Since this is mandated and because the current cirriculem lacks much of what the bill requires, most certainly, text books must reflect what is/will be a law.
As for Mr. Milk, he did not do all that much. Certainly, very little that would be considered world beating.
The Bill was created by special interest groups to enforce an agenda. It is certainly not important or as important as teaching the basics. I say teach the basics and forget the orientation.
"SB 48 allows a tiny minority of people who refuse to keep their private lives private, to impose their private lifestyles on all school children, starting in Kindergarten. This will create a major expense for schools without improving education at all. It reduces the teaching of core academics in favor of political and sexual indoctrination."
It is a bad law all around.
This post upsets me.
My appologies if my reply is less than cordial.
There is so much inflamtory language you use in there that it's impossible to debate.
"refuse to keep private lives private" has nothing to do with anything and is just a sensationalist slur.
"sexual indoctrination" Give me a break. Indoctranation? Are they forcing them to recite the gay pledge of allegiance? Is the communist China from the 60s?
Kindergarten? You really think they are teaching Harvey Milk to kindergarteners? More hyperbole.
If you are going to try and make a point here I have to say using that kind of inflamatory and derogatory language will get you nowhere other than to rile up people already on your side to be angry at conjured imagery of "evil gay people surrounding children."
This is truly the opposite of honest, intellectual debate.
do like your point about teaching the basics. If you could expand on what those are, and what differentiates basic from something else, or what qualifies something as basic.... then perhaps we could have a reasonable debate. And I absolutely think your clearly intellegent enough to have that debate. Both you and Tommy78.
But that quote sounds like something off of a pundit's talk show, meant to incite anger -- not for honest debate.
Also, this agrument that any gay history is teaching sexuality by the mere mention that a historical figure is gay is completely paranoid.
Would you say they shouldn't mention the Martin Luther King Jr. was black?
You have to teach it all. You cant hide the things you dont like by pretending some things are "basics" and others are "agendas"
There is no free thinking when a student isnt given the complete picture.
This is the very concept that free speech was born under. If we don't allow the hateful, unpleasant things we disagree with, we've limited ourselves to forming our own honest opinions. We've limited our ability to cricitally analyze because we dont have all the information, and thus our conclusions are bound to be invalid at least some of the time.
Anways, it seemed we were having a reasonable debate before, but the comments are bordering on insulting.
Still, I do appologize if that was a bit of a rant. I'd like to keep the conversation here as civil as possible.
I do suggest this as a good place to learn a bit about Harvey Milk, but I'm sure there are more we can discuss:
Harvey Milk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
3 highlights:
- He was the 1st ever gay person to be elected to public office in California
- He was the 4th gay person to be elected to any public office nationally
- He was assasinated after just 10 months of being in office
I personally don't know much about the history of gay people or gay rights, but maybe this is a chance to see what there is and see what's historically significant.
Maybe it's a good chance to review the proposed curriculm too. Surely we can reach common ground somewhere there.