In your opinion. A person may value a car as much as you value food. You don't get to decide how much someone else values something. Especially for the purpose of justifying taking it away.
A car is not as valuable to a human being as food is. If you just stop and think about it, the basics in life are much more valuable than the extras.
Exactly, you've decided how much the rich should value their property, and therefore it's ok to take that property away.
These inaccurate interpretations only hinder your comprehension of what I'm saying.
So, no proof then... ok, that's all you had to say.
Well, I didn't think you had any proof, but thank you for admitting it.
based in ignorance? I can work enough minimum wage jobs to put myself above the poverty line. Period. (I've actually done this prior to joining the Marines, so don't tell me it can't be done. Before I had marketable skills, I lived this way).
Sure, but what if you're not getting minimum wage? What if you have a child or two?
I didn't think you could explain how it was misleading.
I know you don't like how it sounds when it's put that way, but I would prefer you to stop referring to it as misleading, if you can't actually determine what is misleading about it.
That's just your way of dismissing something you don't like.
Still haven't looked up that word, huh? OK, just get back to me when you do.
Basic math isn't a fact, and you're not even using that. I was hoping for an example of an actual fact you've used.
How am I misinterpretting what you say? Clarify your statements.
At this point, you've made it clear it's a waste of time.
That's an absolutely idiotic statement that has no basis in fact.
I would give up food over my car, or my computer. Why? Because I use both of those to acquire food.
This is really just wasting my time now. You have to give up food or your car. You can't then get more food. You're giving it up. So, for the rest of your life, you can either have food or a car. Which one do you pick?
Let me rephrase... an opinion based in logic and reason that supports your opinion is worth more to you than one that's not.
That's true. Since I use logic and reason to form my opinions, usually an opinion using those two things will support mine, but in a more general sense I value opinions based on those things more than opinions not based on those things.
Your opinion is not rooted in either logic or reason. It's rooted in your belief that rich people should shoulder the burden because they have more money.
Almost. It's rooted in logic and reason in that I understand that when you have such a big disparity in wealth, the rich are going to have to shoulder a lot of the burden for the country financially.
Now your mincing words. You most certainly have said here, that the fact that they value their property less (or more accurately YOU value their property less FOR them), means it should be taken from them in taxes.
No, I haven't, and this is the main problem we're having. You misunderstand what I'm saying, and it's clear you do it on purpose. As I've explained ad nauseum, money that pays for a second car is not as valuable as money that pays for basic food. That's not my relative value or yours. It's how humans value things. And that fact only means that a progressive tax is a better way to go than a flat tax.
Not being helpful, is not misleading. There is nothing inaccurate about what I've said. You just don't like the sound of it.
That's not true. What's true is that it's misleading and unhelpful.
When did you say? You've been using it as justification that their taxes aren't high enough. Or, did you not realize that raising their taxes was taking their property away?
What I've said is that the more money you make, the higher your tax rate should be. That's based on the fact that higher increments of income are less valuable than lower increments.
Wasting your time? that's laughable.
Yes, wasting my time. When I clearly explain something to someone else, and you don't read it and then try to claim I didn't say it, you're wasting my time.
I haven't mischaracterized your stance in the slightest. You just don't like having it all summed up like that.
Saying it won't make it true.
I know... you prefer other words for taking something from someone involuntarily by force, but that's just semantics.
I do, considering other words are more productive and accurate, especially considering you only want to use those words in reference to doing it to rich people.
I'm sorry, statements that being rich is a privilege that we allow them, that they have to pay for... makes it seem like you don't think the rich should be rich.
I don't really see how you think I'm misinterpreting anything.
I don't really see how that makes it seem like I don't think the rich should be rich. The one statement doesn't in anyway lead to the other.
As long as they support all of society practically alone...
No, the top 1.5% don't support the rest of society alone. However, when you have such a large concentration of money in one small group with so little for everyone else, it only makes sense that that little group provides much, much more than the big group.
Well, if you're going to be that way, the actual cut-off is $8,375.
Not for 2010 or 2011. And way to just skip over the part where you were completely wrong. It's OK, your omission of that part of my post is enough. I just hope you finally learned something.
You know... you can't really talk about being rich the way you do, and still claim that you don't think they should be punished for being rich.
How do I talk about the rich? What have I said that would lead to the conclusion that I think they're evil? All I've said is that they should pay more in taxes. Sure, some of them are bad people, but some of every group are bad people. The rich aren't generally much different regarding those qualities from the other classes. Some are hard-working, some are not. Some are lazy; some are not. Some are selfish; others are not. Those things are true for every class; rich, poor and middle class.
And again, I don't think they should be punished for being rich. I don't see having them make $600,000 instead of $675,000 out of their $1 million is a punishment.
This is another area where you are just ill informed.
Banks made Billions from some of their units. That just wasn't as much as their losses from their home mortgage units.
$15 Billion in profits, doesn't cover $20 Billion in losses.
See Banks and financial companies are divided up into these nice little units where everybody does the same thing within a unit.
The fact that one unit lost tens of Billions of dollars, doesn't mean that others didn't make Billions.
In fact, those BONUSES that were paid out, were paid to the OTHER units. Everyone responsible for the mess was already gone by the time the bonuses were paid, and the people left were the people that were making the banks money. The people that the companies couldn't afford to lose.
OK, so as far as I can tell the bank still lost money, right? So, the head of the whole bank would be responsible for that, right? We're talking about the CEO here, which means he's responsible for the whole company.