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Root Unresponsive Soft Buttons


Android Enthusiast
Feb 20, 2012
Charlotte, NC
I know I've seen this topic floating around here a few times before, but does anyone else have soft buttons that become unresponsive for seemingly no reason?

Usually it's the home and back (if one works the other doesn't) but sometimes it happens with menu or search too.

Anyone know of a solution. I seem to go through periods where it's worse and happens more often than others. These days upwards of five times a day for ten or fifteen seconds :mad:

Bad phone?
To report back, I actually took off the protector I'd been using for the last month or more today and the issue hasn't really happened since. I'll stay posted after a few days.

It seemed to me when I tried it bare briefly between protectors that it also didn't happen. Even if it is a hardware issue, bare glass may help a lot.
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