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Trying To Come Up With A funny user name!! :)

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To help me troll that is!

Well... it is that time of the month again!

NO you fools!

NOT that time of the month you weirdos!


Hmmmm I am trying to come up with a LEGENDARY user name...

A user name that...when ever you hear it... or just gaze your eye balls upon it you will get an orgasm...

YES it needs to be like the second coming!

That right.. you got it!

Here are some recommendations for me myself and I... and of course ME!


These Names are copy righted and protected by the law of Stink and my lawyers so no STEALING my names... like a filthy rotten thief!

We all know that crime doesn't pay!


Capeesh? :D


  • Poo Shoes
  • Monkey Business
  • Doggy Doo
  • Phasses
  • Frisco's Mom
  • YOUR Mom
  • The Chosen One (HAHA this one cracks me right up!)
  • Ya Mamma's So Fat
  • Dumb Ass

Sigh :(

Well that is all I have right now... :(

That is all I have got at the moment... hmmm I am trying to think of something that REALLY REALLY border lines the rules!!


Can any one come up with something awesome?? :D

I like my name as it is but I am trying to think of something even better!! :D

Or maybe just keep it like it is? ;)

To help me troll that is!

Well... it is that time of the month again!

NO you fools!

NOT that time of the month you weirdos!


Hmmmm I am trying to come up with a LEGENDARY user name...

A user name that...when ever you hear it... or just gaze your eye balls upon it you will get an orgasm...

YES it needs to be like the second coming!

That right.. you got it!

Here are some recommendations for me myself and I... and of course ME!


These Names are copy righted and protected by the law of Stink and my lawyers so no STEALING my names... like a filthy rotten thief!

We all know that crime doesn't pay!


Capeesh? :D


  • Poo Shoes
  • Monkey Business
  • Doggy Doo
  • Phasses
  • Frisco's Mom
  • YOUR Mom
  • The Chosen One (HAHA this one cracks me right up!)
  • Ya Mamma's So Fat
  • Dumb Ass

Sigh :(

Well that is all I have right now... :(

That is all I have got at the moment... hmmm I am trying to think of something that REALLY REALLY border lines the rules!!


Can any one come up with something awesome?? :D

I like my name as it is but I am trying to think of something even better!! :D

Or maybe just keep it like it is? ;)

I think it is that time of the month Stinky. :p

I think you should go with Poo Choo Train.

Taken from one of the wildhearts albums. If it needs explaining then your just not worthy.






"agent stink"


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