I never buy anything in the nexus line because of the lack of microSD slot. I bought the Asus (they make the nexus 7) Memo pad HD7 instead. I often hear said, "just use the cloud". Well I don't want to use the cloud. I would always have to have a connection for my tablet so I would have to tether to my phone. I like having my music on my sd card, and only when I'm home do I stream it from my LAN's 2TB drive.
I am nearing two years on my phone so I was thinking about upgrading but so many new ones don't have the slot. My Tablet has it but they removed the USB storage option so its only exposed as a camera or media player and therefore limited in what you can get to.
My issues with the could are speed, waiting forever for anything to download/upload despite being on fast connections and then i travel I have no connection so even if I wanted to use the cloud I couldn't.