i've been doing a lot of research as well as talking to customer service at Verizon wireless......authorized resellers......... I know one of these companies has been doing it for a long time now--a few years ago i sold a Verizon wireless smart phone--I think it was the incredible maybe--to a guy on Craigslist who called this company up and activated it on the spot. He highly recommended it and said it was mainly by word of mouth. I looked at their website then, and then last year, and recently. They used to offer GSM service but looks like they only offer Verizon service now. AND only 3G phones work.
(EDIT) : I'm removing the link just because they don't want to advertise online and attract fraudulent customers. PM me if you want to know about it. I just got my phone hooked up today.
BIG correction: they can do GSM phones
4G as well
Really sketchy looking website--i know. But send them an e-mail and they'll email you back and give you a number to call. At one point a couple years ago I believe they even had a corporate office you could go to. I've talked to a guy a couple times and have emailed many times back and forth now. They are local to me in portland, OR.
The best phones I can activate are non-3G Verizon phones with CLEAN ESN...like Droid X, X2, incredible 2, iphone 4 and iphone 4S. The guy suggested those phones himself.. telling me that I couldn't use Sprint phones, or any 4G phones like the GSIII
Anyway, I'm gonna go with a plan that gives me 1200 minutes, unlimited text, and 100mb data (I use wifi most of the time anyway) for $30/mo... TAX included. Anyway, apparently they market to corporate offices/companies, etc.
they also offer unlimited talk and text with more data like 4GB for $55/mo...not bad. esp. tax is included.
Anyway, I had little reason to doubt that it was legit
mainly because of my experience with the guy I sold a phone to a few years ago--but now I'm fully convinced it's real.
Prepaid Cell Phone Cards | Prepaid National Cell Phones offers the EXACT same thing. It's a little more convenient b/c you can make payment online instead of paypal or transfer online via Bank of A and wait 3 business days (or physically go into a branch for instant transfer).
Page Plus doesn't come out and say they offer Verizon's network, but according to Active Wireless, I will have EXACT same coverage/towers as Verizon customers.
These 2 links led me to Page plus and I realized it was the exact same thing Active Wireless was offering. Page plus doesn't seem to offer support on how to activate iphones (but active wireless will).
How to get access to Verizon's 3G network at big discounts | Mobile - CNET News
How to flash any Verizon phone to PagePlus
Hopefully I can find a way to get a rom with jelly bean on the X2 as I've heard that it's plagued with issues
Anyway, sorry if this is completely unrelated. the plan I'm talking about is not unlimited 3G.