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The Philip J Fry conundrum


Android Expert
With many of us always waiting on the "next big thing" in technology, here's my question:

If you could freeze yourself for 1000 years, would you do it?

Skip over the next 1000 years of technological and human advancements and be dropped into a world of seemingly magical possibilities. Of course you'd have to leave everyone and everything you currently know behind.

Also, there are risks. What if an asteroid or humanity destroys the Earth while you are sleeping. Lets assume the freezing technology is sound and baring the above outside influences, it will be possible to thaw you out in 1000 years.

Would you do it?
Only if i had a hot cyclops waiting for me at the other end. ;)

Seriously, no. I have no desire to be any more out of place than I am already.
In a way, I would. I like to travel, and that's really a one way time travel ticket.

I am pretty happy here and I know that I would be miserable 1000 years ago, so there is some logic to going in the other direction.

But ultimately I couldn't bring myself to do it, I would not want to miss my little ones.
Yes. I would take that chance. And what a chance it would be.

Do we need to decide now or is this freezing something that happens when we die? If the latter, I say what the hell. But I often draw to inside straight, so perhaps going all in in this case is a bad decision.

We will solve our current problems and I still want the flying cars I was promised years ago.
no way for me, i am too scared that 1,000 years from now we will be closer to Idiocracy than Futurama.

thats a tricky one. One one front i'm still young so I don't have much to leave behind. no family to speak of etc...On the other hand I do not have much faith in the way society is headed now, I would hate to see how it changes in the future. I think SO's post is one of the main reasons I would be afraid, I truly think that we are coming to a point in time where your average person is advancing less and less and only the superior (wether it's wealth,intelligence,spirituality etc...) are making any progress. Ultimately i think our future will be a cross between WALL-E and Idiocracy, and thats what i'm afraid of.

but at the same time 1000yrs is a long time and most development seems to increase exponentially, and if we look back 1000 years from today we can see just how far human's have come.

ultimately I think I would do it, but i know that very last second before i got frozen would be filled with anxiety and regret.
As far as curiosity goes, I'd like to do it. What I wouldn't like, however, is knowing that I left many people behind that I care about (and they probably care about me too! Can't say for sure. :p)

I always say that if I ever become miserable and alone, I'd join the army (unless of course I am too old). If that were to happen, then yes, I would go 1000 years in the future.

If I knew I was going to die soon, I would take the plunge. It'd be hard to leave people behind, but I would die anyway. I'd do it for the excitement and the possibility of being cured in the future. Or maybe I'd spent my last days with loved ones. It's hard to tell what anyone would really do in situations like this.

(I'd also invest small amounts in lots of banks and hope that one of them would have survived a thousand years. :D)
Do we need to decide now or is this freezing something that happens when we die?

Right now. Can't wait till you get some disease they may be able to cure in the future. Can't wait till someone else in you life isn't there anymore. Step into the tube today!

I asked this same question on thumb.it and got a 45%/55% yes/no response.
Nope probably not. Of course, we all know that time travel is possible in the future - but how far in the future is the real question... ;)

Seriously, probably not. There would have to have been some pretty big changes in my current world to make me choose that.
I can't watch the dog episode without crying. I would go and I would take my dog. If I couldn't take him, then I wouldn't get frozen.
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