Because you can't wrap your head around the given explanations by the experts? Is that what you're saying? Because that's how you read.
A hypothesis is, by definition an educated guess. The definition states it is a "proposed" explanation, and goes on to say "a mere assumption or guess".
There, I fixed the bolding you seemed to have looked over. Yeah, the part where explanation is part of the definition of hypothesis you just put out there for us. Like I said, a hypothesis is an explanation.
What I know is this:
- for birds to die of blunt trauma, they need to actually hit something. If you watched the video, most of the birds are laying out in the open literally hundreds of them are within feet of each other. What did they hit? Hitting each other would not kill so many of them, and the odds that that many would die from ''running into things" seems highly unlikely to me.
Just because it seems unlikely to you doesn't mean it can't and doesn't happen. I have a little experiment for you. Go out into an empty field with a friend of yours. Have your friend stand still and run at them as fast as you can and see how you feel after that. Now, do it again but this time, you and your friend will both run at each other as fast as possible. Tell us what the result is and remember, don't cheat. You might want to have a third friend who knows first aid handy. Just a handy tip.
Ok, so that would be two humans. Even the fastest human is pretty darn slow compared to the slowest birds in flight. Chances are, you and your friend would only be able to do 13, maybe 15 mph, each. So that means you're doing at most, 30mph. These birds can easily exceed that on their own, let's say about 40mph. Two birds in full on "fight or flight" response flying into each other would be about 80mph. Right now, the top speed of a human on a bicycle is roughly just over 80mph. If you stepped out in front of that person, what do you think the result of that would be? I'll give you a hint, people die from being hit by bicyclists moving much slower than that. Oh, and birds' bodies are much more fragile than ours. Just a few facts for you to mull over there.
Oh! And one more thing! About that video... maybe you need to watch it a little closer. There were A LOT of objects for the birds to fly into. The footage clearly shows a treed residential neighborhood.
- Fireworks? Okay, if that's the case then why don't hundreds of birds die every time we set off fireworks?
Again, this gets down to observing and knowing behaviors. I'm going to make you think for this answer. It'll do you some good. Ever observe blackbirds when the weather gets colder versus when it is warmer? Heck, you don't even need to do that. What happens with any population, organism, material, whatever when it gets colder and what happens when it gets hot?
And again, what makes you think it doesn't happen? Because you didn't read about it on the internet? Spend a lot of time outside and you'll see plenty of dead birds.
Just so we're clear: you support the theory that someone set off some fireworks, 3,500 red wing blackbirds over several miles were frightened and took flight, smacking into each other and then falling out of the sky, dead. Right?
Several miles? How many miles? I've not seen "several miles". Who stated several miles? Please, at some point you really should show that you know how to do some sort of credible research. You have yet to show any ability to do any research.
And as I said just above, the video footage quite clearly shows this is not a wide open area as you claim but yes, I will say that some of the birds probably did die from running into each other. It is very plausible for that to happen as I indicated above. Don't forget, your number of 3500 (I do believe the official count is higher) only includes the unlucky birds. There were very likely far more that didn't die. It wouldn't be unlikely for there to have been over 10,000 birds in the area.
so again, if so many of them were killed by these circumstances, wouldn't similar circumstances produce a smaller, but very similar outcome? In other words, if this killed 400,000 drum fish, shouldn't at least a few thousand die each time they open the flood gate?
Well, the number they provided was 83,000. So, less than 100K. And again, a lot will depend on conditions. First of all, who says fish don't die at other times that the dam gates are opened? Are you assuming that because you haven't heard about it that it doesn't happen? Secondly, seasonal behavior and conditions for any given season will have to be taken into account. A cold and wet winter will yield much different results than a warm dry one. Which means you change the circumstances. You really should take some science classes.
Still waiting
your explanation. Unless you, like me, don't know. Cows? Seals? Crabs? 2 million fish? Bring on the guesses!
Show me you know how to do some actual research on your own.

So far, all you've shown me is that you know how to say, "I don't know". Heck, I know how to say that much in six different languages!
And do you have links to these other cases or are you just shoveling out what you saw on that video? I'm going to go out on a limb here and make an educated guess that it is the latter. But hey, link them if you got them. (Just make sure you do some research to make sure they are truly "mysterious".)
If you pay close attention to the video, you can tell the most likely outcomes to some of the cases. (Especially since in one section they forgot to edit the Maryland piece so the death was more "mysterious". The answer was right on there, cold. You know, climate induced. Hey, and look at what season they're carting those cattle out in! Winter! Want to take a guess as to what probably killed them?)
No, I'm afraid to say that you've been duped by sensationalist reporting and shoddy editing. Pay VERY CLOSE attention to how that video was thrown together and how little actual information they give you. Heck, the Fox News footage even has a very well respected scientist sitting in it. How much of his audio did you hear? Sorry to say this but you've been suckered in by media fear mongering, hook, line and sinker.
what causes blunt trauma to thousands of birds over several miles at the same time?
Gee, I do believe I already addressed this. It was aliens in their little space ship. Nah, just kidding.
Let me reiterate:
I don't know what happened to all of these animals. I'm confident in myself enough to admit when I don't know the answer to something. I don't see the guesses proposed by scientists as being a likely cause to the events. I've provided the reasons behind my skepticism.
You really haven't though. Saying the reason for your skepticism is because you don't know?
I really am curious as to what you think happened to the other animals, I'm not just saying that to be a d**k or anything haha
As for the other animals, please feel free to do some work for yourself. Try to find the cases if you can and then do a little checking on those stories. I think you'll be very disappointed in the "journalism" piece you linked to in the OP.