to the complete novice, then advance him through the finer points.
They don't assume he just wants to stick pictures on FB, or become a total graphic designer. This is technical writing at its best. It covers the whole program. I'm using it for an example as I have the books and they prove that style of writing can be done. I've looked through B&N in town - (the library is a joke unless you like romances) and have not found a book for any Linux yet with this type of format. I'm not buying any book unless I can look through the whole thing first.

I've found a lot of the websites wind up like XDA. Very good if you have some knowledge and want more - not so good if you are a total beginner. I am also not joining every site just to see how they answer. You should be able to get a tone from the site without having to join. Join to post is just fine.
... The question will appear, and no one answers it. Fix it so the damn search engines find the answer, then.


I asked a question here about removing something from Mint. The answer was for Ubuntu, and from 2010. No answer on this forum.

The first search bought up the question, the questioner said he tried to write such and such a script. He got a detailed answer. A later user with no such knowledge asked the same question. It's been ignored apparently since 2011.

I can run almost all the software I've found. I have no problem with it except whether or not it's what I want, and that's personal. However, if you buy a book for beginners, all they do is try to tell you how to get to your email and FB accounts.

If you buy a more advanced book, it assumes you want to code. I don't want to code, I just want to maintain if I have to.

About books. I think I have almost every damn Photoshop book in one version or another. What I noticed is that a lot of them don't freaking assume! Some will start out explaining to the complete novice, then advance him through the finer points.
They don't assume he just wants to stick pictures on FB, or become a total graphic designer. This is technical writing at its best. It covers the whole program. I'm using it for an example as I have the books and they prove that style of writing can be done. I've looked through B&N in town - (the library is a joke unless you like romances) and have not found a book for any Linux yet with this type of format. I'm not buying any book unless I can look through the whole thing first.

I've found a lot of the websites wind up like XDA. Very good if you have some knowledge and want more - not so good if you are a total beginner. I am also not joining every site just to see how they answer. You should be able to get a tone from the site without having to join. Join to post is just fine.

You have several valid points here. One, really quick, is that Mint is an Ubuntu fork, which means that the Mint people took Ubuntu and 'fixed' it the way they thought it should be and there are enough people out there who prefer the fixed version. So oftentimes an answer for a Mint problem can be easily found in an Ubuntu answer for a similar (or identical) problem. To a limited extent, the same in regard to Debian, since Ubuntu (and therefore Mint) are based off Debian.

Having good search engine skills is an essential part of the computering experience. It's not limited to Ubuntu, or Linux... I have had quite a few problems over the years which only diligent searching, and many times serendipity, are the ways I could find a solution. There are also many problems I have identified where the only fix is one I invent myself. That is the way of the intermediate user.

And speaking of intermediate users, you are right-- *nix people often do not treat intermediates with the due respect they deserve. There are a numerous reasons for that, but the bottom line is that, with the exception of those sites dedicated to helping neophytes out (ex. Ubuntu Forums), the vast majority of *nix power users are programmers, who expect their forum members to have a certain level of knowledge or skill.

You have to know how to ask questions the 'right' way, which is to detail everything you have, what you have tried and the results of those. If you expect to be spoon-fed, then you will not get any answers out of them. Sometimes, you will find yourself answering your own thread. There are quite a few threads out there that I have created which are nothing more than me talking to myself about a problem until a troll comes along three years later to provide a fix for a problem I either gave up on or fixed in the thread already.

One huge difference between Open Source and Retail software development is that the Retail outfits (sometimes) hire people to translate the engineering into instructions that normal people can read. Add to that an industry of help literature to enable the average user to make the most of what they paid for. The non-Windows, Non-Apple side of the coin doesn't have that-- open source people often don't believe in making money by selling help books, it's a niche market, and those few who do can charge high prices due to lack of supply for that demand. There are too many options out there, too many variations on the theme; it's like trying to write a car repair manual for Chevy's and expecting the instructions for a Cavalier will somehow be the same for a Corvette.

Coders don't know English (for the most part, not even English-speaking coders... really, those guys need some editors), and they don't understand who their audience is, so their instructions are written either for other coders, or for simpletons.
I realize Mint is a fork - it's the date. That reply was not current. It's 3 years old. I know Mint isn't as quick to pull the trigger as Ubuntu, but I think the question involved 13. Eset has also updated. I assume that all distros improve something between issues, or why update at all? I've tried some older commands, etc and got some really strange results. Most of the time, the OS can't load some library.

The biggest complaint was the 2 hard drives. Why wouldn't they believe 2 different drives? It's usually not done? I've had 2 since I got XP. XP doesn't and never did go online unless the tech was servicing. W2K did, and now Mint is taking W2K's place (personal business). 2K was the last Windows you could buy. Now you rent. The password question is now moot. It doesn't seem to be bothering Mint.

If any Linux wants to become a viable choice of OS, changes will have to be made, even it it's just a sticky with the 20 most common questions at the beginning of the forum. People don't always need a full hand hold, just a point in the right direction.

If Ubuntu wants tablets and now in cars -- ---
I simply don't do anything in the Debian...?buntu...* family tree. You'll not get any answers from me because I have none for that branch.

12+ years ago the main difference between the leading Linux distributions was primarily 1.) BSD vs. SYSV init scripts, and 2.) the package manager. Back then I could easily support both init systems, but since Debian was the lunatic fringe of the Linux world with extremist views (the FreeBSD of Linux), I touched it once and never again. As a result, I don't do APT, period.

