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Help touch screen wont work while plugged in


While my charger is plugged in,my touch screen won't work? All of a sudden its doing this?I unplug the charger then it works,i always could use my TB while plugged in and charging,now it won't ?
Have you tried a different charger? I had the same problem with my DInc and now my TB but it goes away using certain chargers. I have no idea why you would all of a sudden have this issue.
i cant imagine why it would surface all of a sudden,either,unless something has just happened to the wall plug in part of the charger,causing varied voltages. every touch screen phone ive had has had that issue-with varying degrees of tollerance of being able to use cheap ebay chargers ;)
When I switched to some after market USB cords, I started having this problem. No problems when using the stock or other USB cords.
I had this same problem on my Inc, as well as my TB, using an aftermarket battery wall charger, that has a USB port in it to also charge the phone. When plugged in to the stock cables and in to a computer, no problem at all.

I'm sure it has something to do with an Ohm rating.
When I switched to some after market USB cords, I started having this problem. No problems when using the stock or other USB cords.

As folks have mentioned, this is more common than you'd think. It happened to my iPhone as well, with about half of the aftermarket USB cords I tried. Stock was always fine, as were *some* of the aftermarket.

So if your stock Tbolt USB cord isn't working, it's worth at least trying one that you buy off the shelf from your local electronics store. If one of THOSE works, it may just be that the individual stock cord you got is flaky. If the new one doesn't work either, might need to see if it's something more serious.
I had this same problem on my Inc, as well as my TB, using an aftermarket battery wall charger, that has a USB port in it to also charge the phone. When plugged in to the stock cables and in to a computer, no problem at all.

I'm sure it has something to do with an Ohm rating.

+1.... a million times.
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