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It's showing up on the market for me, nor can I find a download link. Hopefully that gets resolved b/c this looks like a cool product.
I saw a demo video of ThickButtons, an Android Keyboard Replacement Application, at:

ThickButtons: finger text input for touchsreen smartphones

There's also a review at:

ThickButtons for Android Makes Touchscreen Typing Easier - PCWorld

Has anyone tried ThickButtons? If so, what's your opinion of it?

I know many find that sort of thing useful, along with spell checking and word suggestions, etc. I can't stand any of that. I just type as carefully as I can and then look at what I've typed before hitting "send."

Some people want everything done for them and are in too big of a hurry, in my opinion. If you need to go that fast, the abbreviations used by many (b4=before, etc) seem like a good alternative.
At least from my perspective, I have a difficult time using the portrait keyboard. I consistently hit the wrong key and have to backspace to correct. Having larger keys would significantly help me to input text correct the first time. I believe many others would find this to be a useful app.
The Official Rep at ThickButtons says the app was built for the Android 2.0+ platforms. They have a fix in the works to cover Android 1.5/1.6.
Response from developer:

We are looking into this problem now. ThickButtons is for Android 1.6+, and your phone has originally had 1.5. It looks like the Market somehow knows that you phone has originally had 1.5 version and doesn't show ThickButtons for you.

You can install it by following this link from your phone: http://www.thickbuttons.com/ThickButtons.apk
yeah i am thinking it is a protected app so it wont show up in our market, like other protected apps, running the leak.

dev emailed it to me, i see we have a link now as well...

This may take a bit to get used to, like any new input method. The different thing is, when the keys get thicker, they move a little left or right so they're not really where they normally are. I've sent a couple texts and, for me, it seems a bit slower because I'm constantly checking to make sure what I typed is what it is supposed to be. I'll give it a try for a day or 2 though.
At least from my perspective, I have a difficult time using the portrait keyboard. I consistently hit the wrong key and have to backspace to correct. Having larger keys would significantly help me to input text correct the first time. I believe many others would find this to be a useful app.

Yosef, if you haven't already, run the keyboard calibration utility. It doesn't make the keys any bigger, but it does help by showing the keyboard where YOU put your fingers. It made a big difference for both my wife and I when we ran the calibration. I'm on 2.1, the calibration is found under settings > language & keyboard > touch input > text input > calibration.
I don't recall exactly where it is on 1.5, but it's in that same general area.
after trying it, i think it is a good solid idea, need some polishing to make it really work well though. i still prefer swype...
Hi all!

My name is Philip, I am working at ThickButtons.

I just want to let you know that I have posted announcement at your Application Announcement thread.

We have also turned off copy protection for our app so I hope that should make it available at android market.

We also have users community Community-powered support for ThickButtons you can ask question, report problems and request features there. We are answering them ASAP.
I'm running the leaked 2.1 and the QR on the ThickButton site worked perfect for me.

I'm already using ThickButtons right now. Much, much to laggy to be effective right now but I'll keep it installed with anticipation for updates.
Yeah teh QR and search in market will work now cause they turned off the protection on it.

Yep... I just searched for "Thick" in the market and it was the only app to show up. Just installed. Will test it out. Sounds like a GREAT idea since I am a Big Handed guy. :)
Not too laggy for me. Works pretty well. Only issue I found so far is when I tried typing "Mike", I entered "Mi" and it didn't suggest the "k". I could still enter the "k", but it was a much smaller key since it wasn't enlarged...

I'll keep it as standard for a while...
I'm trying it now. I like the idea but I don't think I'll end up sticking with it for long.

I don't like having to go to switch to the symbols keyboard to add an ! or ?

While the keys getting bigger is nice, sometimes it moves them around too much. The problem isn't finding the keys, it's hitting the right one. They shouldn't move away from where I'm expecting them to be, it's almost causing more harm than good.

And keeping the dedicated bar for word suggestions takes up extra screen space the whole time.
Same here mj, I think it moves them around too much. Keep finding a finger hovering over the next key only to have it move enough to press the wrong one.

I'll keep playing with it, I think it's a pretty cool idea, but have already mistyped a number of letters because the keys keep moving.
mj_b90, Rrrracer If you are already typing fast on the native keyboard ThickButtons won't add much. However try to reduce enlargement coefficient, go to Language & Keyboard -> ThickButtons Settings.
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