Well, here's a [really very] minor issue that has me scratching my head. :hmmmm2:
My favorite weather widget is yaWP. I'm sitting here looking at my HP dv7 and my Acer Chromebook, both of which have yaWP in their taskbars. Their settings are
identical. But look at their displays on mouse-over:
HP dv7
Acer Chromebook
The only difference is their version numbers, 0.4.1 (HP) and 0.4.2 (Acer). However, that shouldn't account for the missing map; if you look at
yaWP's page at kde-look.org, its newest version clearly still includes the map. I see nothing in its changelog for 0.4.2 about removing the satellite image.
Any ideas? (Other than the obvious: install the latest version! I'll do that...at some point.