Now that Canonical has spent large sums of money in promoting its distro, and has reaped profits from monetizing it, I'm less inclined to support it over the distros that are still primarily community-based. I felt the same way back when I purchased Caldera, Red Hat and Mandrake/iva, BTW. Back then I expected three inches of printed manual to ship with my boxed disc set, or in the case of Mandriva, a whole lot of company-supplied info on the private Club website.

If Canonical et al. aren't supporting their customer base sufficiently, I wonder why people don't just go distro shopping, which is an ongoing part of the Linux experience IME. Re-evaluating and switching brands is a very normal thing outside of the computer software world, and used to be a big part of the computer software world until Apple and Microsoft instituted product lock-in programs, and their consumers complied like lambs being led to the slaughter. :rolleyes:

On the whole I think it's a Good Thing that the range of Linux distributions is now so broad that Linux power users now tend to specialize in certain distro "families".
Canonical's depending on Amazon. I didn't like the attitude either.

I haven't seen much besides technical in a search. I remember having to do a command line in Dos for everything. I don't think a lot of users today would want that. Canonical and I see Mint is doing it - themes, fancy screensavers, extra crap. (I use a plain grey screen) There has to be a good description of a middle ground somewhere. I want my menus on top. Easier for me to read and ignore the ribbon, bar or panel from the top. But I can find it when I want it. I want to find out HOW to put the menus on top if that's not the default.

I've been dealing with Windows drivers - crap. But when you have to research for days about which CUPS you need for a laser printer, find out your scanner isn't supported, a program doesn't like your video card and won't run (and doesn't tell you why - Stellarium did this to me), and no real help -

The only thing that HAS to work out of the box is Skype. That's our communication with kid in England. Maybe it's the only thing she can use over there on the PC. I can use Viber, the Vulcan can't. I've sat there for two days trying to figure out how to get the sound to work. No fun with no instructions. If Skype works, the the internet is, and I can at least attend to business until I figure the rest out.

But if you keep seeing stuff written like this, then make it true for a lot of people.
Linux Today - Windws: It's over
I use both Linux (PCLOS with variouasly Enlightenment, LXDE, XFCE Des, and Windows 7/8 (8's OK once you install classic shell to get a start button back). Mainly Linux, but Windows when I need Word or Powerpoint, as some documents woth lots of graphics fall apart quite spectacularly in LibreOffice 4 (Even when created there and saved as .odt's. I now save everything as .docx so I can access it in Word2007 which DOES open the documents correctly. Linux is where I have Eclipse, Java Dev tools, Android dev tools, VirtualBox, VMWare, Visual Paradigm and all the good tech stuff. I'm in Linux around 80% of the time.
Never quite understood the gripe of 'Windows 8 doesn't have a start button!' How many of those people have an Android or iOS tablet, which has, guess what? NO start button. But they don't complain then! Honestly maybe it has something to do with the years spent on Windows 3.1 back in the day but I was never married to the start button and often put my program icons on the desktop. It just seemed like too many steps to go into start--programs--all programs--flight simulator x--FSX when I could just double click. Heck the last time I had WinXP I had progman.exe running to simulate Win3.1 just to get rid of the unnecessary taskbar
Never quite understood the gripe of 'Windows 8 doesn't have a start button!' How many of those people have an Android or iOS tablet, which has, guess what? NO start button. But they don't complain then! Honestly maybe it has something to do with the years spent on Windows 3.1 back in the day but I was never married to the start button and often put my program icons on the desktop. It just seemed like too many steps to go into start--programs--all programs--flight simulator x--FSX when I could just double click. Heck the last time I had WinXP I had progman.exe running to simulate Win3.1 just to get rid of the unnecessary taskbar

You know you posted in the Linux thread not the Windows 8 thread? Just letting you know. ;)

You can find it here...http://androidforums.com/computers/628602-windows-8-a.html
And we've actually been discussing Start menus, "Metro" etc.

FWIW, I'm sure many people just don't bother with the Start at all, they just have desktops full of icons for all their software, which is not too dissimilar to iOS or Android.
I know that mike, someone once again mentioned Windows 8 lacking a start button and found a way to get it back a few posts up in this thread, so I responded to it. Honestly no gripe about 8 is as popular as the missing start button. One would expect they would never notice it and just do what they have been doing in Android and iOS for years.
Does anyone still use an email client with Linux? I haven't really used one much, though I may install Thunderbird just in case.
I've used SeaMonkey since way before it was SeaMonkey! It used to be Netscape Communicator, then the Mozilla Suite, then SeaMonkey. Then SM was basically split in two, the browser became Firefox and the e-mail client became Thunderbird, and SM kind of got lost in the shuffle. Not for me! I love it, and its e-mail/newsgroup client does everything I've ever wanted, and then some. (SeaMonkey is still being developed.)

Anyway, here's a new client, at least to me, and it sounds interesting. It is by the creator of Shotwell Photo Manager.

I'll have to check it out myself.

Geary: a beautiful modern open-source email client | Indiegogo
Looks nice, but I'm so invested in SM I can't see switching. I do try other things from time to time just for the hell of it, but never seriously thinking about dumping SM.

Just wondering: If you don't really use an e-mail client...what do you use? :confused: Web mail? :eek:
I'm another webmail user.

Since I'm on different machines, IMAP looked like a godsend to me, but in practice it's a lot for even a high throughput Internet connection to handle. And since web technology has gotten so good, I've been happy to keep all my e-mail on "the cloud".

I used to use Kmail, and still like it very much.
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