What are you supposed to believe when your system response is markedly different from everyone else?
OK, I would believe that something went wrong for me, rather than believe that everyone else is the exception.
And for you, it was likely trying the offline install.
The RTS package ONLY was current for Linux and the core packages. Virtually everything required an update to get everything actually current.
After any new install, when online, you want to do -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
(or maybe better - instead do)
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
In that order, because -
http://askubuntu.com/questions/222348/what-does-sudo-apt-get-update-do see also
And maybe every few months, do it again. I think I do mine every 3 or 4.
If you do an offline installation and get anywhere near those commands, you're easily going to get the repository pointers tangled up.
If your repository list(s) got hosed, you can get the right information here -
I suspect that the offline installation, followed by whatever update options you tried, is the root of your difference to the norm.
And a fresh install of another distribution, online, will cure it also.