Once again you prove your inability to prove wrong or contest what was said or claimed (McCoullough documented his claims too) and instead you whine about the messenger. Again. Sad."Could it get worse? Of course, this is Oilbama we're talking about! Kevin McCoullough of Townhall..."
Well, of course...what would you expect on the Townhall site?
Your feelings for Beck and Limbaugh help you justify your sexist, misogynist attitudes toward Ann Coulter? Sounds like a liberal! Once again, you certainly are sorry...."Get back to me when you have a coherent thought"
About Ann Coulter? I'm sorry, but I don't consider Coulter, Beck, Limbaugh, et al, as anything more than sources of bile, hatred, outright lies and rabble-rousing of the lowest common denominator. You, of course, are entitled to your own opinion of them.
Actually, your whining of "sources of bile, hatred, outright lies and rabble-rousing of the lowest common denominator" better describe Olbermann, Chris "I tinkled down my leg!" Matthews, Maddow, Andrea Mitchell, Ratigan, and Ed Schultz. And I really like Ed Schultz, but he is in the tank for Oilbama.