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the secret to battery life and enjoying this phone

Here is my battery life from just this morning! Why such a steep decline in battery loss?


I checked a few emails in Gmail, and checked Facebook. I have LightFlow as well. Seems very steep!!
Here is my battery life from just this morning! Why such a steep decline in battery loss?


I checked a few emails in Gmail, and checked Facebook. I have LightFlow as well. Seems very steep!!

Ya something definitely wrong with yours. Android OS should never be that high
I am easily getting 17-22 hrs of battery life on this phone with the stock battery and I am not doing anything special to save it. I find its easily the same battery life that I got with my droid OG. That includes:

-wifi/gps/bluetooth on all day
-4g on all day
-automatic screen brightness
- I only use the power widget and weather widget - i personally find widget take up a lot of ram/battery, just a habit from my droid OG
- my wallpaper is not moving
- phone set to end processes when close them and only 3 can be active
- I also swipe old apps out before i close the phone
- i have no sounds or vibrations for key presses and such

Now what did I do with the phone in this time:

-made a few phone calls - around 15 minutes worth
- txted a bunch
- turned the phone on a lot to check time
- played with settings a lot
- played with cam for maybe 5 mins
- played maybe 5 mins of games
- watched a 3 min youtube video - elmo for my son:)
- downloaded a few apps
- checked facebook and email probably 30+ times
nope , its the screen
5 hours max.

The radio doesnt help , but its mostly the screen.

I had the phone on for 5 hours of use time yesterday and was at 45%. This was managing the radio due to wifi.

This morning on the way to work, I dropped from 100% down to 89% just driving to work and using once or twice at stoplights. That took about 40 minutes. When I got to work, I disabled 4G and have been using it to text and clear emails while out of my office. I'm currently at 86%. I've been at work about an hour and 15 minutes.

I realize you say "it's the screen" because that's what your power monitor is reporting to you. What your power monitor WONT report to you is how much juice the radio is taking up constantly searching for signal. You can believe what you want to but I'm telling you, it's not the screen.
+1, its.not the screen. Thats why so.e peoe dont need to shut anything off and others do. Its all about the area you're in and how frequently your radio is searching for data connections.
Here is my battery life from just this morning! Why such a steep decline in battery loss?


I checked a few emails in Gmail, and checked Facebook. I have LightFlow as well. Seems very steep!!

Had the exact same thing happen this morning.. VERY out of line with my usage stats from Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Posted a new thread here posing the question of what all "Android OS" involved and what might have it going crazy.
i have nothing really turned off (except auto-brightness, i have the screen manually set to one tick under full). don't use wifi at home and get 1 to 2 bars of 4g. here is my battery use from yesterday. i should have taken another screen shot but it was at 40% at about the 16hr mark.


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Here is my battery life from just this morning! Why such a steep decline in battery loss?


I checked a few emails in Gmail, and checked Facebook. I have LightFlow as well. Seems very steep!!

Check the touch sounds and lock screen sounds in sound settings. If they are on for whatever reason it drains the battery more. I unchecked those and got better life.
Radio drivers??? lol

i can't wait till custom Kernals to come out :)

anyone ever use the Incredikernals on an Droid Incredible?
Idk if the radio is faulty. I have no issue with reception, yeah it is a little lower than other phones but does not drop data or anything. Maybe you live in the boonies and that is why but I am easily getting close to that with pretty decent usage....
Check the touch sounds and lock screen sounds in sound settings. If they are on for whatever reason it drains the battery more. I unchecked those and got better life.

I'll check this now. My only option that was on, was touch sounds. I unchecked it. I'll give it a try now. Thank you.
Np I just read that someone else pointed it out and said that even when phone was idle or asleep or something those two still were drawing power. I found it mentioned on XDA. Needless to say I turned mine off and it seems to last longer like that. I know still with light use im sitting at 55% life left and been on battery for 15h 42min
I am easily getting 17-22 hrs of battery life on this phone with the stock battery and I am not doing anything special to save it. I find its easily the same battery life that I got with my droid OG. That includes:

-wifi/gps/bluetooth on all day
-4g on all day
-automatic screen brightness
- I only use the power widget and weather widget - i personally find widget take up a lot of ram/battery, just a habit from my droid OG
- my wallpaper is not moving
- phone set to end processes when close them and only 3 can be active
- I also swipe old apps out before i close the phone
- i have no sounds or vibrations for key presses and such

Now what did I do with the phone in this time:

-made a few phone calls - around 15 minutes worth
- txted a bunch
- turned the phone on a lot to check time
- played with settings a lot
- played with cam for maybe 5 mins
- played maybe 5 mins of games
- watched a 3 min youtube video - elmo for my son:)
- downloaded a few apps
- checked facebook and email probably 30+ times

That is some good battery life! By the way we used to call my ex father in law and former Martial arts student Bald Bull. LOL :D
I have horrible battery life. It seems to be either a huge issue or people have great battery's.. which kind of frustrates me. I don't know what i'm doing wrong or if I should return my phone. My operating system is running at about 28% in the battery menu. Is anyone else's running that high??

I read a Nexus S forum and those people complained of horrible battery life when their phones switched to the ICS update. I wonder if it is just the operating system that just needs a tweek... Any help would be a great! -thanks.
The OP is ridiculous. Smart phones without data are not smart. I get 18 hrs on stock battery using wifi with network set to CDMA mode. I'm on a college campus to I cant pretty much be on wifi all day while im on campus. The battery issue is just that 4G and a massive 4.65 inch screen take a big steamy dump on your battery. Switch to 3G while you don't need 4G speed, get on wifi while you can, be responsible with your screen brightness and you'll be fine!

I've been a road trip this morning, constantly checking emails and messages. Used it to listen to audiobooks in the car. I was in a rural area with no 4G, so it was switching and searching the whole trip.

82% left on battery.

Make sure you do the several cycles of deep discharge, followed by charging with power off. I don't know if that's a difference maker but I did do that.
quick question..if i want to turn wifi on, do i need to turn the "data enabled" off under the mobile network settings? or can that stay on?
Dude your battery usuage is nothing compared to mine. I left home Saturday morning at 9am on a full charge. Visited family out of town for the weekend. Phone was on all weekend as well, never turned off. The phone was used quite often, in fact my brother played with it a bit to check out the phone. I got home last night at 7:30pm and had 5% left on the battery. Over 1.5 days running on the extended battery without a full charge.

The only thing turned off was bluetooth.
Everyone's experience with battery life will be different because no two people use the phone the exact same way. What some might consider moderate usage others would consider heavy usage. Everyone uses different apps, different widgets, sync different things, live in different coverage areas, etc. There is no universal cure all for battery life and no specific way to use a smartphone. If you find something that works for you, then go for it.
Everyone's experience with battery life will be different because no two people use the phone the exact same way.

Which is why I was most confused and concerned this morning when my battery usage rate was at least triple what it would normally be at work... as I described in my thread today regarding the Android OS mysteriously being a power hog for the first time since owning the phone.

Since then my drain rate seems to have stabilized back to a reasonable number, but I'm still suspicious of why it was so high for an hour or so without even using the phone for more than a handful of SMS.
The radio isn't faulty.

If you are in a spotty 4G area, then the LTE chip will continually connect, disconnect, connect, etc, which will bring the battery down.

If you are either always connected or never connected, your life will be considerably better.
Wish I knew how to bump up my battery life. Not sure how others are getting 15 hours with the stock battery. I barely have anything on this phone. I check it a lot for time but that's about it. I suppose I wouldn't have a problem with it if I had the desktop dock that I could keep it on during the day at work.

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