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The phone that hyped you up the most

Toss up between the Droid X1 and Bionic/Atrix.

I was coming from Win Mo, the Omnia 1. Getting that was just regular research. I got the Droid 1 after that. Again just regular research.

Reading forums..I learned about pre release, rumored devices. Wish I hadnt...lol. I stumbled on the Shadow, one of the early names for the Droid X1. After that I was spending many days looking and searching for info, debating about the phone...lol. I was actually excited when it got closer to release. Bionic was similar but not quite the same. Especially after the initial Bionic was revealed. Turns out the Atrix was what most of us were lusting after....and it went to AT&T...

No phones since has had me like that. Maybe because I'm no longer a stranger to pre release, rumored devices.
The original Nexus phone. In pre release leaks it was called the HTC Dragon or Passion. That's what got me on the internet and into these forums actually. I ended up not getting it and buying a used Eris until the Droid X came along. I wasn't gaga over the DX, but I did participate in the "Droid Landing" challenge when it was in Nashville. I got to hold a DX that day, and see the 4.2" screen. I was hooked! Since I've been out of contract almost a year, I follow the hype of each new Verizon phone, but nothing has grabbed me away from the DX yet.
I'd say the HTC Thunderbolt (biggest flop too- not the worst phone, but the biggest flop based on what I was expecting). For me it was my first experience with Android, and getting my hands on Verizon's 1st 4G phone was also a big hype. Subsequently, the Thunderbolt was the reason I joined the Android forums, like I said, it was also the biggest flop for me....
After hearing the specs of the upcoming EVO, I'm pretty damn excited. It has made me completely forget that I even wanted a GNex.
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